Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 506 Lets go to the mall

A little bit away from town, at a spot that seemed to not have any people around, Eisen prepared for his descent. This time around instead of letting himself drop down, he was actually trying to glide down there and properly use his wings for a controlled descent.The moment that his feet hit the ground, he picked up the three monster children from his apron and placed them onto the ground while snapping the thread connecting him with Fafnir again before deactivating his new demonic transformation while shrinking down to his regular size.He climbed onto Fafnir’s back with the children and then started to ride the dragon the rest of the way to town instead, so that there was nobody that could freak out over seeing a Draconic Demon flying toward the town. Although, there were probably a few people that spotted him, but Eisen figured it wouldn’t be an issue if he just turned back into his regular form. He doubted anyone would be able to really recognize him as that being.Eisen approached the town and was swiftly let in since he didn’t have a carriage that needed to be checked this time, and then made his way through town as quickly as he could. Of course he wasn’t on Fafnir’s back for this anymore, since this town was rather busy, but instead he simply stepped off and tried to push his way through the crowd.How he increased his size to his five-meter maximum to get everyone to properly notice him and step out of his way helped as well, of course. Some of the people seemed to recognize him, however. They tried to follow him, but instead of humoring them for a while, Eisen just kept walking while the children were riding on Fafnir’s back still.Soon, Eisen reached the building of the Starlight Company, this huge mall that seemed to have a fair amount of customers at the moment. Dozens of people were streaming in and out of the building at the same time, so Eisen was rather glad to see that everything was going well.The old man stepped up to the entrance, that he was luckily able to pass through, since Komer had the building constructed so that it could even fit the largest amongst Titans, and then just stood there for a little while trying to take a look at the place from the inside.There really were some plants and trees planted everywhere, and it really just seemed quite scenic no matter how Eisen looked at it. There were of course numerous shops here, many even run by NPCs and Players, meaning that Komer’s plan to rent everything out worked quite well, but the ones that had the most business get to them were the largest shops that Komer himself was running.Everything was properly set up in the magic-item shop, and Komer was largely advertising different contract scrolls as well as potions. The section the latter was placed was even properly made to now display the process of forming the glass bottles as well as filling them with the actual potions using the mass-production system, like Eisen suggested it could be shown.Then there were of course the other stores run by komer that were for example selling different materials for arts or crafts, and music stores were some different instruments could be bought.And to Eisen’s surprise, Komer apparently managed to get everything ready for the Pet-Shop already. Well, not completely. It wasn’t actually open yet, seemingly, but there was a large advertisement for it right in front of the entrance to that shop, and basically everywhere around the whole mall."In three days, huh?" Eisen muttered quietly as he looked at the date for that shop’s opening, and then just chose to keep walking around a little bit to take a look at some of the other shops, those that weren’t run by Starlight.But while Eisen was walking around, a notification soon popped up in front of him telling him that Komer wanted to chat with him. Quickly accepting, another message appeared in front of him.[Komer] Come to the outside of the north entrance, there’s an employee entrance there. I’ll come downstairs and let you inWith a light smile on his face, Eisen waved the notification away and chose to do like Komer said, quickly making his way toward the north entrance and stepped back outside. He looked around for a little bit until he spotted another, actually quite well-hidden door to the side of the northern entrance.And as that door was opening up, Eisen shrunk back down to his regular size and had Fafnir step in first, while Eisen was trying to make sure none of the players that were following him could come through this door to follow them.After Eisen himself stepped into the building and the door closed, the old man first looked down at the young man standing there. He was wearing the suit that Eisen made for him a while back, seemingly trying to look as neat as he could, and had his hair slicked back.Of course they first properly greeted each other with a short hug, and then continued along the hallway in front of them that would lead them toward the stairs upward into the ’meeting rooms’. Komer was seemingly also renting spaces