Star Eater

Chapter 382 - 382

Chapter 382: Chapter 382

Ventari's Point of View

Dwardew Ruins

"Spread the word!" I ordered. "Find Arthur Pendragon!" Many started to scatter as I raised my voice. "Do not let his people find out about him! What he truly is," The pause in my voice got many to nod. "He doesn't want people to know! He revealed himself to us to save us! Do not let it be in vain!"

"Mother!" Vitar ran up to me as Dwar stood by his side with Lady Turiel. "Are you alright!?" He looked me over and held me. "I thought I'd lost you." My son trembled as he hugged me. "You... I..."

Holding him back, I smiled and reassured him. "Arthur saved me." I told him.

The group nodded. "We saw." My son replied. "When that magic engulfed you-" He stopped before looking at me. "Did you know he was a god?"

I bit my lip as I thought back to just moments before Arthur disappeared.

Ventari's Point of View


The Wraiths circled Arthur and eventually dropped all use of their magic. I don't know if it was because the mist was no longer there, but Arthur seemed to take it as a challenge. His orbs disappeared, and he floated down to the ground while the Demons followed suit. They grouped beside each other as the five stood across from Arthur among the ruins. He reached out, and his sword flew into his hand once more.

All the Demons eyed it carefully, but to our surprise, Arthur planted it right beside him. He waited for them to attack. Nothing happened. So, he moved forward and away from his sword. Spreading his arms out in a low manner, he goaded the Wraiths into attacking.

One tried his luck and rushed the man turned God. He backhanded it as it slammed into several buildings that toppled over. Two more tried to attack immediately after. It was brutal to watch as the man barely seemed to be trying. Arthur merely slammed his fist into the Demon's stomach as it tried to swipe at him with magic ignited in its hands.

I almost felt bad as it curled over in pain. As it tried to get up, Arthur slammed his fist into the side of its head, and it fell to the ground as another teleported behind him. Nonchalantly, he brought his elbow back into the third Wraith's face. As its head shot back, I thought he broke its neck. The second one at his feet tried to get up, but Arthur quickly brought his foot down on the back of its head. Cracks shot through the area as the Wraith's body twitched after the head was crushed.

With a wave of his hand, his sword shot forward and impaled the third Wraith as Arthur kicked at its head. The head was ripped from the body as they were launched in separate directions as the remaining two Wraiths kept their distance. Suddenly, one lunged at the other and impaled it with its arm. Disappearing into the last Wraith, I was disturbed to see the others start to dissipate as well.

Whatever magic they might've had seemed to flow into the last remaining Wraith. Instead of confronting Arthur, the magic started to shoot from its hands to the rest of its body. Almost like it was corrupting the Demon. The Wraith began to glow before it became much brighter. To the point where it hurt to look at. Suddenly, the light changed directions and appeared from above. Directly above me specifically.

A horrible screech left its mouth as the light completely disappeared. Looking up, my body trembled as the Wraith's body split apart horribly as the magic went wild. The light returned, but it wasn't just light. It shot out in every direction as an orb that was engulfing everything. Anything it touched was decimated.

"Mother!" I heard my son yell as I looked at him to see him reaching out for me.

The light overtook me as I closed my eyes and heard the destruction it was causing. Part of me expected to be dead. So, when I opened my eyes when the noise stopped, I was surprised to see Arthur standing over me. A bubble of his energy surrounded us, and I looked around to see it was the same for many others. Dwardew was destroyed. Only bits and pieces remained. The once glorious city had only a fraction of it still standing.

"Arthur." I called out to him as he changed back into a more familiar form.

He didn't look at me as he spoke. "Tend to your people and any who might be wounded. The Wraith's magic is completely gone, but it would appear there is another Demon present." Nothing else was said as a portal opened, and he disappeared.

Ventari's Point of View

Dwardew Ruins

Lady Turiel was the one who spoke. "Should we really discuss this here?" She inquired before she gestured to the palace. "It would seem Arthur has returned to the palace. Perhaps we should as well." Then she looked to one of her fellow Druids. "Do as requested and make sure no one speaks about Lord Arthur. Also, begin to aid in the aftermath."

I nodded. "Thank you, Lady Turiel."

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