Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 518 More Proficiency

Eisen looked down onto the balcony and the actual roof of the whole building, "Well, this is a bit more than I expected..." The old man pointed out with a wry smile, and then quickly started to decrease his size again. He would head out of town later on so that he could safely test this size out together with his Draconic Demon form, which would increase his size even further.

The old man scratched the back of his neck as he stood there while Sky and Komer both just stared at him in confusion, "What the fuck was that? Since when can you turn that... huge?" Komer asked immediately.

With a light smile on his face, Eisen just crossed his arms, "I just ranked up my Giant Racial skill, and it seems like the upgrade that I got was a SERIOUS upgrade." He explained to them.

"It’s like you’re an actual Giant now, right?" Sky asked, actually somewhat excitedly, and Eisen thought about it for a moment and then shrugged, "I might still come out a little short depending on which Clan we’re talking about." He explained. It was just a feeling he had though, and he couldn’t exactly say which clan was supposed to be how large exactly.

Eisen sighed slightly and then cracked his knuckles before heading back toward the door, "Let me know when everyone is back. I’ll keep working for a while."

"Eh?" Komer suddenly replied, and Eisen turned around with a brow raised, "What is it?" He asked, and Komer just scratched his cheek a bit, "Oh, I somehow expected that you’d keep testing this out some more. You might be able to do a lot of really insane things with your size that huge." Komer pointed out.

With a bit of thought, the old man started running his fingers through his beard and then turned fully back toward Komer, "And what exactly do you mean with ’really insane things’?" Eisen asked slightly curiously, and Komer just slightly grinned in response.

"Something that’s undoubtedly going to help both of us." Komer explained, and Eisne just approached him again. "Alright, tell me more."

"Got it! Okay, so. There are a few things that your help could be used for. They’re technically just manual labor things, but with your size and items, you should be able to finish work that might take weeks within a couple of days. And it should help your level-up quest as well!" Komer continued, "For one, someone illegally imported a world tree sapling and then had a group of naturalists support its growth with plant control. The land that the tree is on was seized by the kingdom, and I managed to buy the rights for that land. Under the condition that the tree is felled. The tree has three times the thickness of the tree we used for the ship, even if it’s just twice as tall. Either way, we can keep two thirds of the wood as long as we deliver the rest to the Prince. I figured that the wood from that could be a good material for you."

With a lightly raised brow, Eisen just crossed his arms and looked down at Komer, "Is that so? Hm, something like that..." He muttered, "Might be a pretty good chance, huh?" The old man pointed out, and then just nodded his head in satisfaction.

"Alright, good. Let’s do that. A tree of that size should be a good enough sorce for Woodcutting Proficiency. Just tell me where the tree is, and I’ll get it done. Is there anything that you want to do with the land afterward? I doubt you’d just buy it for the tree and then let me have all the wood."

"Haha. You know me pretty well, huh?" Komer replied with a slightly uncomfortable laugh, "You see, there’s a reason why I had to buy the land that the tree stood on instead of just the tree itself. The tree’s roots spread out to cover an area of one square kilometer. Since with the tree, that land became unusable otherwise, and not many can fell it, it became cheap as dirt. Literally. It was sold to me at the price of unusable wasteland, despite being an area that has incredibly dense ambient mana. Just having the right to use that land to procure different materials is worth many, many times what it will cost us to fell the tree, now that you can grow to that size."

"I see. Dense ambient mana, huh?" The old man muttered, "That means that it’s perfect for planting things, right?" Eisen asked, before Komer immediately nodded, "Mhm, exactly. If you have naturalists with proficient understanding of mana, the effects of plant control can be boosted by so much." He explained, and Eisen immediately started smiling broadly.

"I get it. Then I’ll let Jyuuk and Xenia know as well. And make sure that the seeds are ready by the time the ship leaves tomorrow, I’m heading off immediately afterward. We’ll take care of business there, since I also have to increase my Farming proficiency some more." The old man suggested, and Komer simply kept smiling as if everything went just like he wanted it to.

