Star Eater

Chapter 179 - 179

Chapter 179: Chapter 179

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

"Wearing your armor or casual clothes is unacceptable." Rennal chastised me as I ate.

I shrugged. "It's not a date. If Arceana is interested in me romantically, I will eat the hat I'm wearing."

Ayda gave me a confused look. "But you are not wearing a hat."

"Exactly." Rolling my eyes, she huffed. "This is just a more official meeting if nothing else."

"If it was not meant to be special, Priestess Elincia would not have asked us to assist you." The Noble Elf shot back firmly. "And hat or no, you will be learning how to behave."

"There are no words for how bad I am going to disappoint you out of spite."

Rennal hummed in thought. "Maybe so, but you are a Knight and having a more formal attire is essential." When I opened my mouth, she gave me a look as she quickly continued. "Armor does not count." Then she looked at it and cocked her head slightly. "No matter how beautiful it may appear."

Ayda then held up the robes. "These are robes fit for a noble! A high-ranking noble at that!"

Putting my fork down, I crossed my arms as I looked at them. "They're Elf robes and I'm not going out in any pointy-eared, magic-slinger, noble, bullshit!" My firm response got the two Elves to frown.

The biggest troublemaker just thrust the robes out towards me. "Just wear the robes!"

"Oh, very well. You've convinced me."

"Really!?" Ayda asked excitedly.


Ayda threw the robes on the ground, while Rennal quickly lifted them in her magic. "There is no need to be snide, Sir Arthur."

Cassidy sighed. "Ah don't know why either of ya thought this was gonna go well." She rolled her eyes. "Grandpa Reed told me he walked around in the nude before he found out Ah lived there. Took off all his clothes off right outside!"

Everyone looked at me and I shrugged before nodding. "I did do that, yes."

Rennal pouted and crossed her arms in a copying manner. "Sir Arthur, you have done a lot of good for Helmsforth and the people who live here, me included, but I ask that you show decorum in this one instance."

Giving her a look in return as I didn't budge, I spoke. "Be honest, if I budge here, how often are you going to do this? It won't be a one-time thing, it will become continual, and I see no reason to go out of my way for Arceana."

"Besides her being the Priestess that oversees this Kingdom?" Ayda asked back sarcastically.

"Yes! Take that away and give me a different example!" I told her with a small gesture.

The Elf minion to the Priestesses glared at me. "She made you a Knight!"

Groaning as I rolled my eyes and held up my hands, I shook them slightly. "Whoopidy doo!" Quickly gesturing to myself, I continued. "That was because of her and that stupid book! My list of reasons to stay in Lestrania is dwindling and Arceana herself has threatened to take my title away." Then I put my hands together in a prayer type gesture. "One can hope that's what this dinner is about."

Cassidy cut in before Ayda could as she walked around to my side. "You wanna leave Lestrania?" I looked up at her to see hurt in her eyes.

"Kind of." I said truthfully. "Not like I can't visit, but both Priestesses don't seem to understand that a war is coming, and neither are doing anything." Then I pointed off to the side at nothing particular. "I've been treated like shit by both of them since I got here." Continuing, I added, "Part of that, my fault, but the point stands!"

"Do ya plan on leavin?" Cassidy inquired while the two Elves remained quiet.

I sighed. "No. I'm just sick of the hand I've been dealt." Rubbing my face, I leaned back in my chair. "Got so much shit to do and no one can help me."

Rennal then clapped her hands together to try and change the mood. "Then you should bring this up to the Priestess! Surely she could help you."

My scoff got Cassidy to sigh. "Arceana and Elincia have been proving time and time again that they can't be relied on. There big move was to get Vithari involved, and they're definitely involved! Their Queen is sitting up in the Temple in a coma!" Slow clapping, I continued. "If only there were others, we could ask for assistance. Unfortunately," I started calmly, "There is no one else!" I finished with a raised tone.

"They tried to contact our allies! What more do want from them!?" Ayda demanded.

"Some fucking competence would be a nice change of pace!" Then I pointed at the robes. "So, take your elven attire, make like a banana, and fuck off."

"You are the most frustrating, infuriating, and selfish person I have ever met!" The Elf stated in an angry tone.

"I'm selfish?" I asked back in disbelief. "This coming from the same little girl who wanted answers and attacked me when I said no? I'm selfish?" Ayda looked a little less unsure before I stood up and pointed at her. "You and your brother go each suck a dick! I'm sick of both of you! Now get the fuck outta my house and tell Elincia she can suck one too!"

Cassidy put her hand on my shoulder. "Arthur..." She said softly. "Ya need ta calm down." I grunted and sat back in my chair as she looked to her friends. "Rennal, if ya could wait downstairs, Ah'd appreciate it. Ah wanna talk ta Arthur for a moment." Then she turned to Ayda. "Ayda, please tell Priestess Elincia that Arthur will be wearin his armor and paraphrase the rest."

The two gave a short nod and left while I closed my eyes annoyed. "I'm not in the mood for this, Cass."

She moved to the front of the desk and sighed as she crossed her arms. "Ah can tell. Wanna tell me what happened?"

"What hasn't happened?" I replied and sighed myself. "I'm sorry. There's a lot I'm dealing with right now."


"I learned a few things that put me in a rather foul mood and didn't exactly paint Arceana or Elincia in the best light."

Cassidy nodded slowly. "This have anything ta do with what you and Grandpa Reed discussed?"

I shrugged. "Part of it, but only a small amount. There are many things I do not approve of." Especially given the amount of work I put into this fucking place. "It's hard to explain."

Sitting down on the edge of my desk, she continued to study me. "Ah don't know what's goin on with ya, Arthur. Ah never do. Ya keep so much to yerself that it's almost impossible ta help ya." Then she patted my hand. "But Ah'm here if ya ever need ta talk."

"The offer is appreciated, but unless you want me to ruin your image of your 'perfect' Priestesses, I suggest just going about the rest of your day." I told her.

"And if Ah told ya ta go ahead and ruin my opinion on them?" She asked back with a raised brow.

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