Star Eater

Chapter 244 - 244

Chapter 244: Chapter 244

Greigh's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

How is it that the General always makes some manner of twisted sense? Not that anyone would've been daring enough to say what he did out loud. Especially given how disturbing it usually is. Unfortunately, Arthur tends to have little to no patience when dealing with royalty and never cares about them knowing how he feels.

Truth and insults led us here as the Vithari Queen glared at Arthur. "I pray Davost finds you one day." Queen Ventari seethed.

Immediately groaning on the inside, the smirk that appeared on Arthur's face made me frown. "It's been a long time since someone's mentioned her!" Then he gave a dismissive wave. "Already met her once. Wasn't impressed. Mean more than anything else, really."

"Wha-" The Queen stuttered out in shock.

Who other than Arthur would make such claims? "But at least I'm here!" He continued as he put his arm out and gestured to himself. "At least I actually do things." Then he started making a shooing gesture. "Not like all those gods and goddesses that just watch." Turning to me, he quirked a brow. "Why hasn't anyone else really mentioned Davost near me? Do you know?"

"Aside from you immediately mocking the deities we worship?" I questioned back, and he just gave me an 'Ah' in return. "It quickly spread not to talk to you about gods or goddesses in your presence since it mostly just upsets people."

"It upsets me too!" Arthur immediately shot back. "Why worship someone who never answers or does anything to help! Davost gave me warnings and riddles the last time we talked! How helpful is that!?" Then he raised a finger. "But I would love to run into her again. I bet I could get some more answers out of her next time." Before I could respond, he turned back to the Queen. "Anyone else you worship that I could possibly find? There's a certain library I'm trying to find, but a lack of magic is making it a little more difficult for me than I'd like to admit."

"Blasphemy! What kind of man insults the Goddess and then goes on to talk about a library!?" The Queen demanded.

I just sighed, knowing that the response would be less than savory. "In your entire life, have you ever had a legitimate response from a god or goddess?" Arthur inquired, and the Queen's glare grew. "I thought not but let's see if we can force one."

As he threw his head back, I tried to stop him. "Sir Arthur, I don't think-"

"To any god or goddess that gives a flying fuck, answer this poor mortal soul, or else I will curse your very existence! Smite me here and now to prevent further blasphemy from occurring! Otherwise, I will blaspheme up and down this mountain for the sheer joy of calling you all a bunch of lazy assholes!" Closing my eyes as Arthur shouted this rather loudly, he waited with his head back and arm out. "No? Not a single taker!?"

"I was wrong about you, Sir. You are worse than a monster." The Queen stated as I opened my eyes to see her shaking in rage.

"Well, thank whatever god for that cause I'm actually here doing something. Can you imagine if I had the title of 'God' and had to loiter about?" Arthur shook his head. "Thankfully, that isn't the case, and I can actually help people. Thank me for me, right, Greigh?"

I replied dully. "You're truly an inspiration, Sir Arthur."

The Queen merely pointed at our Knight. "How strong do you think you are that you could dare challenge a god!?"

Arthur merely stood tall with a blank look on his face for a moment. "That's probably the best question you've asked." His face quickly contorted again as his magic flared all around us. "Shall we put it to the test?"

Cassidy's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

I was currently with Ziah going through Arthur's stuff at his mansion. Apparently, he ordered her to grab him a few personal belongings. Clothes, scrolls, documents, and a few other items that he shouldn't need right now.

A sigh escaped my lips as we moved throughout his home. Almost the entire upstairs, aside from his room, looked filthy. The halls were dark and dusty, while many of the doors had likely been shut since he was given this home. Even downstairs was in a similar state. More rooms were used, but neither of the wings had been utilized. Arthur lived in a small castle, and he barely used any of it.

"Do ya think Arthur's doin okay?" I finally asked as we moved about his room getting some clothes.

"Considering some of the first words out of his mouth were, 'Fuck it! Let's go find a pool.' I'm sure he's doing much better." Ziah replied dryly, which made me snort in amusement. "As for his wounds... They're still there, but the blood is evaporating like it usually does when it hits Sir Arthur's skin."

Shaking my head, I sighed. "It's weird that we consider that a good thing."

Ziah shrugged. "I've learned it's better to listen to the General than question him. Even when you do question him, his logic is reasonable. Even if it is a little twisted." She sighed and continued. "However, does it really matter after everything he's done? The battlements are complete, and our forces have successfully transferred to their new posts, which took the pressure off the Captain."

"He's really changed a lot, hasn't he?" I asked.

She nodded in agreement. "With Arthur here, Helmsforth is safer than ever before. The Outskirts and The Slums have really been cleaned up while still undergoing renovations. More people are out and about on a regular basis with the atmosphere being joyous or at ease." Turning to me, Ziah smiled. "The people know it's Arthur who's been behind all these changes and has been the one funding all the projects."

A frown came to my lips. "Ah guess without havin ta deal with the Elven Nobles, things got easier ta fix, huh?"

Before she could answer, a wave washed over us, and my eyes barely had any time to widen as I fell to my knees. Almost like a pressure was pressing down on me and keeping me from rising, I was able to stay upright, but just barely. There was even a creaking of the house from all around us before it lightened up and shot out into the Hollow Forest like a wave.

The two of us eyed each other before we ran from the house, and Ziah took to the sky with me in tow.

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