Star Eater

Chapter 458 - 458

Chapter 458: Chapter 458

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"Be thankful I'm not as spiteful as I was in the past." He crouched down next to her. "This would've lasted much longer and been far more excruciating for you." Arthur quickly continued as his eyes locked onto hers. "It still can be. Saving you from these wounds would be simple enough." Humming, he then looked over her once more as if trying to come to a decision.

"Arthur!" Cassidy called again. "What about everyone else!? Are ya gonna just leave us here after ya kill her!? We need you, but ya can't stay here if ya murder the Priestess!"

"Would anyone be able to forgive me after coming this far? Attempted murder of your precious Priestess is so forgivable?" He asked back dully. "No. Nothing will change as I should have done this from the beginning." Arthur stated as he once again stood over Arceana's prone form. "None of you have ever stood by my side and supported me." His tone, though feminine it was turning, was filled with disdain. "Not even when I was completely justified."

"Arthur!" I cried out. "She's my sister! Please! I'll do whatever you want, but please don't kill my sister! Please! Please!!!" I begged the man.

"I could've killed any of you whenever I wanted. Easily." It fell on deaf ears. "This is the last time I will show such leniency. No longer will I care for Lestrania due to the shadows of the past." He looked down at Arceana as his throat let out clicks. "And no longer will I be tied down by those same shadows."

Raising his sword once more, many of us shouted for him to stop. None of it worked. However, a loud roar came in a very short burst, making him pause. Arthur turned to the monstrous creature approaching for a moment. Now it approached the end of the forest. As its back seemed to be as tall as Helmsforth.

Ignoring the creature, Arthur moved to execute my sister, but the creature stood up on its hind legs. Now towering over us, it let out a far louder and longer roar than previously. I had to cover my ears as the sheer volume shook the mountain. Looking down at us, the creature had the appearance of a bear who looked at its prey.

Arthur paused for a moment as his gaze shifted back to Arceana. "Eternity..." He whispered suddenly as he seemed to stumble back. "Enter eternity..."

Without warning, the man raised his sword and turned violently. Lashing out, Floyd, who was trying to sneak up on him, fell onto his back to avoid the attack. Arthur eyed him carefully. More specifically, Floyd's leg. It appeared to be healed, and Arthur thought it was suspicious. There also appeared to be a faint shimmer in the Human's eyes, but Arthur seemed to miss it as he focused on his leg. I did not.

Floyd was quickly pinned to the ground as Arthur began to look across the area. He began panting more and more. It was odd. Watching him, it almost appeared as if he was becoming feral. Things quickly changed when wounds started to appear across Arthur's body. Old wounds, from what I could tell. Blood started to pour down from him as he struggled to turn back to Arceana.

"Why did you do this?" He asked. "Wh="

Falling to his knees, he dropped his sword. Arthur's head snapped forward as his back arched. He began to vomit an excessive amount of blood onto Arceana. Mixed in the blood was a blue liquid that was similar to his energy and the lines on his body. Bringing his hands up to his mouth, he tried to stop it, but it continued. Panting in between his vomiting, the force holding us down disappeared.

Standing and running over to Arceana, I came to a stop when Arthur puked once more. However, this time, it was bright blue like his energy. His body shook as the lines on his face disappeared. Even his hands returned to normal, but not before he grabbed Arceana by her face angrily. Instead of addressing her, he looked at us as we carefully approached.

"Do you think it will matter if any of you kill me?" He asked weakly. "I'll come back." Arthur warned. "I always come back..." His breathing became haggard and raspy.

His eyes, and their unnatural symbols, faded. Silver eyes greeted us as he looked around shakily. Arthur looked like a wounded and cornered animal that was defending his prey. Huffing as blood and the blue liquid dripped down his chin, he glared at all of us. It was only for a moment before he fell unconscious on top of my sister.

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