Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 438 - Jagger

"Alright, everything should be done in a couple of hours... But just to be safe, how about you come here again around sundown?" Eisen asked Dragoon with a smile on his face, and the Changeling slowly nodded his head in response.

"Eh, sure... Sounds good." The young player replied and then slowly made his way away from the small market where Eisen was currently standing and looking for a place to set up. It seemed like to set up a proper stall here, he had to first speak to someone in the Merchant Guild, but luckily it was right adjacent to the marketplace, so it wasn’t hard to find. And just to make sure that nothing would happen to the carriage while Eisen was inside, he left Kirisho, who had finally woken up, out there with Bree and Sky and had Aulu and Cabarum both somewhat act as ’Guard Animals’, just to show that the carriage did indeed belong to someone. Fafnir and Sal were still inside of the carriage, though, considering that they were both the only ones that really looked like Monsters outwardly.

And so, Eisen just stepped right into the small Merchant Guild and made his way over toward one of the counters. As this was a relatively small town, there wasn’t much going on, although there did seem to be a couple of players inside of here.

Eisen was aware that some of them recognized him, or at least somewhat knew they saw him before without actually recognizing him as ’Eisen’ from the World of Magic Trailer. But even then, nobody really walked up to him yet with troublesome requests, so he didn’t really worry about it.

For now, the old man just wanted to properly be allowed to set up a stall at the market, and as such quickly stepped up to the counter, where a middle-aged man was already waiting for the next ’customer’.

"Good morning, Sir. How may I help you?" The Guild worker asked, and Eisen just got right to the point, thinking that the Guild Worker would apprectiate this as well. "I would like to set up a stall in an empty spot in the market." Eisen explained, and the Guild worker slowly nodded his head.

"Of course, of course. Then I would only need your Guild Tag, please." The Worker explained, but Eisen quickly shook his head and took out a small note from one of the pockets in his apron.

"I myself am not part of the Merchant Guild, but I’m working with the Starlight company. Here, this is a contract with the Head of that company that says I’m allowed to do so under their name." The old man explained, and the Guild Worker looked at it with a light frown and placed the glasses hanging around his neck by a thin chain onto his nose to take a look.

"This is another one of those cheap fakes, is it not? I came to expect it from those ’Artificial’ young’ins, but a man like you should know it is not right to do so." The man said with a sigh and pushed the contract back without even taking a proper look at it.

"Right... Just that, if you were to try and appraise that seal at the bottom there..." Eisen tried to say, attempting to direct the guild worker to the Prince’s Seal, considering that the Prince was now seen as a great benefactor to Starlight and carried obvious power that would open up a lot of possibilities to Eisen in regards to setting up shops or stalls like this, but the Guild Worker simply shook his head and took his glasses off.

"Please leave now, and I will not have to call any Guards for attempted fraud." The middle-aged man said, and just when Eisen was about to get quite annoyed, someone stepped up behind him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." They clicked their tongue three times, and when Eisen turned around, he could see a group of three players standing there, each with obviously cliché punk-like outfits and haircuts. "Come on, old man! A man of your advanced age trying to cheat my good buddy here, that’s just no good, is it?" The ’lead’ punk said as he stepped up to the counter, leaning against it while holding himself up with his elbows, as he just somewhat glared at the Guild-Worker, who seemed to have grown quite nervous.

"Although... If you hand some shinies over, I can put in a good word for you. They really listen to me here. Ain’t that right, bud?" The punk asked as he looked at the Guild Worker with a sly grin, and Eisen slightly sighed and activated his Truth-Seeing Eyes. Obviously the punk was pretty surprised, but Eisen didn’t care too much anyway.

This player apparently was just above Level 100, and the Guild Worker was around Level 70, a level that could be said to be ’Average’ for NPCs like this with complete non-combat professions, especially because NPCs already gained experience a lot slower than usual.

Considering that this punk was a pugilist, Eisen figured that something was going on in the background. There were already a lot of shifty things going on with this ’Game’, so Eisen wouldn’t be surprised if Prime Industries’ message of ’not torturing’ NPCs or players would be ignored as long as it wasn’t made a huge deal out of.

And so, Eisen figured he should make use of a bit of a neat trick he found a while ago. With His ’Medicinal Knowledge’ at Rank 2, and his relatively new abilty of actually ’seeing the truth’ with these eyes, he was able to somewhat combine them, it seemed. Meaning, as long as he also combined these abilities with his mana-sight, he could see which places on someone were injured in some way.

