Star Eater

Chapter 188 - 188

Chapter 188: Chapter 188

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

"I'd like to speak to you about the journal, if you don't mind." Aydalia informed me softly as we could see the Reed home in the distance.

We walked along their farm as I shrugged. "I figured you'd want to eventually." Glancing at her, I asked, "What do you wanna know?"

She was quiet for a moment before she answered. "Could you read the beginning of the journal?"



"Because it was a message left for me by the one who created that journal. Most powerful Elf I ever knew."

Aydalia was quiet at that as she mulled my words over. "And the two of you both knew some manner of unknown language?"

Shaking my right hand back and forth as I held it up, I replied. "Not exactly. I taught it to him, and he in turn, used it for the opening of that journal."

She rubbed her temples as she tried to contemplate what I just told her. "There are so many questions I want to ask right now."

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't."

"How can someone hear something like that and not want to know more?" Aydalia inquired.

"At least I know where Ayda got her thirst for knowledge from." I mumbled. "I'm not going to answer most of those questions, and I already told you that I was older than I appear."

She nodded at that as she remembered our first meeting. "That now has a lot more merit to me."

I shrugged. "At least someone finally believes me that I'm telling the truth about that. Although, most people who didn't believe me about my age did so eventually when they got enough proof." We were just about at the house. "Do you know the Reed Family?"

Aydalia smiled. "I've known Augustus for a long time. He also trained under the Priestess dozens of years ago." Then she sighed. "It was so long ago for him that it's hard to believe he has aged so."

"Mortal races are quick to age and quick to forget at times." Then I shrugged again. "Time moves on and we remain. One day, you'll blink, and you might be just as old as Augustus."

"Elves are not known for dying from old age."

"But they still age and you're likely over a hundred years old yourself." I commented.

She blushed slightly at the mention of her age. "I was already finished with the Priestess's training when Augustus started. In fact, I knew his parents and his son." Then she frowned. "It was a shame what happened to him."

As much as I wanted to pry, I didn't. "I wouldn't know."

Before she could tell me anything, I knocked on the door. "Just a sec!" A familiar boyish voice called out. "Arthur!" Austin greeted me happily and then turned to Aydalia. "Ayda?" He said confused as he saw she looked a little different.

Aydalia giggled. "No. I'm her mother, Aydalia."

Austin blushed at that. "Sorry, Mrs. Farro."

She smiled at that and then gestured to me. "There is no need for that. You can call me Aydalia if you wish or call me what Arthur calls me. Mama Farro."

"Mama Farro?" An elderly voice cut in as Augustus appeared in the hallway. "That's new. Never thought ya'd want such a title."

"This coming from the man who tells everyone to refer to him as Grandpa Reed?" Aydalia retorted as she crossed her arms with a knowing look before motioning towards me with her head. "If you must know, Arthur called me that, and I found it rather endearing."

Augustus chuckled at that. "It certainly can be." He smiled and moved forward to give her a hug. "It's been a long time, Lia."

She smiled and returned the hug. "It certainly has, August. I'm sorry I don't visit."

They broke apart and Augustus waved a dismissive hand. "No need ta worry about none of that. Ah got old and Ah can't exactly visit ya either. How's Aien?"

"He's well. Been doing some business as usual." Aydalia answered. "You ever miss it?"

"At times, but my time has come and gone. Too old, and too frail ta do anything ta help now." Then he looked her over. "Ya stayin healthy? Ah know ya got those kids of yers runnin around now, but Ah can't imagine ya just sit at home much."

"I do, actually. Ayda has surpassed me in terms of magic and Alwin is a General of Lestrania. Aien keeps busy cause it gives him something to do, but our time has also passed." Then she smiled and looked around. "You miss having Elves around at all? I know at one point you were more used to dealing with them than any other Humans or Zugal."

He gave a knowing smirk. "Ah got an Elf or two that comes around still with a few High Elves as well. Rennal likes ta visit and keep Cassidy company."

My eyes darted to Aydalia to see how she would react. Not sure Cassidy wanted that to get out, but I wasn't about to step in either. However, if the grin on Aydalia's face was anything to go by, this not so well-kept secret would live for another day.

"I see. Well, I'm sure Lady Rennal must be good friends with Cassidy if that's the case. I've heard good things about both of them from word of mouth. Even Ayda and Alwin are both impressed by your granddaughter. Both think she might just be the strongest Human that's ever lived."

I coughed overly dramatic there and Augustus rolled his eyes. "You don't count." Austin said with a giggle.

Augustus lifted his nose in the air. "He certainly doesn't! My Cassidy will be the best there ever was."

No pressure for the poor girl. "Ya talkin behind my back, Grandpa?" Cassidy inquired from the top of the staircase.

"Just braggin bout my granddaughter." He replied earnestly, which got her to smirk and roll her eyes as she came downstairs.

"He really won't stop. Help us." I commented and Augustus wacked me with his cane. "That was rude!"

He waved, the cane in question, at me. "Ah give as good as Ah get."

Rolling my eyes, Cassidy eventually spoke once again. "It's good ta see ya, Lady Farro." She said with a small bow and then looked at me. "Ah suppose yer also welcome, Arthur."

"Thanks." I replied dryly.

Austin giggled before Cassidy once again looked between the two of us. "If ya don't mind my askin, why're you two here?" Her eyes flickered to my sword for a moment.

Crossing my arms, I sighed. "I need to talk to you." My gaze then shifted to Grandpa Reed. "Both of you." Then my eyes settled on Aydalia. "You can stay if you want."

"So generous." Aydalia responded with a roll of the eyes and it made me wonder how Alwin and Ayda were both tight asses.

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