Star Eater

Chapter 399 - 399

Chapter 399: Chapter 399

Ayda's Point of View

Top of Helmsforth

Looking around erratically for where Cass might've gone was almost nauseating. I was doing better, but neither of us was in any condition for this meeting or to travel up the mountain. It doesn't help that the Priestess dropped such a random matter into our hands. Originally, I believed this meeting to be about my brother or Priestess Elincia.

"Young Farro," A voice called out, and I turned to see Lord and Lady Leiflan. "May we speak with you for a moment?"

Giving them a bow, I replied. "Of course! How can I be of assistance?"

Lady Leiflan smiled as she grabbed my hands. "There is no need for that, Ayda." She told me before I felt her fingers stiffen as a frown came to her face. "Are you feeling alright? Your hands feel a little swollen."

Yanking them back was a little suspicious, but I did my best to smile and explain it away. "Yes. Just a late night last night, and my magic is a little exhausted at the moment." Trying to move the topic back to their original reason for approaching me, I looked to the Duke. "Did the two of you need something?"

He nodded as his wife continued to stare at me, concerned. "Did you know about this meeting?" I shook my head. "I thought not. It did not appear as though your friend did, either." Bringing his hand up to his chin thoughtfully, he thought aloud for a moment. "Would it be possible for you to leave this matter to the Duchess and I?"

That was surprising. "But the Priestess-"

The Duke smiled. "I am well aware. However, I also know you have been busy with your own projects. Some of which include Arthur in general. That being said, your friend is a close friend of Sir Arthur. I think it would be best to keep an eye on her while we focus on the investigation."

"That makes sense." I replied slowly.

It didn't really, but it helped me in the long run. With what Cass and I started, apparently at the worst time possible, we no longer had any choice but to continue. Her running off with Sherry also worries me, so I don't have the time to sit here and debate. Although, I also don't want to investigate Arthur that much either. The Priestess has been acting off for a while too.

After a moment of thought, I gave them a firm nod. "Very well. It would be greatly appreciated if you would be willing to take the lead. I am very busy."

"Of course." Lord Leiflan replied with a small appreciative nod. "Please take care of yourself." Then I gestured toward the stairs. "I do believe your friend went that way."

With another bow, I gave them my farewell. "Thank you, Duke. Duchess. Until next time." His wife was staring at me as I turned away.

Drewes's Point of View

Top of Helmsforth

The young Elf quickly darted away as she went back to look for her friend. "What is it?" I asked my wife.

"That girl is up to something." Luthi answered before her magic activated, and we appeared back in our home.

"Something to discuss in private?" I questioned with a quirked brow at the sudden transportation.

"Ayda Farro is well known for being exceptional. If not for her inexperience, she would easily surpass both of us in terms of pure magic threshold." My wife stated as she moved to her closet.

This was sudden. "We knew that already. Alwin is also very competent, but even he knows her potential is far greater than his own. Aydalia always spoke about it in such high regard, as has the Priestesses. I see no need to bring this back up."

My wife, the love of my life and eternal partner, was rummaging around in her closet in a very uncouth manner. It made me smile as I watched her toss things aside. Not many knew this about her aside from the odd maid or two, but she wasn't one to care about appearances when she had something on her mind. I also learned to stay out of the way when she gets like this as I dodged a book flying from the door.

Soon, my wife reappeared once more with some clothing debris on her person. She walked by, and I was able to quickly remove it from her as she headed to her desk. There was a book in her hand that I assumed was what she was looking for. Just another day when I'm with her.

"Maybe so," Luthi began as she opened the book in question. "But it specifically says here swollen hands are a sign of extreme exhaustion." She told me and held up the book in front of my face as I approached her. "See!" Taking the book, she stepped beside me and pointed to what she was talking about. "It also says here magic was overused and likely on the verge of depletion."

"And the relevance of that is?"

With a sigh, she explained. "Ayda's magic is substantial, which means she's been using an insane amount of magic. Normally when she's training, most Elves know. At least those who are sensitive to magic or have been trained. But-"

I finally realized what she was getting at. "But we felt nothing. All that magic had to go somewhere."

"Unless she was casting hundreds of standard spells, if not thousands, we should have been able to feel that much magic being used."

"Which we did not." I quickly added, and she nodded.

Taking the book back, she tapped her finger against it. "It would seem Sir Arthur Pendragon is not the only one making moves."

"So, it would seem." I replied before I crossed my arms in thought. "While Ayda's activities are concerning, we should work on the investigation of Sir Arthur first. Not that it matters what we find, but it would do good to prevent a clash of powers upon Arthur's return."

"Agreed. I am worried about Ayda, but she is exceptionally intuitive and educated. Still, I will ask a few of ours to keep an eye on her. At least in Aydalia's stead. This is the least we can do."

I nodded in agreement. "Very well. Put a few on Ayda, and the rest will be compiling our information on Arthur."

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