Star Eater

Chapter 218 - 218

Chapter 218: Chapter 218

Arthur's Point of View

The Island

Waking with a start, I shot up in bed. This apparently startled Elincia who was in bed with me. Many things were going through my mine right now. First, the screaming I heard before passing out. It was surreal in a way. No one else seemed to notice it yet it felt liked it echoed throughout my entire body. My ears were still ringing from it.

However, there was also the fact that Elincia was in bed with me. Both of us were wearing nothing and only covered by a thin layer of sheets. She blushed rather heavily as she pulled the covers up as I laid back down for the moment. With a sigh, she eventually did the same.

"There's a reason for this." Elincia said quietly.

"I would assume as much considering I didn't put myself here."

"You seemed exhausted. More so than last time if you collapsing is anything to go by. Being a High Elf, my body is a natural conduit for collecting ambient magic. More so than others." She explained. "Just by being near my sister or I, Elves usually take in more magic than usual when recovering. Especially when in our natural forms."

Running my hand down my face, I averted my gaze. "I don't have magic, Elincia. This might've helped you, but I doubt it did anything for me..." Then I glanced over at her. "Well, besides the view."

That got another blush out of her. "If it helped you recover even a small amount, then it was worth it. Thank you for ridding me of that Demon, Arthur." She stated softly.

Getting out of the bed, I moved to my clothes and got dressed and didn't bother covering myself while I did so. "I'd say you're welcome, but it never should've happened in the first place."

"What do you mean?" Elincia inquired.

Before I could respond, Arceana entered the room as I finished getting dressed. "I see our little plan worked." She commented. "How are you feeling?"

Her sister quickly corrected her. "Arthur claims to have no magic and that our attempt to help him recover did little to actually aid him... Aside from the view." Elincia stated.

Arceana tapped her scepter a few times in thought at that. "I see. Well, it was an attempt worth trying. Thank you for helping Elincia. She is everything to me."

"Just helping fix a mistake from long ago." I told them as I looked to Arceana while she magicked some clothes for her sister. "Did anything happen before I passed out?" My inquiry made the sisters glance at one another.

"I was still unconscious at the time, so I could not say." Elincia informed me.

Ms. Pink-Hair turned to me. "You mean other than you looking around like a madman before collapsing?"

"Did you hear screaming?" I pressed further.

"Screaming?" Arceana repeated.

"Yes. A woman's scream to be precise."

Elincia shrugged when Arceana looked at her. "None of us heard anyone screaming..." She said with a concerned glance in my direction. "Before we continue about your screaming woman, I would like to apologize for my behavior towards you." That got me to turn towards her. "I realize my actions were unfair towards you."

Quirking a brow at that, I glanced at Elincia who once again shrugged. "I see. Well, it sounds like we all might finally be on the same team." Not that I actually believed it.

"That does sound like a marvelous plan moving forward!" Elincia said happily.

Despite the two sisters smiles, and everything seemingly okay, something felt wrong. "Did anything happen when I passed out?" I asked the two cutting them off.

Arceana gave me a confused look. "Not that I am aware of. I had General Kheri scout the Island to make sure nothing else was lurking and she reported that there was nothing."

A frown came to my lips. "When?"

"Not long after you battle with the Demon was finished."

"How long ago was that? How long was I out for?"

The Priestess thought about it before replying. "I would say around five hours or so." Then she smiled. "The sun is up and everything. Would you like to get some fresh air?"

Immediately grabbing Defiance, I moved out of the room at alarming rate, which got both Priestesses to quickly follow me. Inside the tree line where all the huts and abodes were, I moved to the beach while grabbing the attention of many present. Cassidy, Typhon, Ayda, and many of the others all called out to me, but I ignored them as I stepped onto the beach.

Across the water was Demonic Magic and only Demonic Magic. The blacks and reds meshed in a sickening way that surrounded the entirety of the Island. It was surprising to see the other side completely red and black as well, but given the ambient magic here, perhaps it kept it at bay.

My reasoning was thrown out the window when it finally washed over the Island almost immediately after I stepped out onto the beach. This was more Demonic Magic that Elincia's Double and that concerned me. I wasn't up for another fight against a Demon Lord.


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