Spirit Immortal

Chapter 508 The Most Powerful Force 2


Precisely one night has passed since Shin had found out that his precious friend had passed on into the netherworld. Fearful that he would lose yet another, Shin embraced Kanari tightly, all through the night. They had crossed the final threshold between the genders and became man and woman together.

Shin’s eyes flickered open as he felt his muscles and bones ache. He stretched to rid himself of the soreness, but no matter how hard Shin tried, there was still a slight discomfort within his body. Reddened marks were crisscrossed all over his body, be it small red bruises or claw marks on his back. It was physical evidence of the rough night that he had and the fatigue that dominated his entire soul.

’What time is it?’ Shin mentally asked himself, turning his attention to the analogue clock that hung above his bed frame. Both the long and shorthand were pointed directly upwards, forcing the young man to immediately freshen up internally.

’Damn it, we overslept!!!’

Today was an important day for Shin and the rest. If the High Council had agreed to his terms, he would instantly take the Azure Dragons and fly west. Even though the Tier 8 Azure Dragons were perhaps the fastest mounts in the world, it would take at least a full week for them to traverse the entire Terre Continent to reach the Illusory Canyon. Not to mention, there were a few more bureaucratic hurdles that they had to jump over. Essentially, Shin didn’t have the luxury to be sitting still.

Each second that passed was one that Junius could use to escape, Shin firmly believed that. He couldn’t be wasting time lying down on the bed. However, just as the young man attempted to free his feet, he felt an absolute pressure clamping down on him. In a sense of urgency, Shin didn’t think twice before throwing away the duvet that covered his entire body. It was his mistake.

Kanari’s fully naked body, engulfed in the same scents and hickeys that Shin had, lay comfortably on the bed. His ankles were latched together by her milky thighs, and his right hand was still in a place where it shouldn’t be. At that moment, bits of yesterday night came flowing back into Shin’s memory. Their night was a wild one. Shin was grieving from losing his friend and wasn’t particularly in his right mind. Thus, he vented everything that he had onto Kanari’s innocent body. Not that she minded it though.

The young man looked down at his lover’s beautiful features ready and gently stroked her hair. Enjoying the sensation on her face, Kanari purred as she nuzzled closer to the warmth of Shin’s hands. It was this smile... It was precisely this smile of his loved ones that he wanted to protect.

’Sleep tight...’ Shin gulped down a mouthful of saliva and attempted to free his locked limbs and to not wake the sleeping beauty. Alas, that was easier said than done...

"Hmmm?" Kanari’s nose twitched like a bunny’s as her eyes gingerly opened up. The world was quite hazy from her point of view, but it was quickly brightened up. The first thing she saw was Shin’s flabbergasted face looking right at her as if he had just seen a ghost.

"What’s the matt-? Wait!" Instantly, Kanari could sense that something was amiss and her tiredness was washed away. She leapt up from the bed and grabbed Shin’s toned waist, not caring that their naked bodies were interlocked in a sweaty position. "You’re trying to leave me in the Lantis Republic as you run to the Illusory Canyon right?!"

"..." The young man dropped his jaw, stunned at how perceptive Kanari was even after she’d just woke up. Yes, Shin had to admit that there was that fleeting thought that dominated his mind. If he somehow managed to keep Kanari asleep while he escaped with Zishen and the rest, at the very least, he could keep her safe. Who would have thought that the moment Kanari awoke, she would be able to perceive her man’s thoughts instantaneously?

"I’m not wrong, am I?" The young maiden, no... The black-haired woman pressed on. "What did I tell you last night? If there are any troubles, I’ll be there to weather it with you! Have you forgotten? There’s no way that you can leave me alone while you rush into the heart of Black Mask territory alone!!!" Kanari’s sharp cry echoed within Shin’s vast chambers.

Shin wanted to retort, but Kanari’s gorgeous features that wouldn’t take a refusal as an answer prompted the young man to quickly give up. "Hah... There’s no winning against you..." The Prince of Water sighed. He gently plucked Kanari’s koala bear arms out from his body and walked steadily towards his luxurious wardrobes. He doused himself in some cold, healing water to quickly clean up the reddened spots that made him look like an ill patient and reached into the dresser. Putting on a fresh set of underwear, Shin’s hands moved into Kanari’s section of the closet and threw a few clothes over as well.

"Get dressed, we’re already late for the meeting..."

Kanari instantly leapt to her feet, her tearful face took a one-eighty and morphed into one of complete bliss. That face swap was so rapid that Shin had mistaken the woman for an opera actor. Given her superior looks, Kanari could probably give even the most dominant actors in their field a run for their money.

’No, I shouldn’t let my mind wander...’ Shin chided himself for his foolish thoughts. His mind instantly reverted back to the critical matter at hand. ’Shizen, don’t worry... I won’t let you die in vain... Junius will have to answer for his crimes, be it by death or otherwise!!!’


The Lantis Republic. Celestial Island. The High Council Assembly Hall.

