Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 500 Finishing them off

As the five Originals stood there, right in front of Merc and Cial, the latter two didn’t know how to exactly react. Of course they were rather confident, but they weren’t confident enough to say they could fight against their own trump-card, plus five high-level players, plus five seemingly high-rank monsters."Wh-What do you want?!" Merc yelled out immediately, "You’re already trying to take the company from us, so what else do you want to do?!"With a slight grumble, Eisen immediately shook his head and approached the two of them. Since his sword realized that Eisen was a little pissed after what Merc said, it was trying to swing around on its own, so Eisen just placed it back into his soul storage for now."We’re trying to take the company from you? All we’re doing is backing up your youngest brother, that’s all it is." The old man pointed out, and Cial stared at him confusedly, "All you’re doing is ’backing’ him up? That’s got to be a fucking joke! You’ve literally given him enough money and contacts to turn his shitty little company into such an imperium within a couple of months!""Actually, that’s not really true." Eisen said with a light smirk, and both Cial and Merc seemed rather confused, "Sure, I did help him quite a bit, but that money together with the plan of creating that ’imperium’ all comes from Komer." He explained, "And the whole fact that you don’t think he would be capable of it is more insulting than anything I’ve heard today. Even when that fake got my ’Original’ Title wrong."And with that, Eisen slowly stood back up and turned around toward the other Originals again. At that moment, Merc was overcome with complete and utter anger that blinded him more than he could explain or even comprehend.He seemingly activated some skill of his, and jumped forward toward Eisen at a high speed to try and take a swing at him. But before he could actually reach Eisen, he slammed right into the floor as his face was hit by a heavy metallic pillar. The next moment he realized it, he was surrounded by five Half-Dragons, each of them holding their weapons toward him to somehow try and restrain him, "I wouldn’t try that ever again if I were you." Morgus pointed out. Eisen was actually rather surprised that he took this task so serious, but he was pretty glad about it as well.Meanwhile, probably thinking that this was a good chance to escape, Cial tried to run away again, although he quite soon found that he became literally incapable of moving as two teenagers and one pre-teen stepped up into the whole area as well. One of the two teenagers was moving his fingers around weirdly, in response to which Cial’s body started moving on its own.He turned back around and clunkily stepped over right next to where his brother was, before being forced onto his knees."Thanks, Sal." Eisen said with a light smile, and the Spider-Boy just lightly shrugged.As all of this was happening, the onlookers were simply freaking out even more than they were before. Of course, they freaked out in a positive sense, out of excitement instead of fear."Now, what should we actually do with you two?" The old man asked as he turned around, looking at the other originals with a smile. Out of them, Brody was the first to speak."Shouldn’t we just kill them to get it over with already?" He suggested, but the very next moment, Evalia had another suggestion, "Or we could grab their armor and make them run around town naked? You know, the whole classic humiliation thing.""Sure, that could work, but... Who knows if they’re really gonna be embarrassed? They seem pretty shameless to me." Jyuuk pointed out next, the Minotaur breathing out of his nose angrily right behind him as Xenia also came up with an idea, "I think maybe we should just have them give us as much information on stuff as they can? Maybe like telling us where Antonio is? And then we can do one of those other suggestions." She said, and in the end, Eisen just nodded his head."That does sound like a great idea, I have to admit. So you two, tell us. Where is Antonio? I think telling us quickly would be a rather good idea, before Evalia and Brody become impatient." Eisen told Merc and Cial, both of them obviously incredibly nervous.And Merc immediately gave in, "W-We don’t actually know where he is! Sure, he gave us a bunch of stuff, but he’s barely here! He has some kind of teleport ability, he can just disappear and reappear somewhere else instantly!"With a deep frown, Eisen looked at those two before turning his head toward Argon, the half-dragon paladin. He slowly nodded his head, "He’s telling the truth." Argon said reassuredly and Eisen sighed deeply in annoyance."Great, what a bother to deal with. Fine, you two can go." Eisen said annoyedly as he turned back around, and the others looked at him confusedly, "You’ll just let them go?""Of course. Killing them won’t do us any good anyway. They’ll just be back later. And I doubt they’re going to give us any good experience either.""Fair point..." Jyuuk muttered quietly, as the half-dragons slowly placed their weapons back away as Sal loosened the control he had over Cial.While Xenia’s two spirits disappeared from everyone’s sight, Jyuuk stored the minotaur in his Beastiary, taking up a double-page on its own. Brody seemed a little disappointed that he wasn’t able to have a proper fight today. It seemed like he really could have used this chance to let off a little bit of steam."Don’t worry, you’ll definitely be able to fight some strong guys soon." Eisen said reassuredly, and while Brody seemed just so slightly excited after hearing this, the others were embarrassed at the fact that he did get excited over it."That’s fine then..." The Demon-Orc Halfling replied to Eisen, before they all just started to walk away in a manner that signified to everyone that they were done with this whole thing that just happened here. They were just talking about seemingly casual stuff right now, the kind that you wouldn’t talk about if you felt nervous.The crowd split open, and the Originals, Half-Dragon Knights, and Monsters stepped through to the other side. It seemed like some people were trying to follow them, but everyone soon split up into their regular groups while basically disappearing as if they were capable of teleportation as well.But in reality, everyone just made use of Evalia’s element to cloak themselves and then ran away as quickly as they could manage.For now, everyone would regroup with the other people they were with and head back to the Harbor-Town, since that was where they would all be meeting again next to get back to the islands and finally level up together.The exception to that were Evalia, Stahl, and Eisen. Of course, this also meant that the rest of Eisen’s group would be heading toward the Harbor-Town as well. Only Eisen himself, his three monsters, Kirisho, and Sigurd and Fafnir would be heading somewhere else.The others of Eisen’s group, his two apprentices, the five dragon knights, and of course Sky and Bree, really weren’t all too happy about it, but there was a pretty good reason for it.Right now, Eisen’s main goal was to get the <champion v=""> Title as quickly as possible while hopefully also leveling up a fair bit on his way. Since Fafnir could run way faster than the carriage could travel at its max speed, they should be able to arrive far quicker. And while Fafnir couldn’t directly fly like a regular dragon just yet, he was capable of jumping incredibly high and gliding along a fair distance, which would most likely also speed the whole process up a bit.And while Fafnir enjoyed sleeping a lot, he didn’t actually require that much sleep, since most of his energy was just instantly replenished by the Dungeon Core inside of him. Of course, at some point he did need to sleep, but it took a fair while until he actually HAD to do so.Just like that, the old man got onto Fafnir’s back together with the three monster children, although it did get a slight bit cramped, and then turned over toward the others of his group, out of which Bree was, like normal, the most sentimental by many, many lengths."You’re coming back soon, right?" She asked with a light sniffle as she looked down onto the ground, just kicking the dirt in front of her, and the old man just sligthly chuckled and nodded his head as he reached down and placed his hand onto the top of her head."Of course I am. It’s going to take a week or two at most. Don’t worry." Eisen said reassuredly, before Bree just slowly nodded and hugged her brother. Weirdly enough, as far as Eisen remembered, she never reacted this strongly when she and her literal lover were split up for weeks at a time.It was both weirdly concerning and flattering at the same time. With a smile on his face, the old man just turned to look at everyone. "As I just said, we’ll be back in two weeks the very latest. Until then, if you get too bored in the harbor town, I suggest just helping Komer out here and there. I’m sure he’s going to appreciate it."</champion>

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