Star Eater

Chapter 156 - 156

Chapter 156: Chapter 156

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Farmstead

Arceana landed in front of us with her spear at the ready. Alwin teleported next to her, and Kheri, along with Greigh and Ziah, landed with her. Each was on guard with Arceana at the front. Several other soldiers moved throughout the farm, but an uneasiness filled the area when they noticed several large orbs of blood just floating in the air.

I dropped them before gesturing to Elincia. "At ease! Priestess Elincia has dispatched all the Ghouls!" Arceana looked at me unimpressed since it was obviously me who dropped the orbs of blood. "Your Priestess defeated dozens of them!"

Elincia grabbed my shoulder as the soldiers whispered about. "What are you doing?!" She asked in a harsh tone.

Shrugging, I replied. "I'm not lying. You did defeat several of them."

"I defeated some, but dozens is out of the question! You clearly deserve the praise as you defeated almost all of them single-handedly!" She whispered.

Continuing our hushed conversation, I smirked. "Only because they were distracted by you. This victory was possible because you fought so valiantly."

My words irked her. "Do not think sarcasm escapes me, Arthur. Your condescension is not necessary nor wanted."

"Who says I'm being sarcastic?" Elincia frowned at my reply.

"The threat has been dealt with, sister." Elincia turned toward Arceana. "Thank you for responding so quickly. However, I would like to mention that this victory was at the hands of Arthur Pendragon. Without him, I fear what state you may have found me in without his aid."

Quirking a brow at that, I remained silent as Arceana went over and hugged Elincia. "I am so glad you are safe." I heard her whisper as many seemed surprised at the display of affection. "Thank you for keeping her out of harm's way." She told me.

Elincia seemed a little flustered at the hug as she watched her sister turn toward me. "I mean, I tried." I said with a shrug and then gestured to the younger sibling. "But she was adamant about helping."

Arceana smirked at that and turned to Elincia. "Yes, that does sound like her." Tapping her spear on the ground, her scepter appeared as she began to issue out orders. "Sterilize the area and put up a perimeter to make sure there are no more Ghouls in hiding!"

Alwin moved next to me with an indifferent look on his face before sheathing his sword. "I see you are alright."

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked back slightly, confused.

"After that giant creature we ran into in the middle of the Magical Squall?" Alwin answered before putting his hands behind his back.

Waving a dismissive hand, I chuckled. "I killed that giant fish demon. Don't even worry about it."

He seemed unconvinced. "You killed a monster that size?" The Elf questioned in clear skepticism.

"Sure did!" Putting Defiance on my back, I merely smirked at him.

Kheri joined us along with Greigh and Ziah. "It is important you tell us if that creature is still lurking about, Sir." Alwin began and then gestured to the Zugal. "General Kheri will be heading over to Vithari on the next airship. If that Demon is still lurking about, she will be caught unaware."

Chuckling, I reached out and patted his chest mockingly. "Like you were?" He gritted his teeth, but I turned to Kheri. "Don't worry about the Demon. It's dead." Then I shrugged. "Not that it would've mattered if any of you were there." Then I gestured to Alwin. "This one fell unconscious immediately."

Alwin's face was turning red in anger. "Arthur!" Elincia spoke up from behind us in an authoritarian tone. "Stop antagonizing General Alwin!"

"Hey," I began as I looked at her over my shoulder. "I don't need someone questioning my word. Especially someone that would've struggled against one of these Ghouls." Crossing my arms as Elincia strode up next to me, she sighed. "Or would you have preferred to have the Elf here instead of me?"

"Arthur, must you always be so confrontational?"

"Don't expect people to give me shit and not get it in return." I replied before shaking the Elven General by his shoulder. "If someone acts like a bitch, they should expect to be treated like a bitch." Then I turned to him and spoke in the most condescending tone I could. "Isn't that right?!"

Smacking my arm away from him, he glared up at me. "Enough!" Elincia interrupted before the Elf got in too deep. "I said to cease this! We were just attacked, and you decide to belittle another one of our Generals?"

Waving my hands over the group, I replied. "Well, it was more like the whole group here. Not intention, but Alwin was kind of annoying me." Before he could interrupt, I continued. "I mean, the first thing he does is pick a fight! He could have said, 'Thanks for saving my life, Arthur! It means a lot!', but instead decided to be like most of the pointy-eared fuckers I run into." Then I leaned over to Elincia and whispered in a tone where I knew he could hear. "Are his parents like this too? Cause that's the only explanation for how he and Ayda act."

Needless to say, the other officers weren't surprised when Alwin roared in anger. "Arthu-"

Elincia quickly wrapped him in her magic and glared at me. "I will not tell you again, Arthur." She spoke firmly.

Gesturing to Alwin, I lowered my tone. "Then fix his attitude, or I will." Was my warning response. "I got enough shit to deal with without having to sort out some Elven small man complex." Crossing my arms as Arceana made her way over to us, I continued. "I've had a few trying days."

"That you have." Arceana stated before looking at Alwin, confused. "Did-"

Her sister cut her off. "We will discuss it when we return to the Temple." Then Elincia turned back to me. "Given you have just woken up from your recent mission, I will let this go, but this does not fall entirely on the shoulders of Alwin Farro, Sir Arthur."

"Thank whatever shitty ass god for that. We'd probably all be dead."

Instead of responding this time, she just sighed. "I will be staying in touch." Elincia stated before she teleported away with Alwin in tow.

Arceana turned to me confused, and I merely shrugged in response. "Elves. What ya gonna do?" I told her, and the others just sighed while the remaining Priestess just looked lost.

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