Star Eater

Chapter 325 - 325

Chapter 325: Chapter 325

Cassidy's Point of View

Reed Farmstead

Shaking her head, she continued. "Runes are not something that can be generalized. Same with enchantment." Then Ayda took a small sip herself. "However, this does little to explain why you brought me here or what help you might be in need of." Narrowing her eyes on me, the Elf studied me. "Why would talking about runes be illegal?"

"It ain't just talkin about em." I told her.

Sighing, Ayda gestured to me. "I am unsure what it is you want from me, Cass."

With a firm look, I answered. "Can you put runes on a person?"

"I-Wha..." The Elf looked almost horrified as what I asked finally set in. "No!"

Frowning, I replied. "Ah know ya can."

Ayda brought a hand to her forehead in disbelief. "Yes, Cass, I am aware you can, but there is a reason it is illegal! The action itself is barbaric! Do you understand what you are asking? The amount of pain you are asking me to inflict upon you? What it is you truly want to do to yourself?"

"Believe me. Ah know what Ah'm askin."

"Do you?!" Ayda shouted at me as I expected. "You have essentially asked me to torture you for an unknown amount of time! Not to mention wanting enchantments as well!"

"Ayda." I said simply.

"No! Don't 'Ayda' me!" She shouted back and cut me off. "You have no idea what you are asking!"

After not responding how she expected, she finally waited for me to continue. "This is goin ta happen one way or another."

Ayda pointed at me angrily. "Not without me, it won't! Cass, this could kill you. There is a reason it was made illegal! This is essentially no better than all the strange things the Demons have been up to!"

"..." I didn't reply.

Her arms fell to her sides in disbelief. "What are you going to do if this goes wrong? What about Austin?"

"Ah'm doing this for Austin." I told her, and she sat down with her hands over her face. "Ah came ta you because Ah trust ya. Yer smart. Far smarter than Ah'll ever be. Ah also know that ya will be careful. More so than anyone else." Reaching across the table, I grabbed her hands in mine. "Whatever happens, Ah won't blame ya, but Ah'm not gonna just sit around and wait for another Demon to show up and kill Austin or Rennal."

"Out of all things I expected this to be about, this is the last possible thing I considered." Looking at me, she sighed and pulled away from me. "I can't help you."

I felt my teeth clench involuntarily at that response. "Ah see. That's okay. Ah'll look-"

Ayda cut me off with her magic. "What you are asking for is forbidden, and I do not have the knowledge required to make sure you live." The Elf began drumming her fingers on the table in thought. "The Temple is in shambles. Priestess Elincia is gone as well as General Kheri. My brother is... Distracted..." With a sigh, she started to adopt a nervous look. "That means that it is only Priestess Arceana we would need to distract, or at the very least, make sure her attention is elsewhere."

Realizing where she was going with this, I nodded. "Don't ya think she'd be interested in checking in on Arthur's project? Even if it's just a visit, that should give ya some time. Ah don't know what ya need it for, but Ah could probably extend her visit."

Frowning, she answered. "Both Priestesses keep forbidden tomes locked away. Not for the knowledge to be passed on, but more as a reference in case something were to appear." Ayda then stared at me. "For example, someone enchanting their body and lining it with runes."

"Yer gonna steal a book from the Priestesses just to help me?" I asked, rather surprised.

Ayda wasn't one to break the rules. Sure, she was eccentric, but the Priestesses were still our teachers. Both of us were taught from a young age as well. Although, I'm pretty sure Ayda essentially lived in the Temple at times. Being an Elf and of noble birth does have its advantages.

"I do not plan on stealing anything. Merely borrow them periodically for what we need. If I remember correctly, they do have a few tomes from Aydan the Great Sage. Part of me has always wanted to look into them, and now I have the perfect reason." She answered resolutely. "Besides, I would not say I am doing this 'just' to help you. We are friends, are we not?"

"The best." I answered with a small smirk and joyful tone.

Then she pointed at me. "Although, if this goes south, you should be aware of the consequences."

Rolling my eyes, I replied sarcastically. "Ah'm pretty sure Ah can guess what'll happen."

"Good!" Ayda said and then took a serious tone. "Because if this blows up in our face, I entirely plan on asking Arthur for succor."

I snorted at that. "Ah'll probably do the same."

"Then we are agreed." Then she leaned back, more relaxed but still anxious. "Cass, you should know that even if I find everything we need, which will take some time in itself..."

Taking a deep breath, I exhaled since I knew what she was trying to say. "It's gonna be a long process?"

Ayda nodded. "Painful too."

Taking a drink, I replied dryly. "No worse than losing my grandpa."

"I am not too sure about that."

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