Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 444 - Meeting them again

"Ye’re back!" Denmir exclaimed in surprise, and Eisen just chuckled as he nodded his head. "That I am. How are you, Denmir?" Eisen asked with a smile on his face, and the Dwarven Blacksmith just laughed loudly as the player was watching everything confused.

"I’m great, what d’ya expect? Those Artificials ’re annoying the shit outta me, but they’re not all bad." With a broad smile, Denmir took a step further into the front of the shop so that he wasn’t standing in the doorway, winking at the Player that was standing behind the counter. "Yeah, I’ve already met one of them. Let me guess, you’re using your apprentices for cheap labor?" The old man asked, and Denmir just smirked back at him.

"I don’t know what ye’re talking about. This one ’ere wanted me ta teach him how to smith, so I asked ’im to first watch the shop for a while. Workin’ on a new, impressive item, after all, so I’m busy as is." The Blacksmith pointed out, making Eisen just smile back curiously.

"Oh? Well, If you’re busy right now, how about you come to the Inn’s bar around sundown and tell me about that item? And then I’m going to properly introduce you and the others to everyone here." Eisen said as he pointed at the Monster Children walking around the Shop curiously while Kirisho tried to make sure they didn’t mess anything up, and Bree and Sky just stood by, either happy or nervous respectively.

"Ya got it, ya geezer! See ya there, and ye better have an item ready that’ll shove me outta my socks." The Blacksmith exclaimed, excitedly making his way back into the smithy after obviously greeting Bree again as well, although he didn’t pay much attention to the others.

And with a smile on his face, Eisen stepped out of the Shop, completely ignoring the baffled player, while the others swiftly followed behind him. "That Dwarf was a grandmaster..? Really?" Sky asked with a wry smile after they left the place, and Eisen nodded his head with a smirk.

"Mhm, he is, believe it or not. There’s four of them here in this town, and we’ll go see all of them." The old man pointed out, and Sky nodded his head with a slight sigh. Grandmaster or not, they weren’t really all that impressive when compared to Eisen, at the end of the day. Sure, they could currently make items of a higher rank than him, but that was all. Eisen’s actual quality of work was still far beyond what those four could achieve, Sky was sure of that even without properly seeing their items.

The next place they stopped at was a clothes shop, run by the Dwarven Lady Folmirra Brighthood, Eisen’s Tailoring ’Teacher’. With a smile on his face, the old man stepped up to the door, causing a quiet bell to ring out. Across the room, behind the counter, sat the middle-aged Dwarven Woman, currently looking down at some cloth that she was decoratively stitching into.

"Welcome! I will be right there, I just have to finish this really quickly! Go ahead and have a look around until then!" She exclaimed with a bright smile on her face, although she didn’t raise her head from the piece of cloth she was working with, so Eisen figured he should just let her work for a while and instead just took a look at the different things that Folmirra had on display here.

She did have some clothes in children-sizes here as well, but Eisen figured it might be a waste to buy clothes for the Monster children for now if he didn’t know how quickly they were going to grow over the next while, considering that Eisen wanted to go outside with them to make them evolve. Bree and Sky, however, were looking around with the intention of buying different clothes for different occasions. They did only have one pair of clothes right now, and while those didn’t exactly end up getting dirty, it was still nice to have a few different things to wear instead of just having one outfit.

And even Kirisho was looking at the Dress-Magazine that Folmirra had laying around with sketches of different dresses that could be made to-order, considering that not all of them could be displayed inside of this shop. It wasn’t that big, after all.

"Hmm, if you wanted something new to wear, you could have told me, you know?" Eisen told the Mist-Spirit with a slight chuckle, but she just shook her head. "Don’t worry about me, I can not actually wear anything besides this dress... At least not currently. I might in the future, however, so I will tell you then." She pointed out, and the old man just slowly nodded his head, feeling like he just said something pretty insensitive to her.

With a slight sigh, the old man chose to just keep waiting until Folmirra was finished. And this moment actually came rather soon, as she finally placed the piece of cloth down and then raised her head. "Sorry for the delay, how... may I..." She started asking, before slowly stopping as she realized who it was standing in front of her.

"Eisen, Bree! Oh, how lovely!" Folmirra exclaimed and stood up from her chair, swiftly making her way over toward the two of them to greet them properly. "When did you come back?" She asked, and Eisen just smiled back at her.

