Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 464 - Reintroduction

"Open the f.u.c.k.i.n.g door already!" A Rather brutish, tall-built man exclaimed. He had a simple, rather boring looking Greatsword hanging on his back and wore very little clothes, somehow. He also had two companions with him as well, but they were simply standing next to him, grinning broadly at what the ’leader’ was doing. And as Eisen would have expected, these troublemakers of course were Players.

"Excuse me, what may you be doing right there?" Eisen asked with a smile on his face as he interlocked his fingers behind his back, and the man turned around with a deep frown as he looked right at Eisen, and just glared at him.

"Huh? The f.u.c.k? Why you wanna know that? This is my Hidden Quest, so f.u.c.k off!" The Man yelled at Eisen, and then turned back toward the door. "If you don’t open right now, I’ll break the door down, you hear me?!" He practically screamed, although he soon felt a firm grip on his shoulder.

"I’m going to repeat my question just once more, alright?" Eisen asked with a bright smile as he forcefully turned the player around and then used his overwhelming strength to make sure he couldn’t get out of Eisen’s grip, before the old man continued to speak, "What may you be doing right there?" He added, and the Player just kept glaring at him as he tried to get away from this old man, although the two players accompanying him seemingly were a little more observant than their Leader.

"Are... Are you Eisen?!" One of them asked, and the other just looked at one of the Game’s most famous Players as if he was a deity, "Can I get an Autograph? I’m a huge fan!" He exclaimed, but Eisen just lightly smiled at him. "I will, if you finally answer my question. This fella here seems to have issues with his ears." Eisen chuckled quietly, and the two players immediately nodded their heads.

"Alright! We-"

"Hey, shut the f.u.c.k up! I don’t care who this guy is, I ain’t gonna let him-" The brutish player interrupted, but soon felt the grip on his shoulder strengthen as he was pushed onto his knees, "How rude, let your friends speak, will you?" Eisen said in a commanding tone, and the Player glared up at him, but somehow couldn’t bring himself to speak anymore. So, with a smirk, Eisen looked back at the other two.

"Go on." He told them, so the one that was interrupted before continued. "We... We saw these five people in cloaks, right? Obviously that was damn suspicious, so we thought we could get an interesting quest if we followed them... And then we found out that they’re actually Monsters, so obviously it had to be some kind of quest prompt, right? I mean, what kind of Monsters just walk around a town like that? So we followed them here, and they went into this room, but they wouldn’t open up no matter what we said or did..." He explained, and Eisen slowly sighed and shook his head.

"Sorry, boys, not everything is a quest. And this definitely isn’t. So go, and leave them alone, will you?" The old man asked of them, and while the two seemingly weaker players were ready to agree, the brutish one was anything but that.

"Oi, what are you on about?! Of course this is a quest, what else could it be?!" He yelled out, and Eisen sighed deeply as he shook his head disappointedly and just let go of the player’s shoulder, slowly squatting down to meet him on eye-level, since the player was still on his knees.

"My Grandkid coming to visit, and bringing his friends along. That’s what. And just a little warning... If you don’t leave right now, I’ll throw you out that window, alright?" Eisen explained as he pointed at the window at the end of the corridor, one of the few windows this Inn actually had, and then stood back up and stepped up to the door, although he soon felt something sharp hit his back and cut into his skin, and it was annoying as hell. It didn’t actually damage Eisen that much, and it barely cut deep enough to draw blood, but a cut is a cut... And now that Eisen felt a little pain here as well, he did feel a bit of a burn... And that in a spot like that, how annoying.

With a sigh, Eisen looked at the others to tell them not to fight the player back, before extending his hand toward Bree who quickly handed the old man a potion.

"Haha, how do you like that, you f.u.c.ker?!" The brutish Player asked as he tried to keep pushing his greatsword into the old man’s back, and Eisen grumbled quietly as took a quick step forward and downed the potion to heal his back.

"Not that much, to tell you the truth. Although mainly because you didn’t take care of that sword... It’s blunt, dirty, and basically just a hunk of Iron." The old man sighed, and slowly held his hand to the side, making a pitch-black, one-edged Greatsword appear in his hand that somehow reminded the players of a Kitchen Knife. "Let me show you a trick or two, alright?" Eisen suggested, and then looked over at the other two players, "Open the window for me, will you?" He asked, and the players quickly nodded their heads and did as asked, although the Brute just looked at Eisen confused.

