Soul-swapping:Imperial concubine rebirth

Chapter 82

"Shameless!" Qin Chu scolded.

Turn to the heart, try the teacher?

She also has the talent of being an experimenter.

It should be a damned coincidence.

"After all these years, you can't find the princess. Maybe she doesn't want to be found." Qin Chu said.

"The princess is the most intelligent person of the dragon family. She will definitely try to save herself. As long as I wait patiently, I will definitely wait until she comes to find me." Little Zhengtai Griffin said, eyes full of firmness.

Such a little child, clearly very young, but has a firm heart.

It's admirable.

Thousands of years of loneliness, all in this palace.

How he got through it.

"How did I get here? Why did she become Qin Ying's daughter? " Qin Chu finally remembered his life experience.

Xiao Zhengtai said, "hum, it must be a dragon who is not willing to be lonely and combines with human women. The women of dragon nationality are noble, beautiful and intelligent, and will not like human beings."

"There is only one dragon's daughter among the hundreds of dragons. They will not allow the dragon's daughter to combine with human beings, which will pollute the dragon's blood. Because of the imbalance of yin and Yang, many dragons are very lonely and will turn into adults and seek women's relief at the border."

Qin Chu o (╯ system) O.

Little Zhengtai, do you mean that I am the product of relieving boredom???

Wipe it!!!

Fortunately, she is not really Qin Chu.

Little Zhengtai Griffin looked up and down at Qin Chu, and looked critical. "Although only half of the dragon blood, you are much more noble than human beings. The daughter of the dragon is so rare, I will not kill you."

Qin Chu o (╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯) O, does she want to kneel down to thank the Lord long?

"I am the daughter of Qin Xiangye of Donglin empire. He is a swordsman. I think if I were not his daughter..." Qin Chu is puzzled. Isn't she Qin Ying's daughter?

Little Zhengtai Griffin said, "there must be something wrong with it."

Nonsense, of course, there must be something wrong.

Of course, if she is not Qin Ying's daughter, she will cheer. For her, this is not a bad thing. Qin Ying does not care about her. Most likely, she is not his daughter.

Hybrid dragon!!!

The world is completely illusory.

Will she become a dragon one day?

She doesn't want it.

"As the daughter of the dragon, why are you so useless and incompetent that you don't have any sword spirit?" Qin chuben is sitting on the ground, small Zhengtai standing, looking at him condescending, with a little arrogance and doubt in his eyes. "As a dragon people, the talent must be above human beings. There's no reason why you don't have any sword spirit. Is it because your other half's blood is too low?"

Qin Chu, O (╯ system) O.

Little Zhengtai, except for the dragon race, any race in your eyes is a waste, all low-level creatures, OK?

"I have blood Demon Stone in my body. It seals my sword spirit." Qin Chu told the truth that since he was the guardian beast of the dragon family, presumably, he should know the blood Demon Stone, and she can trust it!

"Shameless of the human race Small is too pink and tender cheek is full of anger, "unexpectedly with blood demon stone seal your sword spirit, it is too hateful."

"I don't know who sealed it." It is said that after I was ten years old, I became a talented man in the east of China

"Ignorant human beings, how can our dragon people be waste materials? It is three times of their human beings to practice casually." Small Zhengtai with this pink voice, launched a group of ridicule mode.

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