Star Eater

Chapter 313 - 313

Chapter 313: Chapter 313

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Standing there as her magic lashed out, I answered. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't mean for any of 'this,'" I gestured around to her out-of-control magic. "To happen. This is merely the result of my actions and choices." She wasn't even looking at me anymore. "Those choices, and my actions, are the result of so many other choices and actions. Some I had no say in."

Moving around the desk, I grabbed her hand as the magic caused several continuous lacerations to strike it, causing blood to pour onto the floor. Ayda tried to pull her hand away, but I held onto it firmly. It hurt. Consistent, raw magic flowing into me over and over would be impossible to block entirely.

"I've lost more than you could possibly fathom, Ayda. Endured more than I've ever wanted. All of it was forced." She looked at me as her magic continued to run wild. "And just like you, I've wanted nothing more than for things to end." A sigh escaped my lips. "Ayda, I've longed for death for so long that I am convinced it will never come to me."

The Elf's magic came to a sudden stop as she looked up at me with her mouth agape. I watched as her magic receded. Ayda looked at me curiously and confused as to why I would say something so horrible.

"There have been so many that have died because of me. It's because of that that I am who I am today." My free hand moved to her shoulder. "Typhon wants to be a hero, and my goal is to make him stronger than me. Are you going to leave him? Will you leave your brother and mother?" I asked her, and she looked away. "There are people in this world who will continue to fight even if you're not there. They fight because they believe in something."

"Why do you fight, Arthur? What do you believe in?" She inquired softly. "Or are you just waiting to find the right battlefield to die?"

"I fight out of spite and because I'm petty. I've no noble goal to save this world. If it happens, then so be it, but I want revenge, Ayda." I explained. "Revenge for the people who believed in me and died because of it."

"That is your only reason?"

"It's reason enough." My statement was met with disbelief. "I'm not here for glory, fame, wealth, power, or any of that. I just want to kill the Demon Queen. We have unfinished business. I continue on for them. The ones who had fallen at my side or while behind me."

Ayda seemed disheartened at my words. "How is it that you are in charge of our entire military and only strive towards one goal."

I shrugged. "In my defense, it's a pretty good goal. Even if the reasons are petty." Then I crouched in front of her. "Unfortunately, she has powerful Demons at her side, and I need help. That's the main reason I need Typhon. He'll become far more powerful than any Dragon who has ever lived." Then I squeezed her hand. "Will you allow him to become a monster if you leave him?" Her gaze shot to me. "I won't stop him. Ty will have the power to do almost anything he wants, and I will let him do so."

"Why would you be so cruel!?"

"Are you truly asking this of the man who wouldn't let him mourn? Who didn't give him time to grieve or spend time with other loved ones?" The Elf glared at me. "Ty will make his own decisions just like how I made mine. I will inform him of what I think is best, but I will not stop him from making his own choices. No matter where they might lead him. The world is cruel, and I am a result of that."

"Did you really come here just to guilt-trip me?"

Shaking my head, I stood back up. "Not at all. I came here to ask for your help." Summoning a portal, a set of blueprints dropped out of it and into my hand. "In another time, in a familiar place, there was an Elf that was a lot like you. He constantly challenged the ways of the world and how he viewed magic. If I'm being completely honest, he was far stronger than both Arceana and Elincia are now."

Ayda stepped back away from me. "What do you want from me, Arthur?"

"I can't force you to make a decision. Just like how I wouldn't stop Typhon. If you're determined enough, you'll find a way." Offering her the blueprints, I continued. "You're a very intelligent girl, Ayda. Your thirst for knowledge is something I wish more people had. In that regard, you and I are very similar, but the subjects we look into are vastly different."

She took the blueprints and opened them, which resulted in her eyes widening. "What is this?"

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