Star Eater

Chapter 413 - 413

Chapter 413: Chapter 413

Rennal's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

How many days had it been since I checked in on Cass? "How did this happen?" I asked breathlessly.

Austin was asleep when I arrived, so I let myself in to check on Cass. Normally, there would be no issue except that she wasn't even there. After seeing how pale she was and hearing about her being sick, I felt a pit grow in my stomach. Moving back to her room, I used my magic to look over her bed.

It was an unnerving experience. My magic failed upon moving the blanket, so I had to do so once more with my hands. Blood, sweat, and possibly a few other bodily fluids soaked the bed. Only her blanket seemed to be clean. I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't moved the blanket myself. Her pillow had stains on it, and my heart beat faster as I tried to think of where she might be.

"Ayda." The name left my mouth shakily.

She was the only one I could think of. She and Cass have been inseparable these last few days. Even after the meeting with the Priestess, Ayda had been taking care of Cass. A few tears came to my eyes as I realized Cass had lied to me. I didn't know what it was about, but she clearly didn't have a hangover, and she wasn't sick. Well, not a normal kind of sick.

As I moved to leave and was about to close the bedroom door, a teleportation went off in the room. Backing away from the sudden intrusion, I watched as Ayda and Cass both appeared. Cass was wrapped in magic as dried blood seemed to coat her naked body. Wounds unlike anything I've ever seen seemed to swell on her skin. Almost like she had been branded.

Unable to stop myself, I gasped in horror at her condition. Both women turned to me in surprise. Cass could barely stand, and I moved to help, but Ayda stopped me. My eyes widened in surprise as I looked up at the other Elf slowly in disbelief.

"Do not touch her." Ayda told me firmly.

"What?" I asked back, stunned at the Elf blocking me.

"Ayda, it's Rennal." Cass spoke up weakly as she tried to shakily make her way to the bed.

"I am aware, but we have come to-" Ayda began but couldn't finish as Cass collapsed in front of her bed. "Cass!" Using her magic, she began to lift her into the bed.

Activating my own, I spoke. "I'll help-"

My magic was quickly canceled as Ayda's negated mine with her free hand. "Stop!"

She placed Cass in her bed as I glared at her. "What is your problem!?" I demanded.

"Rennal," My love started. "Ayda is just tryin ta help."

"I'm trying to help!" I said in a raised tone.

"You need to calm down." My Elven counterpart stated.

Gesturing to Cass, I replied. "How do you expect me to calm down when Cass is covered in blood? She's shaking, her complexion is incredibly pale, and she looks like she just returned from a war!"

Ayda glared at me. "I do not have an abundance of magic right now, so I cannot put up a sound barrier. You need to lower your voice."

I opened my mouth to speak, but Cass softly cut in. "Rennal..." Looking at her, she smiled at me. "Ayda's been helpin me with something. This is the result."

"Cass." Ayda said in a warning tone.

"It's Rennal, Ayda. Ah planned on tellin her eventually anyway."

The Elf snapped her head over to her. "That was not a part of our agreement! No one can know!"

Cass just sighed. "She's here. Do ya really expect her ta be silent about all this?"

"Forgive me if I'm not as trusting of her as you are." I tried to activate my magic again, but she immediately stopped me and glared. "If you use your magic on Cass right now, you might kill her. Stop trying to help!" She told me sternly.

"Wha-" My eyes darted between the two. "Kill!?" Whipping my head to Cass, I moved to her side but was reluctant to even touch her. "Cass, what is happening!?"

She chuckled weakly as her matted hair stuck to her face. "Can Ah tell ya some other time? We still have another session or two."

Turning back to Ayda, who just sighed, she nodded. "We should be finished in the next two sessions or so." Then she looked at me. "If you want to help, stay by her side, but refrain from touching her. Keep Austin out as well." Her attention quickly shifted back to Cass. "I need to make the rounds to make sure our tracks are hidden. I will return for you tonight."

"Tonight?" I asked in disbelief.

What were they doing that Cass had to go out in this condition?

"Make sure she gets something to eat today but keep it light. Otherwise, she'll hurl later. Water is also a must. Keep her hydrated. Once that is done, give her this." She handed me some manner of vial. "This will put her under until I come to fetch her again." Moving to the door, Ayda looked at me before turning to Cass. "Remember, you are not exactly in the best condition to talk. Maybe think before you decide to hold a discussion with Lady Rennal Bimarr." The Elf left, and I slowly turned toward the bed.

I was slightly offended at that, but I had no idea what was going on. "Are you okay?" It was the only thing I could think of as I kneeled next to her bed.

"Ah've been better." She answered before her hand found my own, and she hissed in pain. "Shouldn't've done that." Cass said after a moment.

A bit of blood dripped from her fingers. "What are you doing to yourself?" I asked in a pained voice.

Averting her eyes, she looked up at the ceiling before she answered. "What I can."

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