Star Eater

Chapter 249 - 249

Chapter 249: Chapter 249

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

I opened a portal that returned us down to the Redd Family Farmstead. All of us were quiet as we went inside. Austin ran upstairs to help get my room ready while Cassidy had a few more errands to run. That left Augustus and me alone. Relocating to the kitchen, we sat down in our usual spots as the elderly man readied some tea.

Covering my eyes with one hand, I heard him speak. "How're ya doin, Arthur? Really?" He asked earnestly.

"Not good." Lowering my hand, I saw a concerned look on his face. "My mind is in turmoil, and I'm doing my best to hide it, but my emotions are running rampant right now."

"And that's cause yer energy levels directly affect yer mind, correct?" I nodded. "Which explains why yer actin out more than usual."

"I'm acting out more than usual because I almost killed the Vithari Queen along with Alwin." My eyes met his. "Heard there was some manner of dispute about what to do with me while I was out." Augustus frowned. "With a frayed mind, I almost acted on impulse. Thankfully, Lucia was there to distract me."

He leaned in after taking a sip. "Have ya ever thought about tellin' her? That girl has looked everywhere for clues about her parents." Gesturing to me, he continued to whisper. "It's clear ya care about her, and Cassidy has noticed as well. Chances are Lady Lucia has as well. Yer not bein careful."

Holding up my nub, I glared at him. "This was from being careful!" My voice had raised, and I caught myself before calming myself down. "Look, I'm doing what I think is best."

Augustus nodded at that and leaned back. "That's all we can do." Swirling his drink around, the elderly man was quiet for a moment. "Thank you, Arthur." At my raised brow, he clarified. "Cassidy told me what ya did. Shoving her out of the way with the last of yer strength..." Pointing at my arm, a few tears came to the man's eyes. "Not many would be willing ta make that kind of sacrifice."

This clearly meant a lot to him. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Cass means a lot to me and has done more than most to help me. Ziah even told me she made sure Ty wouldn't get involved during the little episode that occurred in my unconscious state. She didn't know what was happening, but she realized something wasn't right." I explained. "Did she tell you they declared me dead?"

"She did," Augustus answered with pursed lips as he studied me. "Clearly, they were wrong."

"No. They weren't." My hand came up to my nub. "It's not the first time I've died and come back, but I never expected to come back incomplete." Soon enough, my nerves got to me. "I'm cursed, Reed. I can't die, and if I do, you heard what happens." Then I gestured to my missing arm. "But this... This terrifies me. When I died the first time, my body was put back together. If that no longer happens, can you imagine the torture I would be subjected to if I was ever to be rendered helpless?"

The old man looked at me confused. "You've died before?" I nodded.

"Not that I should've told you that." Then I gestured to my head. "I'm not all here at the moment." Then I placed my hand on my mug. "A being of unfathomable power cursed me. She wasn't very nice when I met her and from what I've heard, she interfered recently when I died." Shaking my head, I chuckled. "It was her that repelled the Demon forces, not me." Then I shrugged. "At least, that's what I think. I don't know for sure."

"Do ya have any idea how disturbin it is ta hear that?" Augustus asked me.

"Imagine how I feel." I scoffed. "That shit is constantly hanging over my head." A weak chuckle escaped my lips. "Did you know that people are calling me a hero? Like I actually did something worth a damn..."

The old man sighed. "Ya can't blame yourself for everyt-"

Bitterly, I cut him off. "Watch me."

"Ah know things haven't gone yer way. Ya've kept a lot ta yourself, but Ah think they're right. Ya are a hero. A hero who saved my Cassidy." He stated. "And even though it was unintentional, ya did have a hand in saving Helmsforth." Augustus smiled at me. "Yer a hero. Ah just wish ya'd realize that."

"I can't be what everyone wants me to be, Reed." I told him and his smile vanished. "When I realized how many Demon Lords are actually out there, it finally hit me that I am truly alone in this coming battle." Leaning back, my body slumped in the chair. "There are no rulers of old to aid me. No powerful magic user to stand by my side." My mind raced as images of my three guardians came to mind, but they were keeping the heart safe, and I sighed. "Odds are I'm going to die again and wind up missing more than just an arm..."

"That's not something ta joke about."

"Does it look like I'm joking?" I asked back.

"You'll think of somethin. Ya always do."

Closing my eyes, I smirked. "I suppose I have no choice, but first, I need to recover more of my energy. It'd help if I had my sword."

Reed smirked back. "Ah suppose that's somethin that won't be too hard ta take care of." He leaned in with a knowing look. "Ya already know where it is, don't ya?"

Opening a portal to my side and above us, my sword fell out into my remaining hand. "I might have a sneaking suspicion." Augustus chuckled at that. "It's good to have this back. Never feel quite right without it."

"That sword special?"

"Given its color coordination, I'm going to say yes."

Raising his tea, Augustus chuckled. "All hail the king and his weird lookin sword."

Rolling my eyes, I shot back. "You're weird looking! Fix your wrinkles!"

"Wrinkles are a sign of wisdom."

"I got wrinkles on my nut-sac. How wise can it be?" Augustus guffawed loudly right as Austin entered the kitchen.

"What'd Ah miss?" The boy inquired.

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