Star Eater

Chapter 197 - 197

Chapter 197: Chapter 197

Typhon's Point of View

Hollow Forest

"Where did he go!?" I shouted in concern.

Camoa who was standing nearby quickly held up her hands to stop me as I rushed over. "Do not come over here!" Her tone was full of fear. "We don't know what he did!"

Coming to a sudden stop, we both watched silently for a few seconds. "Should we get someone or tell the Pries-"

Before I could finish, the area in front of us began to bend in on itself. The other side of the clearing became hazy and almost seemed to whither and decay as I backed away in caution. Camoa did the same and I circled towards her. However, when I did so, I noticed that the forest was just fine... Until I looked into the haze again.

From it, Arthur walked out. A black mist almost seemed to be flowing from him as he stepped away from the haze. Once he was clear, it quickly dissipated as he sighed.

"One of you remind me to get better at that." Arthur stated with a smirk.

Arthur's Point of View

Hollow Forest

Ty looked at me confused while Camoa stood next to him with wide eyes. "Better at what?" My student inquired.

Turning back to where I reappeared, I shook my hands as I gestured to the vicinity. "Whatever..." I began and paused as I tried to come up with a name but failed. "That was." Then I cracked my neck before looking back at him. "Back to your training."


"Learn to focus on your own objective before you start trying to multitask. If you're here to learn, then continue with what you were doing." He mumbled something before shuffling back to his tree. "You think breaking a tree like that is going to be easy?" I asked him as he was walking over to it. "It's not! I wouldn't be surprised if it takes you weeks to truly pick up what you did on the Drunken Cloud!"

He stopped in front of the tree before he glanced back at me. "And what if I do it sooner than that?"

I looked to Camoa, who shrugged, which made me shrug when I turned back Ty. "Uh, congratulations?"

Ty snorted, amused. "No reward for if I blow away all your expectations?"

"Your reward is me training your bitchy ass!" I told him with a roll of my eyes. "You break it today, and maybe we'll talk!" Then I looked up to the sky and continued. "But you only got a few hours left, so good luck with that."

Immediately going back to work, Camoa whispered. "What did you really do?"

I shrugged as I kept my gaze on Typhon while whispering back. "Who can say?"

Gravity is law. Gravity is powerful. A blackhole is usually so powerful it can bend space and time. Essentially, it bends reality. How much depends on the size and density of the blackhole. Using my energy, I can create fire and more, but my real focus revolves around gravity. That means, I can do the same. I already had an inkling with my portals, but this essentially confirmed it.

Getting back though... It was far more difficult than I imagined, and it seems as though time passed more slowly out here. If Camoa and Ty being still around after how long it felt like I was in there, the time dilation might be an issue depending on how different it is. Although, my beard didn't get any noticeably longer, so it was likely only a few hours, but that time worries me too.

"How did you get back and where is my flower?" Camoa eventually asked.

Chuckling a little at that, I looked at her. "I'm not going to lie, your concern for the flower is amusing. It's still where I transported it." Then I shrugged. "As for how I got back, it was a bit of reverse engineering of what I did the first time. I would explain, but the physics here fucking suck."

She seemed amused at that. "How so?"

Pointing through the trees at a distant airship, I answered. "How is it airships are a thing here, but you don't have trains? You have sea faring vessels, carts, airships, Zugal transportation, and teleportation. It's like everything is meant to fuck over those that don't have magic."

Camoa paused at that. "I don't think that's true, but I don't know what a train is, nor why you would be so upset about it."

"And I've made up my mind that I know what the next big project I'm going to get started on in Helmsforth. Maybe make it Human exclusive. Give back to the original master race!"

"And that isn't racist to you?" The thumping of Ty's fist against the tree was getting louder.

"Not one bit!" I said firmly with a shake of the head. "If anything, I'm leveling the playing field. That, and since most humans do manual labor and good transportation, this will help them." Then I gave her a snide look. "Which in turn will help everyone else because Humans can't have nice things!"

"I take it you're a fan of Humans."

I shook my head again. "Not really. Bunch of fucking bitches just like everyone else."

"And druids?" She asked with a small smirk once she heard me complain all of them.

"Not on the list as of yet, but I'm holding out for the rest of you to be-"

What sounded like an explosion rang in my ears suddenly as both Camoa and I readied ourselves and turned towards the sources. Our eyes fell upon Typhon as the tree just in front of him toppled over with a creaking sound before it crashed into a few of the other surrounding trees. Both of us looked at the boy wide-eyed, but I imagine for different reasons.

Camoa because of what he accomplished and me for the large amount of concentrated magic he hand in his arms. It wasn't constant, nor was it perfect if the blood dripping down his fingers was any indicator... But he had succeeded, even if by random chance. However, when he slowly exhaled, all the magic in his arms quickly relocated to the rest of his body.

Typhon turned to me with a smirk, but also had tears in his eyes. "You owe me a reward." He stated before passing out.

Moving over to the boy, I quickly examined his arms and realized they were broken. Bones from his knuckles were sticking out of his skin. Not a single peep escaped his lips while he trained and pushed his body far further than it should've been able to go. This almost seemed like desperation, but what made him go to such lengths? It couldn't have been for some random reward.

Gently picking him up in my arms, I turned to Camoa. "It would appear we are done for today."

"Would you like me to heal him?" She inquired. "It would take some time, but I could gather everything I need in a matter of minutes."

"No." I replied after a moment of thought. "He needs to learn that actions have consequences. If waking up with broken arms stops him from doing this again, then so be it. Ty will get healed after he realizes what he did to himself," I created a portal and began to enter it. "And answers my questions."

Arriving home in my bedroom, I laid Typhon down and eyed him for a moment. A small smirk came to my lips as a feeling I hadn't felt since training the Royal Family made itself known again. However, this time, I was training him from the beginning and my way.

"You're making me look forward to this even more now." I said in a hushed tone.

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