Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 474 - Draconic Staff

"Just wait a little while longer, I’ll make Selena’s Staff and then we’re heading to the market, alright?" The old man told the Half-Dragons, most of which seemed to be more than just excited to finally test out their new items. Especially Argon and Rudia, actually, since they’ve had them since last night already and had to just have them sit around all night without having been used yet.

Morgus, who Eisen expected to be the one to try and test it out in here, was actually just inspecting his new weapon properly and trying out different ways to hold it, which was perfectly fine for Eisen. It was rather different to what he was used to, after all, so him trying to learn how to even carry it was rather obvious.

But either way, Eisen didn’t really want to keep everyone waiting for too long, and then swiftly got started working on Selena’s staff.

First things first, Eisen grabbed a large amount of mythril, a type that he actually infused with Selena’s ’Draconic’ element, and was rather happy to see that it stayed solid and actually seemed to be somewhat like a metallic Dragon’s scales, including the patterns that were usually found on them.

And so, it was rather obvious what Eisen would be making out of this metal... Scales for a tiny metallic silver dragon. He flattened parts of the Mythril and punched them out into the right shape, just so slightly bending them depending on where they were supposed to go, and then sat them to the side to cool. Once the large amounts of scales were done, Eisen placed the rest of the Draconic Mythril into a crucible and chose to smelt it down, alloying it with some White Gold, also created by infusing Gold with the Draconic Element, and different gems and crystals that were also infused with the same.

And while everything was still liquid, Eisen got started and grabbed some of the ’Draconic’ infused wood and started carving it into the shape that he wanted. And the shape that Eisen wanted was that of a tiny dragon’s skeleton. It was a bit annoying to do due to the small size of some parts of it, but after that, Eisen swiftly enchanted the wooden skeleton and filled the enchantments in with some different crystals and gems, and then created different Gem and Crystal organs for the tiny Dragon as well, even if they weren’t functional and just static like a figurine.

Once everything was set in place, the old man grabbed some of the Mythril, White Gold and Crystal Alloy and turned it into thin sheets that he swiftly bent around the Wooden Skeleton to act as a base while pushing the hot metal into every nook and cranny with his fingers and transmutation, to keep parts of the skeletal structure on the outside, for example the rough shape of the spine and facial structure, and so on.

And with the base set into place, Eisen used the rest of that same alloy to add onto that base and give the Tiny Dragon some better shape, proper wings, and basically just model it into a realistic tiny dragon without its scales. Because those scales came afterward. But of course, not without the Tiny Dragon’s body being enchanted underneath, each slit that a scale would be pushed into being perfectly integrated into the design of the enchantment.

Not only that, however, even the scales themselves were enchanted, albeit with the help of the marble workstation that allowed for mass-production of enchantments. Obviously, all the enchantments that were placed on this Tiny Dragon’s body were supposed to help with the flow of mana, both elemental and non-elemental. Some of the organs were even technically different types of mana batteries that could store raw or elemental mana as well, so that Selena wouldn’t have trouble casting any spell she wanted to.

Once Eisen then just pushed all of the freshly-enchanted scales into the Tiny Dragon’s body, the central part of the staff was finished, but it wasn’t done just yet.

Using some Draconic-infused wood, which was given a core of Draconic Mythril and Crystals, was basically just a straight pole with a small flat platform at the top. Right now, even if it was enchanted, this part of the staff didn’t really look all that great. Rather boring, actually.

But when Eisen placed both parts of the staff together, the actual staff and the Tiny Dragon, it revealed its true form.

It was like a staff meant to carry a pet more easily, with the tiny dragon perched up on the small flat platform at the top, its front legs sitting on top but its hind legs holding its balance underneath, with its long tail wrapping around the pole.

It was slightly unbalanced right now, being rather top-heavy, so Eisen added a slight bit of compressed metal to the bottom to make up for it. But luckily, since the materials were all infused with mana, their weight was greatly reduced when compared to normal anyway, so it didn’t need too much balancing and was still easy to carry around even for a long time.

And so, just like that, the Draconic Mage’s Staff was finished, and Eisen looked at the item with a satisfied expression. With this, all five of the Draconic Knights, including Kiron of course, were fully equipped when it came to weapons. Luckily they didn’t actually have that much of a need for armor, since their scales themselves were an incredible defense, but Eisen was still thinking about what kind of armor might be best for them and would work on it on the trip away from Melroe to the next Dragon.

