Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 521 Demonic Lumberjack

Eisen looked at the departing ship and just waved at his group of friends that was making their way over toward their new home now. Soon, the people on the ship became too small to properly make out, so Eisen chose to just turn around and be on his way as well now.

He spoke to Jyuuk and Xenia a bit ago about making their way toward the place where the giant tree was currently standing as well to turn the whole place into farmland and to properly make use of the seemingly quite potent mana in that area.

\"Alright, then I’ll be off now.\" Eisen told Komer with a light smile on his face, and the young man just nodded his head as he turned away from the workers that he was just speaking to, \"Got it. The tree is guarded so that nobody can get close to it, but they were told you’re coming. Message me if there are any issues, and when you felled the tree and prepared it properly. Ah, and just use that whole space to make whatever you want to make. And take your time.\" Komer told Eisen, who simply nodded his head in response.

\"Got it. I know roughly where to go, so let’s head off now.\" Eisen suggested and cracked his knuckles as he looked at the others.

\"Erm, is that way really a good idea?\" Sky asked, and Kiron seemed to immediately agree with him, \"Yeah, it seems a bit... risky.\" The Half-Dragon pointed out, and Eisen just looked at him with a brow raised.

\"Hey, you five can just take this as a chance to practice a little. Fafnir will be doing the same as well, after all.\" Eisen said reassuredly. But it seemed like none of the Half-Dragons really liked that idea all too much.

\"Yeah, I doubt we’re gonna do that, thanks.\" Rudia replied, and Morgus immediately nodded his head, \"Yup, takes way too long to get our wings to properly carry us, ya know?\" The Black Half-Dragon pointed out, and Eisen slightly smiled at them.

\"Well, if you change your mind, just let me know.\" The old man suggested, just as the group made their way over toward the closest gate.

Once outside of town, Sigurd quickly placed the carriage down there, albeit without Cabarum and Aulu. And now, everyone made their way into the carriage, of course with the exception of Fafnir, since he was a slight bit too big. And with a crack of his knuckles, Eisen simply started growing to his new maximum size of fifteen meters, before activating his Draconic Demon form.

Just as he expected, he grew even more than before and was now roughly 22 or 23 meters tall. The only ones here in this group that had seen this so far were the three monster children and Sky, so of course the reaction from the five half-dragons and Bree showed their immense awe and surprise at that.

\"What the fuck-\" Morgus yelled, seemingly freaked out, although the reaction from some of the others was a little different.

\"Grandfather!\" Kiron exclaimed, \"You are truly enormous now, since when could you grow to such a size?\" He asked, before Eisen just lightly chuckled and looked down at him, \"It hasn’t been that long.\" The old man replied, and then simply started picking the carriage up pretty casually.

He looked at the young Fey-Kin staring out of the front of the carriage with an excited expression and just smiled, \"Bree, how about you try and sit down instead of leaning out like that? I’ll try to hold the carriage as steadily as possible, but it should still be pretty unsteady at times.\" The old man explained, and Bree simply nodded her head without hesitation.

\"Of course! But Eisen, you just look so cool!\" She exclaimed, and Eisen just lightly chuckled as he watched Sal quickly connect Eisen and Fafnir through some thick thread so that Fafnir could properly practice flying again. Eisen tightly grabbed the carriage and even used his element to make the rock from his hands envelop the carriage at its side in a way that it was practically impossible for it to slip out.

And then, the old man looked down at the ’box’ in his hands and smiled, \"Hold onto something, we’re heading off.\" Eisen warned, turning his head to the side to look at Fafnir as he was currently sitting on his shoulders to make sure he could hold on during ’liftoff’.

Eisen started running forward a bit, making the ground quiver underneath his step, and then slowly flapped his wings before his body was being slightly lifted off the ground. Just before Eisen completely lost all contact to the road he was on, he simply kicked off to give himself a little boost that made it possible for him to simply fly off into the distance rather quickly.

Eisen felt Fafnir’s claws dig into his shoulder as this was happening, even if it was just the outermost layer. The old man’s skin was made of rock at the moment, after all. Noticing that Fafnir was a bit startled at the sudden speed, the old man tried to reassure the dragon and had him climb down toward Eisen’s hands where he was currently holding the carriage.

Everyone in there didn’t seem to have held on much better, but at the very least they were now able to manage sitting down properly without stumbling over again, since Eisen was doing his best to keep up a steady pace while holding the carriage as even as possible.

