Star Eater

Chapter 254 - 254

Chapter 254: Chapter 254

Aydalia's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

Augustus and his granddaughter were downstairs in the kitchen as Aien and I put Arthur to bed. His breathing had quickened, his face was flushed, and he was covered in sweat. Arthur appeared to have a fever. Not only that, but he was mumbling to himself and tossing about. A nightmare no doubt.

Why would he mention The Great Sage, Aydan? "Sweetheart..." I whispered softly as I activated my magic. "Watch the stairs."

He nodded and quickly did as I asked while I placed my hand on Arthur's forehead. Everything shifted around me as I quickly found myself in a cloak of sorts. Part of me was confused, but I realized this was the spell at work. My body moved without any regards to my wants.

Before me stood a High Elf unlike any other. Power radiated from her body as waves of magic surrounded me. Arthur himself seemed a little hesitant as he stepped lightly.

"Aid this world if every way you can..." It became hazy, but I was able to hear, "I pray for your sake that we never meet again, but if you want to succeed, we'll have to." Things quickly shifted as the environment changed entirely.

"No!" Arthur's familiar voice came in as he jumped up to a wall. "Secure the battlements! Hold your ground!" A wave of fire shot from his palm and into the forest like a wave.

Things quickly altered to a new scene once more as a group of Dragons stood over me. "So, here we have the King of Lestrania, Sir Mordred..." My eyes slammed open at the female dragon that spoke turned her attention to my right to an Elf. "Accompanied by the Dragon slaying Elf, Aydan Farro." If not for the spell...

My eyes flickered up as I continued to watch from Arthur's point of view while things changed again.

A High Elf identically to Lucia stood before Arthur. "Please."

"I can't, Mara." Arthur's voice answered as her hands moved to his chest.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" She inquired. "You are a King. Our King." Her lips moved closer and eventually Arthur placed his hands on her shoulders to lightly push her away. "I know you feel something for me beyond the affections of a regular student."

"I'm not who you think I am."

"Then tell me who you are." She responded.

Things quickly shifted as I felt my skin crawl as a male High Elf unfamiliar to me spoke. "How long do you think it will take?"

Before us was a city on some manner of floating rocks. Bridges extending to other parts of the kingdom gave off an impressive sight. Even with it being incomplete, you could tell that this was something that took careful planning.

Arthur's voice chuckled. "Building a castle in the sky isn't an easy feat, Elias. Give it time and your kingdom will be ready."

"It will be more of an extension of yours, my King." The named Elias bowed to Arthur. "Lestrania will forever be yours."

Arthur became quiet for a moment before he sighed. "I don't plan on staying, Elias. You and your siblings were meant to rule. Each will get their own kingdom eventually that you will be meant to manage while creating the greatest alliance ever."

The blond-haired High Elf frowned. "So, you mean to go through with it?" He continued after an apparent look from Arthur. "Sir Aydan informed me that you were planning on giving Lestrania to Mara for her to rule."

A sigh escaped his lips. "I think she is the most capable and..."

"You care for her." Elias stated, but there was no reply as the memories continued to change, but at a much faster pace.

Arthur was standing over some manner of Demon who giggled. "I will be watching you closely, Sir Mordred."

Again. "Have we found the heart?"

"How much time do we have left?"

"Would you like to dance?"

"There have been no signs of movement for months now."




"Sir Mordred."

"Your majesty!"

"His highness, the King!"

Everything came to a still when the Elf revealed as Aydan Farro was on his knees. Blood pooled around Arthur's body as he struggled and thrashed around violently but seemed to be held in place. Another High Elf I had never seen, dressed in black, place a hand on his head before being killed in a grotesque manner.

Arthur quickly engaged the High Elf in a form of combat that was so intense that I was barely able to understand what was happening. Screams could be heard as I saw a mist of sorts traveling throughout the floating kingdom from before. However, it was actually completed this time. That didn't save the people down there screaming as Arthur tried his best to fight the High Elf.

Memories flashed by again which revealed the High Elf in Arthur's grasp with a build up of magic. Her form became grotesque as skin started to drip from her features. The High Elf was struggling to break free as a wave of magic unlike anything I had ever seen blinded me. Only Arthur's animalistic howl seemed to echo in the blinding light.

Breaking away from Arthur's spot on his bed in the Reed Family home, I stumbled away from him with my breathing. My hands struggled to grab onto anything to center myself. No one's mind is that powerful. Not to mention the nightmares. No. They weren't nightmares.

"Memories." I said breathlessly.

"What did ya do!?" An angry voice cut in and I turned to see Aien looking at me concerned while Augustus was glaring daggers at me.

Barely being able to stand, I gestured to Arthur. "Did you know about this!?" I asked back. "Did you know about him!?"

"Cassidy, go to yer room." The girl looked like she wanted to object, but Augustus slammed his cane into the floor. "Now!" She scurried off unsurely as he glared at me. "You are now unwelcome in this home."

"Augustus," Aien began, but stopped as the old Human pointed his walking stick at me.

"What're ya gonna do when Ah tell Arthur about this?" He asked and my eyes widened. "What do ya think he's gonna do?"

My gaze shot to the sleeping form as I felt my blood run cold. "I-"

"Ya need ta leave and ya need ta leave now." Weakly nodding, I started to move as he continued. "Pray Ah can calm him down, but Ah'd suggest keeping anything ya saw ta yerself."

Aien held my hand gently and prepared to teleport, but before he did, I looked at Augustus. "Just answer one question for me." He gave me a sideways glance. "Did you know about him?"

Augustus held my gaze for a moment before he spoke once more. "Leave." I received no answer.

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