"Well, that’s pretty pleasant to hear." He replied, before Eisen just smiled back, "But is it fine if I use all that land to plant some of my material seeds after we’re done? We can’t increase the speed of that, but if the area has as much mana as you’re saying it does, then their speed of growth should still be accellerated."

"Oh yeah, that’s totally fine, don’t worry about it. I’m sure the three of you will be able to get me far, far more than I’m even expecting of you." The young Merchant pointed out, before Eisen kept looking at him curiously.

"And was there anything else? It sounded like cutting down that tree wasn’t the only thing I could do." Eisen pointed out, and Komer quickly nodded his head.

"Right! Because of an onflood of monsters caused by an Artificial, a quarry was abandoned." Komer explained, and Eisen just kept looking at him curiously, "And let me guess, you also bought up the quarry?"

"Nope!" Komer replied immediately, "Just yesterday a Boss monster appeared there, so it became an official Field Dungeon. And the right to the land the field dungeon was built on belongs to whoever clears it."

"I see... Then shouldn’t-"

"I ask Brody? Yeah, he’s already on it, don’t worry. I’m not asking you to hunt monsters for me. What I am asking you to do is to head to that field dungeon and do a little bit of mining work there if you want to."

With a satisfied expression, Eisen just nodded his head and kept moving his fingers through his beard, "I see, I see. Well, that sounds like a good enough place to level my mining skill up then. But really, you’re expanding yourself to have your fingers anywhere you can have them, huh?" Eisen pointed out, and Komer just slightly chuckled.

"Well, what else can a businessman do?" He replied, and then slightly turned away, "Especially since this is an actual world and I can’t afford to play around anymore and have to treat everything I do seriously..."

"Haha, sorry for breaking your illusion like that. Well, either way, thanks for giving me those chances, bud. I’m going to head off for now and keep working on some other skills of mine." Eisen suggested, before he started making his way back toward his workshop.

There, Eisen simply cracked his knuckles and chose to go get some materials. He sat them down in front of him and thought about what to do for a little while. He figured he could continue on with the next part of his quest in chronological order for a bit. And the next part was to rank up his occupation skills. The Crafting Space skill was the most bothersome one, as far as Eisen was concerned, since there was only one ability that would let him at least somewhat properly let him control how fast the skill leveled up through actual hard work.

And that was the ability to manipulate tools within the crafting space. Eisen thought about what exactly to use this ability for, and in the end, simply chose to try and combine all three of his occupation skills for a bit.

Eisen activated the crafting space skill and slowly pulled the multitool away from his apron using that skill. Luckily, through the tool’s intelligence, this movement was immediately supported.

Then, he activated his truth-seeing-eyes and then switched to the Visualization mode. Eisen visualized himself standing there, holding the Multitool, and then just tried to have it move around a little bit. It seemed like with this combination, things worked surprisingly well.

But when the old man tried to have that ’visualization’ of himself pick up the materials, that didn’t really work all too well. And so, Eisen added part of a mana-double onto the visualization, and that was the left hand, the one that would be used to move materials around.

Just like that, Eisen could have this other version of him start working. Eisen had to stand right next to it for now, and then tried to just make it work in order to forge something like a small metallic hand. Technically, it wasn’t really all that complicated. It was just a hand in the simplest sense. Basically, it was just made up of the ’main’ part of the hand that included its back and palm, that was connected to five caps that acted as fingertips via metallic thread.

And so, since Eisen made it as a ’tool’, it was recognized as such after it became an item, and Eisen could use it together with the crafting space skill to move it around, and as such quickly replaced the mana-double hand. And after making another one of those ’hands’ that would then be holding the actual tool, the old man got started and had this ’visualized Eisen’ start working on an ego-item.

After having it work for a while, Eisen got another idea. He slowly sat down in the middle of the room cross-legged and closed his eyes, before starting to cover the whole space in his mana so that he could constantly keep his mana-copy information on this space updated.

He then visualized that space inside of his mind, with him standing at the position where that ’visualized Eisen’ was standing before. He was just holding the multitool like regular now.

And so, like this, Eisen was able to act as if he was still physically working, even if he technically was just sitting there on the ground. All the whilst an invisible figure made up of two rough metal hands was working on the item that Eisen was imagining.

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