Star Eater

Chapter 328 - 328

Chapter 328: Chapter 328

Arthur's Point of View

Over the Middle Ocean

"Doubtful, but feel free to explain."

She pouted at that. "If you feel the need to be snide, I am sure you can figure it out."

Rolling my eyes, I bowed overly theatrically. "A thousand pardons, your majesty. My Priestess, gem of Lestrania, and fair and noble ruler on high, will you forgive me?" Elincia hit me again. "If you don't stop hitting me, I'm going to spread rumors about how abusive you are."

She gasped and stared at me for a moment before hitting me again. "None will believe it."

"I'm very persuasive. I shall woo every woman, befriend every man, and become an idol to every child just so they know exactly what you are."

This time Elincia rolled her eyes at me. "You need to be more careful with how you jest. Many of us have noticed people are starting to imitate you." I quirked a brow at that. "Some of your less unsavory ways." Then she gestured to my mouth. "Especially that tongue of yours."

Crossing my arms, I chuckled. "Copying me doesn't make it my fault. People have a choice in what they do and what they say. Don't blame me for making Helmsforth a more colorful place to live."

I noticed Elincia became quiet for a moment. "Arthur... I..." She seemed to be struggling with what she wanted to say. "I never wanted to rule." Elincia eventually confessed. "Boring rules passed on by more boring politicians. The nobles are not as rotten as you think, but most of them are definitely as selfish as you have said."

"..." I listened quietly as she spoke.

"I know you have experience in this field. Our economy has never been better, the city is cleaner than ever, morale is still at an all-time high despite the recent attacks." Her eyes met mine as she seemed to be looking for something from me. "You have become a hero in every sense of the word."

Opening my mouth, I was only able to get out, "Th-"

Placing her hand over my lips, she cut me off as I quirked a brow while she continued. "My sister and I are not blind. Tides are changing, and you make my sister uneasy. Part of me hoped you were some mad tyrant whose experience greatly outmatched ours. You would take over, and I would finally be done with all this." Removing her hand, she sighed. "I know you already know this, but I used to be a princess."

"I was aware of that, yes." I confirmed.

"A title even more troublesome than Priestess, but no less of a burden. Arceana turned us into beings to be worshiped, and it worked." She stated. "For a time." Looking off into the distance herself, Elincia placed her elbows on the railing. "But times have changed. Whether it is because we are becoming obsolete or if it is because of you." She glanced over at me with a small smile. "Probably both."

"That doesn't mean you can't change with the times." I told her softly. "This world has been at a standstill. Disturbingly so. Magic has caused that. As has the segregation of the different races in Lestrania among the rest of the world." My explanation seemed to captivate her. "There is no friendly rivalry, nor is there any reason to better yourselves. Everyone seems content with the status quo."

Elincia promptly gestured to me. "Everyone except you."

I nodded. "Except me." A sigh escaped my own lips. "You don't know what this world could be, but I do." Her eyes seemed to shine as she looked at me. "A magnificence unlike anything you've ever seen is far closer than you might think. Unfortunately, it borders madness and fear itself."

Her expression turned sour as she looked at me stumped. "What do you mean?"

Tapping the side of my head, I spoke. "My memory is far better than it should be. Likely due to my energy and how it declines rapidly the more I lose. I remember things I shouldn't, which gives me an untold amount of opportunity." Then he nudged me. "That comes back to Lestrania not having everything I need."

"You want to unite the world for this opportunity you speak of?" The Priestess asked, confused.

"Yes, but it's so much more than that. More than you could imagine. If I thought I had any chance of explaining it properly to you, I would. Unfortunately, that would also mean talking about one of the subjects that I avoid like the plague." Mainly how I arrived on Crevalis.

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