Star Eater

Chapter 346 - 346

Chapter 346: Chapter 346

Lucia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"That's quite the force ya got there." Cassidy stated as she approached us. "Wish Arthur's project was up an runnin for ya. It'd be a big help."

I smiled. "That is something Captain Greigh brought up. He wished for us to survey some points on our way. Our carriages will do for now." She looked over at Alwin and Ayda, who were talking. "How are you holding up?"

She shrugged. "About as well as Ah could be. Austin has stepped up, which is a huge help, but Ah can't help but worry 'bout him." I nodded at that. "And you? Arthur was really worried about ya. He knows how close ya were to the Farro family."

"It has been difficult. Thankfully, Alwin has opened up, and we have been able to talk. Ayda is still very quiet when I try to talk to her." Cassidy frowned at that. "My encounters with her usually leave me feeling like I have bothered her in some way." Then I smiled again more forcefully at Cassidy, but it was an honest one. "I am glad she has been spending more time with her friends."

That seemed to make things worse as Cassidy looked away from me. "We take care of each other in our own ways." The redhead replied. "Ah'll definitely keep an eye on her, though."

"Hopefully, Rennal will not mind." I said playfully.

"Rennal has been very understanding and has been checkin in on us often." A small smile came to her lips. "Makes me happy ta know she's there."

"Enjoy those moments, Cassidy." I told her. "Especially in these times."

"Ya be safe, Lady Lucia." She replied as she crossed her arms. "Ya still got Arthur's weird orb?"

Shuffling around my things, I pulled the orb out. Both of us watched as it pulsed randomly before vibrating. My smile disappeared as I studied it. Even Cassidy eyed it with caution.

She eventually spoke up once more. "Has it been doin that this whole time?" Cassidy inquired.

Shaking my head, I answered. "No. It has been happening periodically, but only for the last few days. I can only assume Arthur is the one responsible. How, or why, I do not know."

"Mmh." Ms. Reed hummed out. "Ah'm sure Arthur's fine. Who could possibly cause him problems?"

Arthur's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"Arthur, this is my son." Ventari said in a chastising tone.

"So?" I asked back.

The Queen huffed, and the Prince seemed confused at my blatant disrespect. "She means to have some manner of decorum, Arthur." Elincia informed me, annoyed.

Rolling my eyes, I shot back. "That wasn't a part of the deal." My gaze then drifted to Ventari. "Speaking of, I'd like to see your library as soon as possible."

"You haven't fulfilled your part of the bargain." The Dwarven Queen shot back.

"Not yet, but I got you home, didn't I?" I replied casually. "And, I stopped the invasion temporarily, increased your city's defenses, and saved several other towns." Crossing my arms, I looked at her. "I think I'm entitled to a portion of my reward, Ventari."

Many of the Dwarves glared at me, including her son. "That is... Fair." Ventari said after a moment. "It will also give us time to rest and recover from our journey."

I snorted at that and pointed a thumb toward the entrance. "I don't think I'm going to get a chance to rest or recover." My attention then turned to Elincia. "However, we do have some injured, and I would appreciate them getting some help." Typhon was coming down the ramp now as he helped carry a makeshift gurney. "Any doctors or medical aid you could give would be appreciated."

She nodded. "Of course." Then she turned to her son. "I'll explain once we get back to the palace."

Glancing around, I assumed the palace was the massive structure in the cavern's face. It looked out across the massive city and almost 'dwarfed' Helmsforth despite being underground. The magnificence of the Dwarven Capital almost made me think this could be an entire kingdom in a single city. Every building was carved out in some manner, but each was just as unique.

My once over the city came to an abrupt halt when the Queen asked her son a question. "Where is your father? I half expected him to rush out to meet us once he received word of our arrival." In her attempt to turn the Dwarf's attention from me, she received shamed averted eyes. "Vitar?" She said slowly after her son refused to meet her gaze.

Elincia looked at me. "It would seem we were too late." She whispered.

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