Star Eater

Chapter 338 - 338

Chapter 338: Chapter 338

Elincia's Point of View

The Eastern Continent

We watched Arthur as he stood there silently with the mangled body and blood seeping into the cracks. Arthur's chest moved rapidly for a few moments despite his best tries to keep his emotions in check. After a moment, the Knight of Lestrania turned to me.

"You should leave. I will handle things here and return when I've finished." He told us plainly before turning to Ventari. "I'll head to the capital to uncover whatever the Demons have lying in wait."

"Arthur-" I began, but I was cut off.

Ventari started shouting. "You can't just leave me here!"

"I can, and I am." He put his sword on his back as he turned back to me. "Tell the captain I'm going to spend the rest of the day resting on the ship." Arthur quickly turned back to Ventari and the Dwarves. "Unless you'd let me send them back and rest here?"

"Are-" Ventari started.

This time, I cut her off. "Are you insane!?" I questioned in a raised tone before gesturing to the dead Ghoul. "You cannot just expect us to leave you be after what we just heard! Who was that!?" I demanded. "How do you know each other!?" My arms began flailing wildly. "Do you even understand the severity of the situation!?"

To my surprise, Arthur merely gave me a calm expression. "I know this situation far better than you, Elincia." He then prodded the Ghoul with his foot. "This is nothing more than a shell. Well, it became a shell the moment she took over."

"She?" Kheri prodded.

"Dwarves, Zugal, and High Elves alike matter not. For the person you just heard speaking is none other than the Queen of Demons." Arthur stated, and my manners escaped me as my jaw dropped while my eyes widened in terror. "She goes by Thana." A Queen of Demons...?

Everything became silent once more before I raised my fingers to my head in disbelief. "The Demon Queen knows you, and specifically laid a trap for you?" He merely nodded, bored, and I instinctively raised my hand to slap him. "Arthur..." I let out as he lazily eyed my hand before I lowered it. "Did you not think to share this information?"

Gesturing to me, Arthur spoke in the most indifferent tone. "And what would you do with it?"

My nose crinkled as I narrowed my eyes at him. It was an insult, to be sure, but not one I think he meant. He was being genuine, and although I knew it was absurd, he was also right. What would I be able to do with that information? There was nothing I could do about it aside from just knowing it.

I spoke through clenched teeth. "It would have been nice to know regardless. Specifically, why does the Demon Queen want to kill you so badly?"

"Let's just say we've left our mark on one another." He then shrugged. "Regardless, none of this helps our current situation."

"I am not staying here, Arthur." Ventari told him as many of the Dwarves voiced their agreements with her.

"Do you even have the slightest idea what you're facing?" He then turned to her. "I'm honestly asking because I've never heard of the Dwarves going to war with Demons before."

Ventari frowned but held a small glare at him. "Like most others, we've dealt with them inside our borders before."

Arthur sighed exasperatedly. "If Thana is so keen on this, that means there is something here to either kill me or capture me. Neither one would be ideal, and if I fall, do you understand what will happen?"

"All the more reason for me to go with you." She shot back. "I cannot, and will not, stand idly by while my people are in danger!"

"Nor will I allow you to continue down this path alone." I spoke up. "Despite our difference of opinions, if you should take this route, it will not be alone."

"Then you both will risk everything. The lives entrusted to you and even your own lives are at risk."

I merely gestured to him in return. "Is that not what you are doing?" My question got his mouth to shut. "I thought so. We are not risking our lives or entrusting them to someone random. I believe in you, Arthur."

He frowned. "I could just transfer all of you back to Lestrania."

Ventari readied to shout in reply, but I beat her to it as I nodded. "You could, but you would have no one to watch your back as you recover." I needed more information about all of this now. "That would be ill-advised." If Arthur had interactions with the Demon's ruler, that changed things.

"Then ready yourselves. We make for the capital in a few hours. Say your goodbyes, bury the dead, or do whatever." He then opened another portal. "I'm returning to the ship."

"Arthur!" The Dwarven Queen called out, and he looked at her. "Were the other cities..."

"They were all still standing. A few had other Ghouls stationed nearby. I killed them and took this one captive. Obviously, they were waiting for us."

"I pray that the gods give us strength in the coming battle." Ventari said.

Arthur entered the portal, but not before saying, "No gods are going to help you."

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