"Around twenty minutes ago, maybe. And we brought a few new friends as well." The old man pointed out, trying to show Folmirra the others, although just at that moment, a few players walked in through the door. "Well, I would love to keep talking with you some more, but..." She said as she slowly turned toward the other customers, and Eisen just shook his head.

"It’s fine, don’t worry. We went to see Denmir already as well, and he’s coming to the Inn’s Bar around sundown. If you’re off of work by then, how about you come over as well? I wanted to go and invite Jekyll and Morrom as well, so it would be a small get-together where we can properly catch up. A lot happened since we left, after all." Eisen told the woman in front of him, and Folmirra swiftly nodded her head. "That would be lovely! But if you’re going to see Jekyll now, he is also quite busy lately, and you know how moody he is anyway, so don’t be surprised if he doesn’t have much time to speak to you." She warned, but Eisen just kept smiling.

"That’s fine, really. There were some other things I wanted to take care of today anyway." The old man replied and Folmirra quickly made her way over to help out the customers. This was a Luxury Tailor, after all.

"Then let’s keep going and meet Doctor Jekyll, shall we?" Eisen asked as he opened the door, and Bree looked at him excitedly. "Whoa! Jekyll is a Doctor? I didn’t know that!" She exclaimed, but the old man just shook his head in response.

"Sorry, it was just a reference you couldn’t know of." Eisen pointed out, as he slowly started to hear whispers from Folmirra’s customers, who seemed to be players, behind him. It seemed like they heard Eisen speak up and understood what he was talking about somewhat, realizing that Eisen was a player as well. They were paying attention to him anyway, considering the different monsters and children he had with him, as well as his extraordinary build and outfit, so they probably just happened to overhear him.

He was probably about to be recognized by them, so the old man simply pushed the others through the door a bit quicker and then swiftly led them all out onto the street again.

"Let’s just hurry up and get going to see Jekyll for now." Eisen told the others with a smile, and then quickly led them further through the town. Especially the children were rather excited at the sight of the town stretching out below and above them. It was a pretty unique town, after all, even Eisne thought so, and he was currently the Lord of a Town mainly inhabited by Sentient Machinery and Monsters...

And after Eisen brought them over one of the bridges to enter the other spiral, they swiftly stepped down it and soon found the Leatherworker they were looking for... The shop called , a reference Eisen still thought to be quite amusing. Or rather, considering that this town wasn’t "Created" by any game-creators like he thought it to be at the start, it was a rather amusing coincidence.

"Good morning!" The old man exclaimed the moment he stepped through the entrance while the door to the back, to the workshop, was currently closing, letting Jekyll Jackson see Eisen for just a moment. And just a few seconds later, the Dwarf-Beastperson Halfling stepped out of the Workshop with a grin on his face, although he was obviously pretty exhausted.

"Well, well, well. Look who’s come and crawled back here. Want to work for me after all, huh?" Jekyll asked with a grin on his face, and Eisen slowly shook his head. "Sorry to disappoint, but we’re just stopping by for a little while. Seems like you could use some more hands, huh?" The old man asked, and Jekyll clicked his tongue and nodded his head.

"These damn Artificials are driving me crazy! I mean, I get it, you want something that looks ’Cool’ or ’Dope’ or ’Awesome’, but I don’t f.u.c.k.i.n.g know what that’s supposed to be ya f.u.c.ker!" Jekyll exclaimed annoyedly, and Eisen crossed his arms while smirking.

"I get you, but it’s surely interesting to get the possibility of making so many new things, huh?" The old man asked, and Jekyll just glared at him without hesitation.

"That’s what I was thinking at first too! But none of my Apprentices can make things that those Artificials are happy with, so I’m stuck with making all of it!" He yelled out rather angrily, "I have to get back to work as well, the artificials aren’t patient in the slightest... Want the work to be done in a few seconds, those f.u.c.kers..." Jekyll muttered quietly.

"Well, then how about you finish the work you have for today and come to the Inn’s bar by sundown? I can pay you for any profit you lost as well, if you want." Eisen suggested, and Jekyll turned around with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, now ye’re speaking my language. Is that one of those ’Pog’ moments some of those Artificials were speaking about?" The Dwarf-Beastperson Halfling muttered curiously, before making his way back into his workshop. "Either way, I’ll be there. See ya later."

"Alright, see you." Eisen replied, and then turned back to the others with a grin. "And now, let’s go on and meet Morrom and Koro, shall we?"

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