And when Eisen then looked at this Guild Worker, he could see that his arms, legs, back, and stomach were immensely bruised, while Eisen could also see something else when trying to just ’see the truth’. It seemed like Eisen could actually see through the facade that the old man had put up on the outside, and his ’real self’ was shaking in wild fear of this punk.

"Hmm..." Eisen hummed quietly, before turning toward the punk next to him and kicking away is legs. Because of the way he was leaning against the counter, he immediately dropped onto his back while hitting the back of his head as he was doing so.

"What the- The f.u.c.k’s your problem?!" The punk asked angrily, and Eisen just slightly sighed as he looked over at the door, which was standing open to let in fresh air at the moment. It was peak-summer in the game right now, so it was actually pretty hot around these parts.

Either way, for now, Eisen just held his hand to the side and pulled his Demonic Black sword out of his soul storage, using his new slot that opened up when he reached 300 soul strength, and then immediately swung it toward the young man, who had just managed to stand up again.

But of course, Eisen didn’t use the actual edge, but instead the flat side of the blade. Things like these were the whole reason why he didn’t give this sword two edges, after all.

And due to Eisen’s quite superior strength, the young punk was immediately flung out the door and into the center of the Market, while Eisen placed the blade back into his soul storage and turned back toward the Guild Worker, while the two background-punks were quickly rushing toward the leader-punk to help him out.

"Well, as I was saying-" Eisen started saying, but the Guild Worker quickly interrupted him again. "Wh-What are you doing?!" He asked, obviously upset, while the other guild workers were all quite intimidated by the old man as well.

"I’ll take care of that later, for now just-" Once more, Eisen attempted to point the Guild Worker toward the seal at the bottom of the contract, but was just interrupted when the punk came running back into the Guild building, trying to take a swing at Eisen.

But the old man wouldn’t have it anymore, he was already annoyed as is by these guys, so he just stared at the Guild Worker angrily.

"Just appraise that seal already, dammit! It’s the Prince’s Seal, it’s legit, call as many people as you need to, but it’s not a damn fake. Learn to do your job sometime. But other than that, what did these guys do to you beside beat you black and blue? Did they somehow threaten you?" Eisen asked while he was reinforcing his skin with as much rock as he could to defend against the little damage the player was doing to him anyway, and the Guild Worker stared back at Eisen confusedly.

"Th-They... They’re threatening most shops around here... These guys are a small part of a bigger group around here... They are much stronger than we are, so we can’t do anything about it, and even the Lord knows about it and lets it happen, because the group bribes him..." The Guild Worker explained, before Eisen squatted down onto the ground annoyedly.

"I just wanted to peacefully set up a stall, and this is what happens..? Why can’t artificials just be normal, for god’s sake?" Eisen muttered to himself quietly, and then looked back at the Worker.

"Do your job for a couple of minutes, I’ll take care of it." Eisen said in a clear voice, and then finally turned around to the three players that seemed to have surprisingly shaven off a fair bit of his health already.

Although, they couldn’t do much when Eisen grabbed the Lead Punk’s throat and started pulling him behind him, slowly increasing his size as he left the Guild Building.

Of course, this drew a fair bit of attention toward him, but Eisen didn’t care all too much right now. He was annoyed with these Artificials. This ’group’ seems to have been a thing for a while, so who knows, maybe it’s actually a group founded by NPCs. But Eisen couldn’t really be sure about that. Although in the end, it didn’t matter.

Slowly, Eisen increased his size as he stepped forward into the center of the market, all the whilst activating his Demonic Transformation, which ended up once more turning him into a nearly five meter tall Yin Demon.

And with a clear, but loud, voice, Eisen tried to show his annoyance off a little. "I will say it once, and only once, so listen closely. And any artificials that are here, you all ESPECIALLY pay attention and spread this out to as many people as you can. I don’t care who you are, I don’t care what you are, but if you think you can act like the sc.u.m of the world, you are heavily mistaken. Because if I ever hear of any gangs, groups, or organizations that make the life of the regular person hell, the last thing that anyone that was part of those sees is this very face. And just to show that I’m not joking." Eisen said with obvious annoyance, and then tightened his fist around the player’s body, before a notification appeared in front of the old man.

[You killed Player . He will revive in Four(4) hours Game-Time]

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