upstairs out as apartments and guild-halls, even. Surprisingly enough, a fair amount of people actually chose to take advantage of this."Most of them are unbearably rich though." Komer grumbled quietly, and Eisen looked back at him with a brow slightly raised, "Says the currently most-likely heir of a billion-dollar conglomerate." The old man pointed out, and Komer just looked back with a light smile for a moment and then turned back forward. This seemed slightly weird to Eisen, but Komer seemingly tried to act as if nothing was wrong, so the old man respected his wishes and played along, "Right, but those guys act like they literally own the world. They’re like how I used to be, to be honest. Some of them even tried to give offers to Jyuuk, Xenia and Brody to join their guilds whenever they saw them walking around.""Oh?" Eisen replied quietly, "I’m sure none of them replied in an especially nice way, huh?""Yeah... I’m not going to lie, I actually had to bribe some guards before because Brody tried to attack one of the people that kept trying to invite him over and over again. He was an annoying ass, sure, but I think Brody still kind of overdid it trying to turn him into whatever-his-name on a stick."With a light chuckle, Eisen nodded his head as they all started walking up the stairs that seemed to lead to the top floor, the penthouse that Komer constructed at the top of the mall.Once they made their way up there, Eisen was actually rather surprised to see that they could quite literally see every part of this town right now. This mall was the highest structure in the whole town, seemingly."Well then, this is a nice sight, isn’t it?" The old man chuckled, and Komer just slightly smiled as he sat down at the table where currently the sleeping Xenia and Jyuuk were sitting as well."Go ahead and sit wherever." Komer pointed out, so Eisen swiftly did just as the merchant suggested. And as he was sitting down, Eisen noticed the dim light of a crystal floating a few meters above the table, protected by what at first glance seemed to be simply decoration hanging from the roof."Ah, so this is where you placed your sub-guild’s crystal?" Eisen asked, before Komer immediately nodded, "Yup. I figured, since this would most likely turn out to be the largest place that Starlight is owning anytime soon, this would be the best place to put it." Komer pointed out, and the old man slowly nodded his head."Got it, got it. I’m just curious, but is there any place I could set up shop here for a while from now on?" Eisen asked with a light smile, and with a soft chuckle, Komer stood back up and chose to walk toward the hallway behind him, "I figured that you guys would be asking for things like that, so I had some special rooms built for each of you. A training room with walls that have physical resistance, including a bunch of dummies and training weapons for Brody. Then a room with magic-resistant walls as well as a research section, of course split up by another wall just to be safe. I filled a room with a bunch of instruments and art-supplies for Evalia, and the walls are made to support painting-type magic if she wants to paint on the walls. For Jyuuk, I..." Komer said, and then slightly started to scratch the back of his head."I didn’t know what exactly to put, to be honest. Sure, I gave him some growth-beds and materials to work with, but other than that, I didn’t really know what to put. He has so many different tamed monsters, after all." The young merchant pointed out, before they reached a large door at the end of the hallway."And then, there’s a room for you that I filled with anything you might need. And that really is just a set-in marble workstation, specific workstations for Parc and Rouge, as well as a large space that can support your magic a bit more so you can have higher control over your flames in your forge. I didn’t set anything specific in there so you could change your sizes, and possibly use the space to build some larger things." Komer explained as he pushed the door open, showing Eisen the large space that was just as Komer described it to be. Parc and Rouge were currently working here to Eisen’s surprise, actually."Ah, you’ll just have to enchant some of the crystals set into that room’s walls with your element, I couldn’t find anyone with the flame of the earth element that could do that instead, sorry." Komer apologized slightly, but Eisen just laughed loudly and happily."Oh, don’t worry about that! This is great! Thank you!" Eisen exclaimed, immediately getting him the attention of his two apprentices, both of which dropped what they were doing instantly to greet their teacher."You’re back!" Rouge exclaimed loudly, and immediately, Eisen could hear some footsteps in the distance before Komer continued."Right, I also gave everyone bedrooms up here." Komer explained to the old man, who slowly turned away after greeting his apprentices properly, just to see five half-dragons and two fey-kin make their way toward him with happy and reliefed expressions.

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