Chapter 37 Fourth Skill: King’s Sword

Chapter 37 Fourth Skill: King's Sword

Fifty meters below the king's castle of Baynard, there is a huge training ground built by Edgar. The yard in the castle was no longer enough for his training a long time ago.

The underground hall is fifty meters in height and one hundred meters wide. Edgar used a huge amount of money for high-level materials. The ceiling was made with magic materials and runes. It is so tough that pillars are no longer necessary for support. Edgar did it to have a large space for training and powerful attacks.

It was built quickly with the help of high-level earth magicians. The entrance has a big statue of the founder king of Baynard and the previous king, the father of Van Flameworth. On their sides are huge statues of previous kings and royal guards. The walls in the hall are carved with beautiful murals.

There are twelve fifty-meter-tall pillars on four sides. The pillars have huge magic lamps. Below the pillars are rectangular glass boxes. Within the boxes are blue algae emitting blue light. Blue lights keep coming out of them and floating up. Below the algae are magic runes that keep the algae alive. The blue light is oxygen. The algae is also used by the navy. The masks used by blue dragon guards to breathe underwater are equipped with blue algae that keep releasing oxygen.

There are four magic defense towers near the corners of the hall. The towers are activated. There is a huge square magic shield that nearly reaches the ceiling and corners of the hall. In the center of the shield are Edgar and Rey. They are both wearing armor and a cape.

Edgar is holding a sword wielded by previous kings of Baynard. The hilt is red, the blade is silver, and the middle has red runes. The sword is called Blood Dragon.

Rey is holding a spear. The metal that holds the spear is dark purple with magic runes.

"Your majesty, even today I am still shocked that you became so much stronger in just four years. If I did not train with you before, I would still be clueless," said Rey.

When Rey was called for training with the king, he thought it was a fight with a first-circle magician. His eyes and mouth were wide open when the king cast powerful magic and aura skills.

Rey was overjoyed when Edgar told him that he is pretending to be incompetent to toy with the enemies of the kingdom. He believes that the king will amaze the whole world with a single brilliant feat.

Edgar did not tell everyone that the reason for the sudden increase in his strength was a preserved red-fire dragon corpse found on the northern ice continent.

He did not stop his exploration of clues about gods, so he sent small expedition team. They searched for any cave that they found and accidentally discovered the frozen small dragon. The dragon is probably running from an enemy. Its body had wounds. The dragon is dead, but the tissues are preserved.

Edgar led a top research team, including Pelca, to make the flesh of a red dragon into a potion that could be used by humans.

Through the use of a microscope, they could observe the effect of the potion on human cells, so they could make several adjustments. They succeeded, but there are only a few pieces of flesh left, and they are only effective below 3rd level aura master. It is best if it is used by one person to reach a high level of aura and magic.

The research team unanimously agreed and insisted that it should be used by Edgar. Edgar got the power, but it was not easy. Every time he drank the potion, he felt that his whole body was on fire and his flesh was being torn. He repeatedly endured so much torture to have the strength he has today.

"Getting this strength is not easy. A shortcut to a rapid increase in strength always has a price, but it is worth it," said Edgar with a smile as he looks at his palm.

"Rey, let me show you the result of my recent training," said Edgar.

"I'm ready, your majesty," said Rey as he took a spear stance, then released his aura and mana. His spear is covered by lightning element.


A fire dragon lifts Edgar to the air, and he directs it toward Rey.


A pillar of fire came out of the fire dragon's mouth.

Lightning is flashing on Rey's body. He easily escaped the fire.


Aura Blades came to Rey, but he swifly dodges them.

Rey added more lightning element to his spear. He avoided an aura blade, then ran toward Edgar.

A death slash is coming.

Rey dodged by jumping forward.

Another aura blade is coming to Rey in the air.

He rotates his body in mid-air. The aura blade moves below his head.

Rey slashed his spear while in the air.


A huge lightning blade is rapidly moving to Edgar.

Edgar jumped with a somersault.

WENNG! The upper part of the fire dragon is cut into two.

Bang! The fire dragon exploded.