With a smile on his face, the old man put his Multitool back together and pushed it back into the spot it was usually hanging from on his Apron again, cleaned himself up a little from the soot and wooden shavings that were stuck to his clothes, and then grabbed the staff next to him to bring it over to Selena, who was already looking at the piece with curious eyes.

"Here you go, a Staff made just for you." The old man said with a smile, and then handed the staff over to the Silver Half-Dragoness in front of him, who gratefully grabbed it and ran her fingers over the tiny dragon’s body.

"It looks so real!" She exclaimed, and Eisen chuckled in response, "If I’m good in one area of design, its realism." The old man replied, and then with a smile on his face turned over toward Denmir, who was still inspecting Eisen’s sword as closely as he could.

"Now then, do you like it?" The old man asked, and without a single moment of hesitation, Denmir nodded his head in response as he looked up at Eisen, who was now standing right beside him.

"This truly is a magnificent piece, ye can be sure’o that..." The Dwarf muttered quietly, "Ye don’t coincidentally wanna sell it to-"

"Sorry, no deal, even if you’re my friend. As I said, I literally ripped both my arms out to get this metal, so I’m not going to let this go that easily." The old man pointed out, and Denmir lightly sighed in response.

"If ye say so. Say, how’d a man like me get the chance ta get his hands on such metal?" Denmir inquired curiously as Eisen placed the Sword back into his Soul Storage, and then looked down at the Dwarf.

"Become at least a Demon candidate for both the Yin and Yang path, get your Demonic Form, and then have a part of your body infused with large amounts of positive energy to get a mass of Yang once you remove that part of your body, and then have a part of your body be infused with large amount of negative energy to get a mass of Yin in the same manner. Then you need a complex ancient magic item to open a portal to the Demonic Realm, where you can then grab a random type of Demonic Material." The old man explained, and Denmir slightly stared back at him with his eyes slightly squinted and then muttered to himself.

"Demon candidate, huh..?" He whispered quietly, and Eisen just sighed to himself, "Haah... Right, try your best, Denmir. Come to the Inn again tonight, since we’ll be leaving tomorrow we should all have another drink." Eisen suggested with a light smile, and Denmir raised his brows surprised.

"Ye’re leavin’ already?" He asked, before Eisen nodded his head in response, "Yeah, the situation is actually pretty bad at the moment, so I need to be on my way to get a better chance at unlocking the puzzle box I showed you the other day." Eisen explained as he got started cleaning everything up around the workstations he worked at, with Denmir going ahead to help him, before the Dwarf slightly sighed.

"Then at least come back again in a couple’o months, will ya?" Denmir asked, before Eisen just nodded his head with a light smile as if it was obvious, "Of course I will, don’t worry about that." The old man replied, and then finished up the cleanup.

"I’ll let the others know about tonight as well, so ye can go ahead and stay at yer stall." Denmir then said all of a sudden, and with his brows raised in surprise, Eisen just lightly smiled back at him gratefully, "Thank you. But I’ll have to go to the Adventurer’s Guild before I go to the stall, so if you end up looking for me, that’s where I’ll be if I’m not at the stall." Eisen explained, before Denmir looked at him surprised.

"Adventurer’s... Ye’re signed up there?" The Dwarf asked, and Eisen just slightly laughed and nodded his head, "I am, but I’m still just rank 1. I ended up being a little too busy for Guild business." Eisen pointed out, so Denmir shrugged.

"Ah, I getcha. Everyone’s wanted ta be a famous Adventurer once or twice in their life, but it’s not for everyone. Even if yer strong enough, it simply ain’t yer callin’."

"You’ve got that right. Although, considering that I’m also still just Rank 1 in the Crafter’s Guild... I don’t think it’s about ’Calling’, it’s more like I’m too lazy to take care of things like material gathering..." The old man said with a lightly wry smile, and Denmir sighed deeply in response.

"I’d be takin’ care of that if I were ya. Or else ye’ll have someone goin’ around stealin’ yer Crafter’s insignia, ’specially after they found out who ye are." The Dwarf pointed out, but Eisen just lightly smiled.

"Let’s hope that doesn’t happen." He laughed.

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