"Wh-What?! You didn’t take any damage at all?!" The Player asked with clear confusion, but Eisen just raised his brows annoyedly. "Not at all? I drank a potion, didn’t I? Well, either way, that matters very little..." Eisen pointed out, and quickly grasped his Sword with both of his hands and swung it at the Brute, although obviously with the back so that he wouldn’t instantly die. He still might, but Eisen didn’t care what happened to him outside.

And immediately when the Sword hit the player’s stomach, his body practically folded in half and was propelled backward, right out of the large window at the end of the corridor. Just like that, Eisen got rid of a bit of a pest, and then smiled at the two other players. "Thanks for the help. Come by the Market tomorrow, you should be able to find my stall there, I’ll make the two of you something." Eisen said with a wink, and while the players excitedly ran off, the old man turned back toward the door while Sky looked at him confused.

"Wait, you’re even making an item for them? Didn’t they annoy them just as much as that big guy?" The Fey-Kin boy asked, and Eisen shrugged. "They were pretty helpful, and they don’t seem like bad kids. In the end, that’s just what they are, kids. So I better make sure they hang out with the right crowd." Eisen smiled, and then knocked on the door with a grin.

Or at least he wanted to, but before he touched the wood, the door already opened up, revealing an excited Kiron standing there, "Grandfather!" He exclaimed, and Eisen immediately took a step into the room and gave the Half-Dragon a Hug, "Welcome in Melroe, my boy." Eisen laughed, "Just arrived, huh?" He asked, before Kiron just nodded his head happily.

"Mhm, that’s right. Thanks for dealing with all that out there." Kiron said with a smile on his lips, before noticing the three Monster children behind Eisen. "Look at you! Caria, Mellisa, you have grown a lot! And that boy, is that you, Sal?"

With a smug grin, the boy nodded his head and crossed his arms, "You got that right. It is I, the great-"

"Idiot." Caria interrupted quietly, although it was still heard by Sal very clearly. "Eh? You have something to say, you weed?"

"Wh-What? Did you just compare mushrooms to weed?" Caria asked, incredibly offended by that, and Sal just nodded. "Yeah, a weed is anything you don’t want around, right?"

"You... little..." Caria muttered as she ground her teeth with murderous intent, although Eisen soon stopped both of them as he pushed Caria’s hat down onto her face while giving Sal a quick knock on his head.

"Quiet, both of you." Eisen said in a clear voice as Bree quickly closed the door behind the group, "Sit down at that table. And stay quiet." The old man told them, and the two of them did as told and sat there with a grumble, and Melissa was nice enough to come along with them despite not having done anything.

"Sorry about that." Eisen apologized as he looked at the others, and then quickly went on to greet Parc and Rouge, who jumped up the moment Eisen came into the room. Apparently the trip back home was pretty refreshing for them, and cleared a lot up. They were more cheerful than the last time Eisen saw them, at least.

"Great to see you two again as well." Eisen said with a smile, "You came prepared to work your asses off, I hope?" The old man chuckled, and his Apprentices immediately nodded their heads.

"Of course we are!" Rouge exclaimed excitedly, and the old man smiled as he turned toward the four others in the room, Kiron’s Half-Dragon Squires.

"So, training went quite well, I hope?" Eisen asked with a smile, and Kiron immediately nodded his head proudly. "Amazingly well, yes. With proper techniques, they became incredibly tough opponents. I’m not sure if I can take them all at once anymore, really." The Half-Dragon laughed, and the Black Half-Dragon grumbled quietly.

"Of course you can, with a sword like that..." He muttered, something that Eisen couldn’t help but overhear. "Hey, hey, don’t push it all onto the weapon, alright? Kind of devalues Kiron’s talent, doesn’t it?" The old man pointed out, "I’m making some weapons for you all soon as well, so don’t worry about that." Eisen said, and then smiled at them.

"Now, how about you guys re-introduce yourselves? I’m positive you passed those trials of yours." The old man laughed, although he already knew the answer to that. After all, he inspected them with his truth-seeing eyes already to see if it was the case, and they all really had their ’Name’ field finally filled out.

And so, the four Half-Dragons stood up and stepped up in front of Eisen, and the first to speak was the Bronze Half-Dragon, the Paladin that once was Prototype’s Island Boss. "Nice to see you again. My name became Argon." He said, and next, the Red Half-Dragoness spoke.

"My name is Rudia." She explained.

"I am now Selena." The Silver Half-Dragoness said next, before the Black Half-Dragon spoke up as well, his arms crossed. "And I’m Morgus, ya hear?"

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