Star Eater

Chapter 356 - 356

Chapter 356: Chapter 356

Arthur's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"Or I could convince them to join us."

"Taking a giant bath with other guys doesn't sound that fun to me." Typhon stated.

I closed my eyes again. "It doesn't to me either. I'm contemplating taking you back to the palace, but you might tell Elincia, and then I'll have to deal with her bitching at me. Regardless, you're not ruining this for me, so both of you will join me."

My student, being the smartass he is, just rolled his eyes. "And you don't see a problem with taking a bath with two underage boys?"

Pointing at him, I quickly replied. "Just for that, both of you are keeping your pants on, and you're walking home in them soaking wet." Then I looked at the Dwarf. "Sorry kid." Turning back to Typhon, I told him, "I hope your balls chafe."

"How mature of you." He said dryly with a roll of the eyes.

Picking up the Dwarf got him to flinch as I looked at him. "You will be our guide."

"I don't feel comfortable with this."

"Then it's a good thing we're about to take a bath. Wash that feeling away."

Elincia's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"Is this really necessary?" Kheri inquired as we ran around. "I thought the end of the meeting was about trusting Arthur."

Ventari spoke first. "I trust Arthur to win this war, but I did not want him wandering around aimlessly! He should've had guides!"

I then added, "It's not that I expect Arthur to stir up trouble, General. After all, there's not much he could do with that army at the gates. However, this is Arthur, and he has a tendency to be unorthodox. Last thing we need is him criticizing the Dwarves of Dwardew."

"I mean, I can kind of see it." Kheri said after a moment of thought. "But I do think this is a little much."

As if on cue, we heard the sounds of someone screaming. "Help! Help me!"

Part of me almost regretted that we came here for a moment as guards saw us with a woman behind them as she stared at us. Ventari herself seemed a little irritated that this had happened as well. As they came up to us, she steeled herself as I prepared to hear something foolish.

The soldiers bowed before one spoke. "My Queen, the one known as Sir Arthur Pendragon, has kidnapped a child." One of the others nudged him, and he continued. "Possibly two as there was another with him that seemed reluctant to go with him from eyewitness reports."

Shaking my head in disbelief, I looked over to see Ventari, very irritated. With my broken arm and magic out of commission, there was little I could do to aid her in this situation. The Dwarven Queen stood there for a moment in thought. Clearly, she had expected some manner of issues to stem from him going into the city, but this was not one of them.

"Do we know where he was going, or perhaps someone overheard what they were discussing?" Ventari asked with an edge in her tone.

"Something about a bath." The soldier replied.

When I say that I could not have expected that, nor prepared for such an answer, I mean it. It wasn't just me either. Kheri and the Queen both froze at that as well. The looks of disbelief were almost palpable.

Kheri was the one to speak. "A bath?"

"Yes!" The Dwarf confirmed.

"A bath!?" She asked once more, a little incredulously.

Arthur's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"See boys! Isn't this nice!?" I asked the group as we enjoyed the water.

One of these days, I'm going to learn not to ask my students questions. "I don't know. I think it's a little too hot." Especially when he's a smartass.

My head popped up from where it was resting, and I looked at him. "Too ho-" I stopped to sit up before splashing him. "You're a fucking Dragon! What do you mean, 'too hot?'" He splashed me back.

"I just think it's too hot." He replied firmly.

"Your bitch ass could probably sit in liquid hot magma! Don't complain to me about the water being a little warm!"

A water fight quickly ensued.

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