Star Eater

Chapter 220 - 220

Chapter 220: Chapter 220

Arthur's Point of View

The Island

"It certainly might be." He then gestured to himself. "My name is Credo. This is my brother, Pestilence." The horned one introduced himself before motioning to his bandaged companion.

"Arthur Pendragon."

"Arthur?" Pestilence finally spoke. "I thought you went by-"

Quickly cutting him off, I glared slightly. "Arthur is what I go by."

The two glanced at one another. "Whatever you call yourself makes little difference. As long as we can verify who you are."

Quirking a brow as I stayed on guard, I pressed a little more. "Why does it matter who I am?"

"Not many fight the Demon Queen and live." Credo stated and I could feel the stares on my back. "However, not only that, but you wiped out her entire horde in one fell swoop. Unheard of and certainly impossible for either of us."

"I got lucky." Was my softer reply.

"I doubt it. No one gets that lucky." Credo stated as he kept his magic active. "The thing is, we care very little for our illustrious Queen."

Pestilence added his two cents. "Not at all."

Credo nodded in agreement. "In fact, it was because of you two thousand years ago that we were able to flee her service..." Then he gestured to me. "You could say we have similar interests, which is why we sought you out. If you are indeed the Anomaly."

"I have little interest that would coincide with a pair of Demons, and I have no inclination to prove myself to either of you."

The bandaged Demon growled. "Then get motivated. Failing to save Elincia two thousand years ago led us to you today. Others won't be far behind."

Credo's gaze moved past me to the Priestess in question. "Although, it would appear you made up for your past mistakes." Then his eyes darted to me. "At least partially."

Elincia spoke as I grit my teeth in annoyance and anger. "I never met Arthur thousands of years ago!" She called out. "Our first meeting was only when he arrived in Helmsforth."

Glancing over my shoulder, many of the soldiers and students watched on, confused while they tried to protect the Priestesses. Arceana and Elincia themselves seemed confused, while Cassidy had her eyes focused solely on me. Averting my gaze from hers, I turned back to the two Demons.

Pestilence seemed surprised. "She doesn't remember?" He questioned.

"So, it would seem." Credo replied.

Flashes of Elincia's younger, exposed, beaten, and bloodied form flashed through my mind. "Elincia was compromised by the time I got to her. Her injuries were grievous to the point I was unsure if she was still alive. She wouldn't remember what happened that night."

"What!?" Elincia breathed out in confused shock.

"That explains one night of many." Pestilence stated. "It does not-"

Credo cut him off. "Then it likely has to deal with the King's betrayal that we heard about. If he's involved, she may be compromised." He pondered out loud.

Before they could continue, I cut in. "I'd appreciate it if you'd stop speculating aloud to yourselves..."

"And we would've appreciated you killing Flare instead of letting him go." Credo stated.

Pestilence scoffed. "That pet of hers is no longer Flare."

"Putting your feelings aside, Flare now has enough power to challenge us."

"Enough!" I said loudly and firmly. "Tell me what you want and then leave, so I can get on with my life! I'm not a fan of having my past out in the open for others."

The two Demons glared at me. "Be very careful with how you speak to us, 'Arthur'." Credo warned me. "We may not be as powerful as Thana, but you are in a weakened state. I'd wager we were more than a match for you."

With a glare in return, I spoke. "Come try me then and test your wager."

His magic flared as the two stared me down. "I think you've forgotten something."

"Let me be perfectly clear. If any of them die, neither of you are leaving this Island alive." Lighting came to life on all our bodies as we entered into a stare down.

Pestilence stepped forward, and I was ready to react, but Credo held out his arm to stop him. "No. Not yet." He then turned back to me as the two calmed themselves down while Credo's magic lifted entirely. "We've been talking, but there is something specific we wish to know. Depending on your answer, we may ask something of you."

Moving my energy backwards, I created a barrier of sorts around everyone behind me. "Ask your question."

Credo moved towards me carefully as he gestured to me. "How would you compare yourself to two thousand years ago? Due to obvious reasons," He began as his eyes glanced to the Priestesses for a moment, he continued. "You were at quite the disadvantage. We want to know if you have plateaued in terms of strength or if you have grown even more powerful."

"We did our research. Many claim that Thana had you on the ropes and was clearly stronger than you. Given how much time has passed, and what we know, we know she has become stronger than when you faced her. Can the same be said of you?" Pestilence inquired before narrowing his eyes on me. "Do you think you can stand against her?"

That wasn't the question I was expecting. "I've grown quite a lot since then." I answered.

The two Demons smirked at that. "Good." Pestilence said plainly as he moved next to Credo.

"Agreed." Credo then summoned his magic again. "Show us."

"Come again?" I asked back, confused.

"We want to see if you're telling the truth. If you're as strong as you claim, facing us should be simple for you." Credo explained.

Eyeing the two of them, I replied with a scoff. "I'm not fighting either of you for fun or to prove myself."

Pestilence smiled at that. "Yes, you will. One way," He disappeared. "Or another."

His voice came from behind me as I felt something blow through my barrier. Turning around, I saw him inside my barrier as he summoned two blades that hooked onto his forearms. A mad grin split his lips as he raised his arms, ready to strike.

Cassidy's Point of View

The Island

Arthur appeared in front of us with his eyes wide and lifeless. A wave of energy was coming from his body that was almost crippling. The way he looked, and the expression he wore, I thought he was going to kill us. He swung his sword right for my neck, and I watched in slow motion as I thought he was going to kill me. It wasn't until I heard the ringing in my ear that I turned to see one of the Demons behind me.

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