Star Eater

Chapter 427 - 427

Chapter 427: Chapter 427

Arthur's Point of View

Unknown Location

I woke up with my head ringing, the sun shining in my eyes with unholy abandon, and somewhere I was unfamiliar. The rocking of a cart got me to groan as I sat up. Looking around, we appeared to be in the desert. Sand dunes surrounded the cart. Familiar faces, paired with new ones, marched behind the cart. To say I was confused would be an understatement.

"Hey, you! You're finally awake!" Kheri called out to me.

Groaning at her words, I squinted as I looked up at her before she landed on the cart. "What's happening?" A dry cough left my mouth as I felt parched.

"We're heading to the coast. You've been asleep for almost four days now. It was decided it would be best to leave sooner rather than later. We should cross the desert in another day or two." The Zugal General explained as I sat up, and she handed me a water pouch. "How're you feeling?"

Drinking half the contents, I replied after I greedily rehydrated myself. "Like I got blackout drunk and am being sold off to some cartel."

She chuckled at that. "I imagine waking up in the desert would be a little jarring. A few dwarves are escorting us to the coast, where we'll board a ship and make our way back to Lestrania. It's been an easy enough journey so far, thanks to the Priestess."

Running my hands down my face, I felt a bit of beard had grown again as I tried to wake up. Examining more of the surrounding area revealed we were in a caravan being pulled along by Elephants. Not sure why you would bring such beasts into the desert, but I was sleeping, so there was no point in thinking about it.

"I take it our crew is also in some of the other carts." I saw Harlow and a few others being transported while others acted as guards.

"The Priestess and Lord Typhon are at the front. They'll be pleased to hear you're awake." Kheri stated. "But don't worry. Everyone's here, and Queen Ventari gave us quite the escort."

"Yes, I can see that." With a sigh, I ran my fingers through my hair. "Have I missed anything important?"

She shrugged. "Depends on what you define as important." Kheri quickly gestured to me. "We think your recovery is important, but I doubt you'd feel the same. The poison has also subsided, thanks to Lady Turiel and Priestess Elincia. Because of them, your energy should be returning far quicker, right?"

Pausing at that, I realized she might be right. Bringing my hand in front of my face to examine it made her smirk. Flexing my fingers one by one, my mind began to race. It still felt hazy, but nothing like how it was. My energy had returned. Not fully; however, this was far better than I had felt since I had inhaled that poison.

Kheri sat across from me and leaned against the cart with her arms hanging over the railing. "Looks like I was right." Her smug look quickly faded as she gave me a more serious look. "Despite how everything has happened, I do want to thank you, Arthur. Without you, none of us would've survived this trip." Shaking her head, she sighed. "Not to mention that poison. If it affected you this much, I could only assume Lord Typhon, Harlow, and I would all be dead."

Lowering my hand, I looked at her. "I try my best, Kheri. People will still die, but I don't like it when my people do." Closing my eyes, a sigh of my own escaped my lips. "I'm rather sensitive to it. I know that in war, people will die, and there are times when I will be indifferent, but it always weighs heavily on me." Opening my eyes, I rested my forearms on my knees and examined my hands.

"I imagine it must be difficult for you. Actually," She started. "I can't even imagine. At your age, the things you must've been through, seen, and done." Then Kheri smiled. "I'm a little glad, though."


"Glad it never got easier, and those deaths still weigh on you. That you still carry them with you." Then she chuckled. "Sorry to bother you with something so heavy immediately after you woke up."

"I'm more thankful for moments like these than you will ever know, Kheri." I told her, and she looked at me, surprised. "We're a lot alike from what I can tell. You're just a little more reserved." Then I chuckled back. "Truth be told, if you weren't a General in Lestrania, I'd probably ask you to be my student too. You and Typhon make quite the pair."

The General blinked in surprise a few times before she smiled. "You're a good man, Arthur."

My smile faded, and I looked at my hands once more. "I've tried my best to be." A cough escaped my lips as my chest tightened a little bit. "It doesn't mean I've always been one." Clearing my throat, she studied me.

"Seems that poison is still there."

"It is." I replied with a nod.

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