Star Eater

Chapter 152 - 152

Chapter 152: Chapter 152

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"Yes! Something must sound enticing to have as a reward!" Elincia said with a smile.

Shaking my head with a small scoff, I turned away from them. "No need. There's nothing I want." Then I shrugged after putting Defiance on my back. "If you want to give me a reward, do so, but there is nothing I would ask for."

The two sisters looked at one another. "How about you and I go out to eat for a private dinner?" Arceana commented, which surprised both me and Elincia. "We can go over what might interest you during that time, and I would also like a chance to just chat."

My eyes darted over to Elincia to see what this was about, but her eyes were focused on her sister. If anything, she seemed just as confused as I was. If this was some manner of move, it was beyond me. While I admit that I was lost, it was still amusing.

"Very well." I pointed at her with a wagging finger. "You're on. You set it up. Get me the time and place, and I'll be there." Rotating my shoulder, a portal opened beside me. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to check in with Cassidy and Augustus. Need to explain some things to them."

Arceana nodded. "Very well. I will keep you informed."

Elincia then spoke as she moved next to me. "Do you mind if I accompany you? Typhon is with them. He asked to help explain things that had happened during your trip, and Cassidy agreed to watch over him."

That got me to quirk a brow at her. "I thought for sure he'd be in trouble."

"He is, but that does not mean we are restricting his freedom. Typhon has received his punishment." Elincia explained.

"Fair enough. By all means." Gesturing to the portal, Elincia entered it, and I gave a short farewell to Arceana before following her.

My wounds were stinging a bit, but nothing like how it was with Thana. Perhaps Demons of that caliber leave residual magic in the wounds, which takes longer for them to mend entirely. After all, the wounds themselves had been closed, but some of the pain was still there. Nothing compared to Thana's spear, but enough to make me wince every now and then.

Exiting the portal, we stood outside the front of the Reed Family Farmstead. Elincia moved toward the door, and I followed her. A wisp of red filled my vision, and I tracked it for a moment before it disappeared. My eyes narrowed as I glanced around while Elincia knocked on the door. There was nothing in sight, but most of my energy was back if another Demon wanted to go a round.

The door opened, and Augustus's voice called out from behind me. "If it isn't Elincia and Arthur. What can Ah do for ya two today?"

"I am here for Typhon." Elincia stated, and Reed looked at me.

"Cassidy told me to drop by to explain a few things." I told him simply.

He nodded slowly at that. "Come on in." Moving inside the home, I closed the door as Elincia followed him to the living room.

A few familiar voices could be heard as I rounded the corner. Cassidy, Austin, Typhon, and Rennal were all present. Each looked up to us when we arrived. Rennal popped up upon seeing me.

"I cannot believe you bested such a creature! Everyone is already talking about it in the upper rungs!" Rennal informed me excitedly. "Even in the bottom rung, whispers about you are spreading far and wide." She smirked further. "There has even been word of you in other cities and towns."

"Great." Was my dull response. "More people talking about me." Waving her down, I moved around her and looked at the two boys. "You two okay?"

Austin ran up and hugged me tightly, which surprised me. "Thank you, Arthur." He said softly. "I was so scared."

Patting his head, I noticed Cassidy was watching me. "Can I tell you a secret?" I asked him, and he nodded. "I was scared too." Kneeling put me on eye level with him. "I was afraid for you and the others. How could I explain that to your grandfather or Cassidy?" I asked him.

"I don't know." Was his unsure response.

"Neither do I." I told him before resting my hands on his shoulders. "You made a decision to sneak onboard the Drunken Cloud, and I treated your decision as I would an adult's. I believe in letting people making their own choices and facing the consequences of their choices, but that was never a position you should've been put in." Turning to Typhon, I focused on him for a moment. "Neither of you."

Austin hugged me and whispered to me. "Thank you. Thank you..."

Returning the hug more gently with just my hands, I patted his back. "You are welcome, but don't expect such an adventure again." He chuckled at that. "Otherwise, your sister might just strangle me, and Grandpa Reed might just smack me with his cane."

"Ya got that right." Cassidy confirmed with a smirk, which made Austin chuckle some more.

Augustus waved the cane around playfully. "Ah'm confident Ah could break this on that thick skull of yers." He told me.

Austin let go, and I leaned in. "I don't know which is worse..." He laughed, and I looked up to Cassidy. "You deserve an apology. Both of you." Turning to Augustus, he eyed me. "It was not my intent to take them with, but I was persuaded otherwise. Breaking the trust you have in me is something I do not wish to happen."

Cassidy rubbed her brother's hair as Rennal moved back beside her. "Ya haven't. Typhon and Austin told us ya wanted ta send em back. Apparently, Lady Lucia and Alwin convinced ya not to."

Elincia stepped next to me. "Typhon pleaded with Lucia, which is what led to these events, but perhaps the fault lies with my sister and I. Had we given them more freedom, they likely would have never been put at risk." She then bowed. "Please, on behalf of Arthur, accept my sincerest apologies."

Everyone, aside from Augustus and I, looked at her in shock.

However, there were several alarms going off in my head. "The game is afoot!" I whispered to myself.

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