Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 623 Trygans Acknowledgemen

Trygan looked at Eisen with a surprised expression. He seemingly really didn’t expect Eisen to make a suggestion like that. The Dragon God looked down at the old man with a slight frown, "Are you sure that this is a good idea? If either side discovers what is going on, even I may not be able to properly help you." Trygan pointed out, but Eisen just shook his head with a smile.

"It’s fine, don’t worry. The five Dragons that gave me my tasks were pretty kind, so I’m sure that I can get them to understand if I just explained the situation to them. If I have to, I can just reveal all the information that they don’t have to them. Such as the whole thing with this and the other world." Eisen explained bluntly.

The Crystal Dragon King still seemed a little bit worried about what might happen to Eisen if he tried to become a champion to not only one side of the war, but also the other.

And at the same time, Eisen realized that he probably made quite a big mistake, "Although... I kind of told all of the players that they were supposed to join this side of the war to fight against Kotam..."

"You did what?" Trygan asked with a deeply angry frown, but Eisen just sighed in response as he looked straight at him, "If I had known this situation was like this, then I never would have done anything like that. I didn’t really have any means of getting this kind of information, so don’t blame me. I’m trying to make up for it right now, anyway." Eisen pointed out, with a slight bit of dismissiveness.

But that wasn’t because he didn’t take this issue seriously, it was rather the opposite. He took the issue extremely serious, and was already trying to think about whether or not he had ever encountered some kind of Chromatic Dragon that belonged to Kotam’s army.

First things first, the old man would have to become a true champion to those guys as well, and once he did, he would most likely be allowed to meet Kotam to get another ’gift’ from her. Eisen figured it would be similar to how it was supposed to be with Trygan. He was supposed to get an audience with him, much like he actually did right now, but instead, Trygan just gave Eisen his gift without that being a requirement.

Eisen actually didn’t know why Trygan was okay with speaking to the old man so openly now instead of before, but it’s not like he minded. He was actually rather happy that they were finally able to speak about a lot of the issues that have ben on Eisen’s mind for a good while now.

The old man looked at Trygan with a light smile on his face, "Don’t worry, I’ll fix this. I’ll make sure that this war doesn’t end up killing Kotam, I’m too much of a doting grandfather for that. You should know that by now." Eisen laughed with a smile on his face, and Trygan slowly nodded his head.

It seemed like he was getting a little bit relaxed after hearing the words of his father, "I see... Then I must thank you. I am quite lucky to have been hatched by you, Father." The old, giant Dragon said with a quiet laugh, and Eisen just smiled back at him as he slowly rubbed his hand over Trygan’s snout.

"And I’m lucky that you hatched out of that egg, Trygan." Eisen replied immediately, before a notification just appeared right in front of the old man’s eyes.

[You have received Trygan’s acknowledgement. Priests to Trygan will now immediately have a positive impression of you, and you can receive a larger amount of Holy Energy in return for any sort of prayer]

With a satisfied expression, Eisen waved his hand to the side to get rid of the notification, and then looked at Trygan, "Thank you for that."

"Of course, Father. But now, I think it is about time for you to leave... You should not spend too much time in a single divine realm like this." Trygan pointed out, "If I can make a small recommendation..." The Dragon King started, and Eisen raised his brows as he started to eagerly listen.

"I think you should visit Gonor, the God of Combat, right after me." He suggested, and Eisen slowly crossed his arms, "Well, my plan was to head to town, buy something special with these heavenly coins I’ve been given, and then make my way to Silmos’ realm. I was pretty curious about that place, to tell you the complete truth." Eisen pointed out, and Trygan slowly nodded his head.

"I understand, and I figured you would think so. But considering that you have made a certain deal with Gonor, I think speaking to him as soon as you can would be a pretty good idea. Although, you should first rest up a bit. In the heavenly realms, you should be able to recover your exhaustion quickly... in about an hour on this side, I would say." The Dragon King explained. Eisen just looked down at the ground with a slight nod.

