Star Eater

Chapter 341 - 341

Chapter 341: Chapter 341

Elincia's Point of View

Near Dwarven Capital

"What do you mean you can't?!" Arthur demanded.

The mist started to clear slightly as light began to shine through. Not the light from the sun, but enough where we could actually see where we were going. However, as the mist became thinner and thinner, beating wings could be heard. Once the mist was completely gone, I immediately saw armored Zugal with masks in the air above us.

Horns rang out below, and I looked to see a grand army far larger than anything I had ever seen. My eyes widened in horror as I realized we were going to crash right into the middle of them. However, that was a problem after dealing with the hundreds of Zugal in the skies waiting for us. I reached my hand out to shoot out some spells, but even without being in the mist, my magic wouldn't respond.

"What the fuck, Elincia!?" Arthur shouted as he groaned in annoyance at the oncoming flyers.

"You think this is on purpose!?" I shot back.

With a wave of his hand, many of the Zugal ran into a wave of air and were knocked out of the sky. It was almost like a wall of air slammed into them. They clearly weren't expecting it, but they were expecting us. Rolling his shoulders, Arthur unhooked his sword from his back as we came to a sudden stop.

Flames started to shoot out of his sword as he pointed it at the remaining Zugal. Beams of fire burned through the sky as the flyers tried their best to avoid Arthur's onslaught. He didn't seem too impressed as they quickly fled. So, he stepped up on the front of the ship's railing and opened his free palm.

"Fuckin big ass army..." I heard him mumble before orbs of fire shot out from his hand and slammed into the forces below.

Explosions rang out, and the ship started to slow down as Arthur finally halted his assault. However, things quickly took another turn when a high-pitched screeching picked up on the wind. We turned to see a collection of black mist moving through the sky before it completely vanished.

A teleportation sound went off above us, and Arthur was suddenly in front of me to push Kheri and I out of the way. Blasts of magic burned through the deck where we stood all the way through the airship. The black mist formed into a wraith of sorts before slamming into Arthur.

"Arthur!" I cried out as many of us did our best to stay out of the way.

The two tumbled across the deck before a spell connected with Arthur's chest and launched him into the air. The wraith teleported in the air and used a wave of magic to send Arthur flying away from the ship. A portal opened where he was headed, and before we knew it, our Knight came out from another portal above the wraith. Both slammed into the deck and through it before the battle continued below.

All of us stumbled from the sudden jerks of the ship. Other parts of the ship would suddenly be destroyed, and I knew that Arthur wouldn't have let this happen on purpose. This Demon was likely a powerful foe, but I couldn't tell without my magic.

"Captain!" I cried out, and he turned to me. "Head towards the Dwarven gates as best you can!" Pointing towards the city gates, he frowned, but nodded before he started issuing orders.

"We'll crash!" Ventari shouted.

"We have no choice!" I quickly turned to Kheri. "Find Typhon. Make sure he is okay and bring him to me."

My General nodded as she headed down below, and I heard her calling out his name. An explosion of wood and other debris flew from beneath our feet as a spell shot into the sky. Moments later, the wraith was flung from the side of the airship. Arthur moved out to follow, but the two collided again as they fought to our side. Shockwaves could be felt as I saw Arthur interrupt and redirect multiple spells.

However, at the same time, lightning would shoot across Arthur's body and sword, but he was continually interrupted by the wraith. I don't know what he was trying to do, yet he seemed almost desperate. Again, a spell meant for us was taken by Arthur. He was flung across the sky before a portal opened, and they disappeared.

The wraith turned to us for a moment but was quickly distracted by portals opening all around it. Arthur's sword flew in and out of the portals as it continually cut and stabbed the Demon. Although it annoyed the Demon into teleporting away, it didn't appear to be very effective. Clashing in the skies above grabbed my attention as the two continued their fight. Unfortunately, it was getting bigger and bigger.

Even the Demon forces were exposed to the two's battle as they appeared on the ground. Screams of death and horror could be heard as explosions rang out. My gaze was pulled from the battle as Typhon came up to the deck with Kheri.

I opened my mouth in relief, but it was quickly interrupted as the Captain shouted, "We're not gonna make it!"

His words made my eyes snap to the front of the ship, where the ground was quickly closing in with the gates far beyond our reach. "ARTHUR!!!" Typhon shouted far louder than I would've ever expected.

The ship evened out and started accelerating towards the gates. A portal appeared in front of the ship, and Arthur fell out of it and onto the White Revenge. A blue energy coated the ship as we started to go even faster. The last thing I remember is howling homing in on us and us slamming into the gates of the Dwarven city at the base of the cliffs.

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