Fafnir slowly climbed on top of the carriage over Eisen’s arm and then spread his wings out. He was immediately pushed back off the carriage and was now only hanging onto the thread. Using his feet, Eisen managed to slightly help Fafnir regain proper form, and the young Dragon then simply spread his wings out again.

It took a little bit of effort to keep the same speed that Eisen had up, but at the very least he was able to manage it to an extent. Eisen slowed down a little bit for a while to make it easier for Fafnir to control his ’flight’, which was mainly just gliding in the end, and then sped up more and more.

This continued until Eisen was able to see the tree in the distance. That truly giant, hundreds of meters tall tree. And that was only the part of the log that could really be seen, the leaves at the top together with the branches weren’t counted toward that.

And Eisen could immediately spot the roots that Komer had mentioned, roots that spread out for hundreds of meters as well, digging through the rock and dirt that the tree stood on.

There were a fair few portions that were on top of the ground, even if it did seem like most of the roots were obviously underground. The old man landed in front of the tree, before immediately being approached and surrounded by a group of Guards. Eisen quickly let the carriage down onto the ground and snapped the thread connecting him with Fafnir so that the dragon could walk around normally, before deactivating his transformations and returning to his regular size.

\"It’s fine, it’s fine, I’m a person.\" The old man said, trying to reassure the guards that were surrounding them. And it made sense that they were scared of Eisen, after all, just a few moments ago he was a more than 20 meters tall monstrous creature.

But it seemed like they still didn’t properly relax, so Eisen got out the item that Komer gave him to show to these guys, just to make sure that they could be sure Eisen was the one that was supposed to come and fell this tree.

The old man called out to one of the guards holding the scroll and handed it to him. He read through it a couple of times, and then excused himself to seemingly go get a superior that could actually make the decision to let Eisen through.

And it didn’t take long for someone to come over there either, the Guards’ captain, and he quickly approved for Eisen to come through and get everything done. Although, all of the guards still seemed to be rather suspicious of Eisen at the moment, which he didn’t blame them for in the slightest, really.

\"Hmm, this is going to take a while to get done, even at my maximum size...\" The old man announced to his group, \"Sigurd, Fafnir, just set the dungeon up somewhere around here. You guys can relax inside for now, I’ll let you know when I need your help.\" Eisen told them, something that was quickly followed up on.

Fafnir jumped into the air and a large gate appeared directly undearneath him, before the gate opened up and everyone stepped inside. Seeing that the guards were rather confused at seeing this, Eisen simply smiled at them.

\"You can go ahead and join them, if you want. We have fresh food, cold refreshments, and even games like darts or pool to play if you want to.\" Eisen explained to them, although the Guard Captain just looked at the space behind the gate with a light, suspicious frown.

\"Who are you...?\" He asked, and Eisen simply sighed as he started slowly increasing his size and approached the tree, \"What, did you expect the guy who was sent here to fell that giant tree single-handedly to be a normal person?\" The old man replied immediately.

\"We have the prince’s backing, I think you can trust us. I’m sure you’ve heard of it, but that’s the ’Living Dungeon’ that’s been travelling around the continent lately.\"

Immediately, the Guards started muttering amongst themselves. Most of them didn’t really get the chance to see that place before now, after all, but they definitely seemed to be more relaxed after being told this. After all, the ’Living Dungeon’ was something that many, many people went into. There were pretty strong, dangerous monsters in there, but nobody ever lost their life.

Well, a couple of times Artificials died, but since they simply returned a few hours later, that wasn’t really seen as much of an issue by most people, considering that the Artificials themselves were nothing more than a little frustrated whenever they revived.

That being said, Eisen then simply made his way over closer toward the tree before pulling out his multitool and having it turn into its axe mode. It seemed to grow pretty nicely with Eisen at this point in time, it seemed like the upgrade to his Giant racial skill even affected this items that he placed his growth-ability onto a little bit, since the multitool was growing with him just absolutely perfectly, same thing with his apron and pants, actually.

Eisen slowly activated his Draconic Demon transformation, and then had the transformation carry over to the axe. Right now it was rather small in his hands, since the draconic demon transformation didn’t count as a direct ’size change’ like with Eisen’s Giant-Ability. But rather, it was something else.

But luckily, Eisen could simply transfer such transformations over to items that he was using as well, so quite soon, the axe grew in size until it was perfect for Eisen once more. And as this 22 meter tall old man stood in front of the tree with that demonic axe in his hands, he started trying to figure out what the best approach for this would be.

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