Star Eater

Chapter 441 - 441

Chapter 441: Chapter 441

Elincia's Point of View

Dwarven Coast/Harbor City

"I don't." I confirmed, and he looked back at me. "But that's the beauty of it. I get to experience it for the first time." There was fear in his eyes at every word I spoke.

"Is it a guarantee that you'll get pregnant?"

I shook my head. "No, but it will definitely help my chances."

He was quiet for a moment. "Why me? You could have done this with someone else. Why did you decide to do it after a drunk night that meant nothing?"

"Maybe it meant nothing to you." I told him before I started to rub my belly. "But it could mean something to me in the future."

Arthur let out a frustrated groan as he started pacing back and forth. "Do I just exist to get fucked over by life every chance it gets?" He then gestured to me overly annoyed. "Literally and figuratively."

"I do not see why you are taking this so badly." I told him, and he came to a halt. "There is no guarantee that I will even get pregnant."

"Because, as I just said," Arthur began before he put his two middle fingers to the sky for some reason. "Life never goes the way I fuckin want!" He then gestured to me angrily. "Of course, you're gonna get fuckin pregnant! It'll be a fuckin miracle if you don't!" He then flinched and rubbed his head before sighing. "How long do these spells last?"

"They can last for several months, given the Elf. Since I am a High Elf, I imagine-"

He held up a hand as he immediately just nodded his head. "I get it. So, I'm going to be waiting to find out if you get pregnant for months... Fan-fucking-tastic!" Arthur said in an overly joyous tone. "This is fucking bullshit! So are these spells! Seriously, fuck magic!"

With a sigh, I got out of bed, and Arthur immediately turned around. It was a surprise to see, given how he acted when he first came in. Even more so considering what we did last night. Once my dress was on, I sat back down on the bed.

"Thank you." I told him.

Arthur nodded again as he turned back around. "Yeah." The man was rubbing his head again as he narrowed his eyes, almost as if he was in pain. "Elincia, you need to reconsider this." He told me carefully.

A sigh escaped my lips. "The spells have already been cast. If it happens, then so be it, but I have made my choice."

"That's not even true! You put spells on yourself to give yourself a better chance! You can't say 'if it happens, so be it' so casually." His fists shook in barely restrained anger. "I have no idea what might happen to you if you get pregnant with my child." Gesturing to himself, his voice trembled. "Do you realize how different I am? How truly different I am? You could die for all we know." Arthur's voice got softer towards the end. "The child could die..." Fear entered his voice.

Before he turned from me and covered his mouth with his hand, his lips trembled. My eyes widened as I could've sworn I saw a few tears swell up in his eyes. This was clearly an incredibly sensitive subject for him.

"That is a chance for anyone who lives in this world."

Snapping toward me, Arthur looked enraged. "It is not the same when it is your own child!" He seethed for a moment as he rubbed his head in pain. "Your own child is different! It-It-It-It's like comparing a random stranger to something that is a literal extension of yourself!" The man ranted before he started to heave before tightly closing his eyes. "What is wrong with my head!?" He suddenly shouted.

Standing, I moved next to him. "Please calm down." I told him gently. "Would you like me to take a look?"

He scoffed. "I've been upping my own energy continually, but it's not working. I doubt your magic will. This is probably just an after-effect of drinking with that poison still in my system." I rested my hand on his shoulder. "Maybe I'm just thirsty." Helping him sit down, he sighed. "I'll be fine. There's just a lot going on."

"Do you hate the idea of having a child with me that much?" I asked him after a moment.

Arthur moved his hand, and he looked up at me. "Not you specifically. It's just... It's hard to explain. Okay? I have my reasons." He then flinched as his eyes shut.

I bit my lip. "Maybe you should lie down?" I offered.

"I'll be fine. It's like there is something itching at the back of my skull. Almost like there's something trying to force its way into my mind."

"The poison?"

"This feels different, but my current state probably doesn't help." He replied as he rubbed his eyes. "For some reason, it feels like something is missing." Arthur started to mouth something, but I couldn't read his lips. "Really wishing someone would just kill me." He mumbled and then continued at my look. "Sorry, this is just a really shitty morning."

Sitting across from him, I sighed. "I apologize that our night together disturbed you so much." The man groaned in frustration at my words as he seemed to think about how to respond.

He deflated slightly. "As I said, it's not you; it's the situation." Then he flailed his arms out. "And it's this fuckin headache!" Arthur shouted suddenly. "And this poison, and being continually in pain, and dealing with fuckin everything else!" Arthur winced at the noise from his own voice as he held his head again, and I was starting to become more concerned.

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