Shin walked down the familiar corridor, his eyes gazing straight ahead. It was odd to call the most secure place in the Lantis Republic a familiar one, but Shin had explored the halls many times before. Even in recent months, Shin had been known to preside over the High Council meetings, either as an observer or a participant. The High Elders unanimously agreed that the young Prince should be exposed to the politics of the Republic, and the sooner, the better. Thus, even with his busy schedule, Shin still tried to squeeze out a day a month to attend the High Council meetings.

Technically, with his power and position, Shin could call for the High Council to convene at any given moment. However, that power was used sparingly over the years. Heck, it was only used once before, back when Shin found the method to hunt down the Payircis. Thus, when Shin had called for all of them once again, it had turned into a significant talking point for the entire nation. Gossips that the Prince was going to launch a full-on invasion into the Terre Continent began to spread like wildfire, and thousands of soldiers prepared themselves for war.

Well, not that it mattered to Shin. Right now, he only had one objective, and that was to inspect the elite force that the Lantis Republic had gathered for him...

"Prince, you’re late!" Jingyu Shenxian, the Chancellor and the old ’face’ of the Lantis Republic exclaimed as she took significant steps forward. Shin’s arrival prompted many heads to turn, particularly those that were invested in the upcoming mission. There was a tall, sturdy man. A feminine woman, with a viper’s charm. An elderly man who seemed barely able to lift a rock... and many, many more.

Of course, there were familiar faces as well. Heigui Xuegang, the man that protected Shin during the naval battle against the Black Masks, stood tall as the first man to have a proper connection with the Prince among the eight Spirit Venerates. At the corner, Longyu Hai, Shin’s squire, was looking at Kanari, giving her some odd looks. For some reason, her ’sister-in-law’ seemed more radiant on this day, and she was confused as to why. Those that had an inkling of what had happened titled their head with amusement, while others who were denser remained utterly oblivious.

Wholly uninterested in the gossip by others, Shin looked for Jingyu Shenxian to give his updates.

"The High Council has approved of your request to rally an elite force. These are the shortlisted candidates for the Spirit Venerates and more Spirit Emperors would be arriving shortly for you to vet..."

"No need for that," Shin raised his hand and disrupted the Chancellor’s speech. "Eight Spirit Venerates should be more than enough to raid Junius’ base. We need ample forces to stay behind lest another Black Mask raid comes from the west." The young Prince gave out his thoughts eloquently and turned to examine the eight faces.

Examining Spirit Venerates... Who else had that ability but the Prince of Water himself?! Most people would be glad that eight Spirit Venerates, the top cultivators before the untouchable Spirit Saints, would be joining in their expedition. Anyone who could cultivate to that realm was already among the cream of the crop. Placed in any family clans, they would become the undisputed Hegemons. Heck, even the Frie Clan that Shin grew up in only had three Spirit Emperors and could only dream of having a Spirit Venerate. However, Shin wasn’t like most people. If he wanted to raid the Black Masks’ base, especially one that housed Junius and many of his fellow goons, Shin needed the best of the best. Fortunately, it looks like the Lantis Republic didn’t skimp on the manpower dispatchment.

Almost all of the Spirit Venerates present were battle-oriented or at the very least, auxiliary battle-oriented. For instance, Venerate Xunyu Lengjing from the Xunyu Clan. She wasn’t particularly a monster on the battlefield, but her boosting abilities were second to none. Heigui Xuegang as well... Shin had been protected by his barrier once before, so naturally, the young man knew how powerful his defensive ability actually was. The remaining six Spirit Venerates weren’t to be scoffed at either.

Most of them were Admirals or former Admirals. Some were just legendary fighters that served the government using different methods. It was a miracle that the Lantis Republic managed to gather all of them within a day, and have them ready to deploy.

"Mmmm, thank you all for coming on this short notice. I know that it must have been a hassle to leave all of your responsibilities behind," Shin gave a short nod towards the eight Spirit Venerates. Though they were bound by the orders of the High Council, Shin knew the ins-and-outs of keeping his army happy.

"It’s no hassle at all!" One Spirit Venerate saluted the Prince with a radiant smile. "It is an honour to serve the Prince, as well as to rid the evil of the Black Masks!!!"

"Still, I have to thank you," Shin dropped his shoulders and placed his hands on the Spirit Venerate. "The travel west would be a little long, so I pray that all of you are prepared for the distance..."

"Ha!!!" All the Spirit Venerates saluted in unison, utterly unfazed by the Prince’s warnings.

"My Prince, we’ve provided all of the supplies for your trip." At that moment, the Chancellor swooped in with a friendly face, holding onto a checklist using a wooden backboard. "Food, ammunition and numerous change of clothes. Once you have arrived in the Kori Federation, there would be a congregation from the Alliance ready to receive you. We have discussed the details with Senior Zishen and the rest of the Azure Dragons as well. You can learn more from them during your journey."

"That’s great..." During all of the commotion, Shin noticed that there was a slight shadow moving in the distance. It was a familiar silhouette, one that he had forgotten about ever since seeing the motionless body of Shizen.

"Good, if everything is prepared, we’ll depart in three hours then," Shin instantly nodded with a slight urgency hidden within his voice. "Please excuse me..." Ignoring the piercing stares that were sent his way, Shin hurried towards the shadow before it ran away forever...


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