He agreed that he should speak to Gonor soon, but he wasn’t particularly excited about what kinds of trials would come in there. It would obviously end up being related to combat, but Eisen really wasn’t sure if he wanted to go up against ten different people that were strong enough to get into the god of combat’s realm. And of course, that god would probably only let the strongest of the strong fight agianst Eisen, and that really didn’t seem all too fair. Although he did have experience fighting against Brody, so it might not be as bad as the old man thought it would end up being.

But in the end, since this was a request from Trygan, Eisen figured he should just get it over with and do as he was asked to, "Fine, I’ll be heading there next. It was really, really nice to see you, Trygan."

"I agree. It was amazing to be able to speak to you. And thank you for helping with the Kotam situation in particular." The Crystal Dragon God, with a light smile, just looked back at Eisen who slowly turned around and made his way over toward the gate that was the entrance to this room.

"I will try and come to visit you sometime soon again." The old man said with a smile on his face, and then pushed the large door in front of him open, before heading outside again. The angels of Trygan were incredibly distrustful of the old man, and were staring at him constantly despite the fact that he was their God’s father, but he figure that it was fine. Judging from the recent conversation he had with Ambriel, Eisen figured that angels were simply slight... or rather, extreme elitists. Eisen didn’t want to use words like racism or xenophobia, but they certainly came to mind in situations like this.

They seemed to be prejudiced toward mortals, and literally thought of those walking the mortal planes as lesser than themselves. Eisen was apparently a special case, where angels didn’t have as much of an issue with Eisen directly, but at the very least they tried to hide it a little more.

There were a lot of other things beyond that that Eisen wanted to figure out, like how some Angels seemed to be lacking certain information in regards to the gods, like they thought they were the perfect beings they perceived them to be. And for the most part, since angels seemed to be quite selfish creatures much like people were, they most likely just assumed that the ’perfect being’ was one that held the same values as them, so they wouldn’t believe that such a perfect being mingled with such ’disgusting lesser beings’.

It was bothersome, but at the very least Eisen didn’t have to deal with that kind of prejudice all too much in his particular case. He still felt quite angry about it, but there was nothing much he could do to change their mind, or so he thought at least.

For now, Eisen just had to figure out something that he should do with all of the money that he made while here in this divine realm. But at the end of the day, he just started wandering around the place a little bit longer, until he found himself in front of a random house. It didn’t seem to be a shop, and it was a quite simple place in itself.

It was quite barn- or farm-like, and Eisen could hear a slight whistling through the door. It pulled the old man’s attention toward the house, although he didn’t really know why. But so, the old man just figured that he should try and... knock.

A few moments later, to the old man’s surprise, a young woman in her prime opened the door. She really just seemed like a pretty normal girl, and was very different to a lot of the other souls Eisen saw around here. She didn’t seem to be as devout to Trygan as many of the others around here, at least, and that made Eisen just the more curious.

In her hand, she held a small carving knife as well as a piece of wood that she seemed to be trying to carve into something like a small trinket.

"Could I... help you?" She asked with a gentle smile, and Eisen slowly shook his head, "Not particularly, actually. I heard you whistle a song in there, and it was similar to something someone important to me hums sometimes. So, I figured it was fate, and just knocked. Sorry if I’m interrupting anything."

"Interrupting? Of course not! It is quite surprising, to see someone living here. Compared to the others, I have been dead for a rather short time, only around 150 years or so. I have never encountered something living in this divine realm." The ’young’ woman pointed out with a smile as she took a step to the side, "Would you like to come in and speak for a while? I am quite interested in what happened down there after my passing."

"Oh?" The old man started as he took the woman up on her offer, taking a step into the house, "That’s surprising to hear. Nobody else really had any sort of interest in the mortal realm. But go ahead, ask whatever you want to."

"Thank you. In the end, there is only one thing that I would like to ask... Is the world as hateful toward ’Monsters’ as it used to be back then?" She asked without a moment’s hesitation, and the old man thought about it for a little while.

"I... think it may be in most places, yes. But not every place is, or was. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of the country led by the five that peaked, but some of its citizens are monsters, and others are people. And others are neither, actually. It wasn’t a thing for a while, but it’s growing stronger again." The old man laughed. And somehow, the woman made a mixed expression. But it wasn’t one that was hard to decipher. The woman had a mix of relief and glee in her eyes.

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