Edgar's head faces the ground. He cast earth magic, then earth suddenly formed over his feet. He used it as support so he could attack from the air.

Rey landed on the floor.

Bang! The earth turned into powder as Edgar charges down.Threads of fire are rotating on his sword, then he slashed it to Rey.

Clang! The spear blocked the flame sword. It created a shockwave around them, making their capes flap. Rey felt a tingling sensation on both of his arms.

Edgar landed on the floor, dispersed the fire on his sword, and then made rapid stabs at Rey.


Beams of aura rapidly approach Rey, but he looks calm.


Mirage images of spears with lightning appeared in front of death beams.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Death beams and lightning spears keep clashing.

"Ahhhh!" Rey shouts as he rapidly thrust his spear.

"Ahhhh!" Edgar also shouts as he stabs. Smoke appears where the barrage of death beams and lightning spears clash.

Zooom! A lightning spear was not blocked by a death beam and flew to Edgar.

A fire pillar lifts Edgar. A magic circle formed beneath his feet, then the fire pillar gathered and turned into a flame eagle.

The eagle have very long tails and its head has two long feathers.

"Hahahaha! Rey, try to outrun this!"shouts Edgar while standing on the back of the flame eagle.

The flame eagle opened its mouth and fired many fireballs at Rey.

Fireballs quickly flew down to Rey.

Lightning is still flashing on Rey's body. He swiftly avoided the fireballs.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Explosions occurred whenever the fireballs hit the floor.

Rey smiles while looking at the flame beast riding by Edgar.

"Your Majesty, you are not the only one who has that kind of skill."

Rey gathers more lightning elements on his spear, then stabs it at the flying flame beast.


A sound of thunderbird appeared when it came out of the magic circle, then turned into a spear that rapidly flew to the flame eagle.

Edgar jumped back from the flame eagle.

Bang! The flame eagle exploded. Remnants of fire spread in the air.

Edgar is falling from the air.

"Rey's spear attack is really fast. My flame skills like fire dragon and flame eagle are like static targets," thought Edgar.

Lightning blades suddenly fly.

Edgar casts earth magic. He steps on earth, then he jumped forward with a somersault.

Boom! He charges down from the air as threads of fire element rotate on his sword, then he swings it toward Rey.


Several huge fire blades attack Rey.

Rey dodges the fire blades as he put more lightning element to his spear. Threads of lightning element rotate over the magic circle at the tip of the spear.

Edgar rotates his body in mid air as he lands to the ground.

More lightning flashes on Rey's body, then he suddenly accelerates.

Edgar landed in the ground, but Rey suddenly jumped.

Rey rotates his spear as he raises it above his head, then he stabbed it down to Edgar.


Boom! The spear hit the ground and many lightnings rise.

Edgar dodged the attack. He was lifted by a fire pillar, then he attacks from the air.





Edgar and Rey keep exchanging blows.

Flop! They landed on the ground as they pant.

"Rey, let us finish the training after one last strike," Edgar said while smiling.

"Give me your best shot, your majesty!" said Rey with anticipation. He wants to see how far the strength of their king has reached.

Edgar is holding his sword with both hands above his head.

Edgar releases a large amount of aura. A magic circle appears on the hilt of the sword.

The wind is starting to rotate around Edgar. Threads of aura and fire element keep rotating on the sword.

Woosh! The rotating aura and fire element dispersed.

A one meter sword appears on Edgar's hands. It does not have a hilt. The aura sword is compact, surrounded by an orange fire element waving up like a flame.

Edgar is gritting his teeth as the sword feels heavy.

"Ahhhh!" He forces himself to swing the sword in a vertical slash.


A fifteen-meter-tall flaming aura blade is moving to Rey.

Rey stares at the power unleashed by his king, and then he feels his soul burn with fighting spirit. His king will become a legend in the world, and he will be there, watching it happen.

Rey uses a large amount of mana. His body is clad with purple energy. Lightning element flows to his spear. His spear is clad with a big amount of purple energy.

He runs toward the big aura blade and jumped high. Rey gathered his strength, then stabbed his spear into the aura blade.


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