Star Eater

Chapter 344 - 344

Chapter 344: Chapter 344

Prince Vitar's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

The crashed airship was surrounded. Above was the same man who massacred the invaders. No one who was there felt confident as we stood here. However, he was our savior, and he did fix our defenses. Thanks to him, even the Druids are able to recover for a moment. A ramp came from the downed ship, and he appeared once more.

I watched as he quirked a brow and spoke in confusion. "Why are we being swarmed by a bunch of angry children?" He asked someone out of sight.

A grand insult from the man. Many even considered it a slur against Dwarves. Our height wasn't exactly news, but it got old having it thrown in our faces. Still, to be compared to children was entirely different. Those present who heard his words frowned deeply.

"Can you not?" A familiar voice called out, irritated. "Do you know how my people will take that?" My eyes widened as I finally recognized it after not hearing it for almost half a year.

"Or, I could just punt them out into the canyon." The man offered back.

A Dwarf appeared on the ramp next to him huffing. "Remember our deal, Arthur."

Rolling his eyes, he groaned loudly. "Yes, mom!" Then he glanced at me. "Don't you have something else to do besides berate me?"

"Mother..." The words barely escaped my lips.

Arthur's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"What're we looking at?" Kheri asked me as the Dwarf Queen was frozen in place.

"Small, angry, Dwarves. Specifically, one who was rather upset about us crashing into her Capital. I'd say it was a forced landing that was rather successful." A groan from behind me got me to sigh. "Mostly successful."

"Vitar?" The Queen finally whispered in disbelief.

Slowly, she walked down the ramp while our injured were being readied to move. I watched as her son, at least, I assumed it was her son, moved to the base and waited for her. Many watched on in silence while others whispered. Kheri and I merely watched.

"Three gold says he hugs her first." Kheri bet me.

I quirked a brow at her. "After this long?" I asked back. "When you get to be a parent, you'll understand. I'll take that bet."

Stomping on the ramp got Ventari to stumble forward and gave her enough incentive to run into her son's arms. Kheri immediately glared at me, and I turned away from her. However, I did peek to the side to see the Queen doting on her Prince. She began inspecting him as cheers rang out about the Queen's return.

Elincia stepped next to us with her arm in a sling. "If one good thing came from this mission, it was this." The Priestess commented.

Part of me wanted to remind her that she wanted to leave, but I held my tongue. "You gonna be okay?" I inquired.

She caressed her arm. "I am fairing far better than some others." Elincia replied. "You were able to brace the ship and reduce the damage to a minimum. Unfortunately, it is hard to stop people from coming to a sudden stop when you crash."

"At least no one died." Kheri commented.

Elincia nodded. "Our saving grace from this endeavor." Then she looked back at me. "Although, our situation is far from ideal. I have no magic, and the army here is likely exhausted. Arthur-"

"I know. This isn't good. I'm aware." I cut her off. "The army isn't the issue. It's the creature that I fought with."

I tried to transform at one point, but its endless teleporting onslaught didn't give me the time. Could've I done so anyway? Yes, but it would've most likely destroyed the ship. I've given up on hiding my other forms. They'll come out eventually, and I don't want anyone else dying from my refusal to act accordingly.

However, even with transforming, that Demon must be a Demon Lord. At the very least, something close to it. Teleporting that much without showing any signs of fatigue has to have an ungodly amount of magic. Going by the red hue covering the entirety of Dwardew, it certainly still had some to spare.

My thoughts ended when I heard, "Who is this?"

Turning back, I saw the Prince had come up the ramp with Ventari. "This is Sir Arthur Pendragon. He's the one who saved my life and offered me his aid to return." She smiled at me for a moment before she turned back to her son. "It's thanks to him that I was able to return to see your smiling face."

The Prince turned to me, and he nodded slowly. "Sup, munchkin."

There were far more heads that snapped to me than I expected.

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