Soul-swapping:Imperial concubine rebirth

Chapter 703

"What do you want to eat, just ask the kitchen to make it. The chef in the house is from the palace, and the craftsmanship is very good." Rong Lan said, "I used to eat his food when I was a child, and I don't love what others do."

"I'm not as picky as you are." Qin Chu sat down. She was so hungry that she didn't eat anything last night. She slept another day today. When she got up, she was hungry. The maid first served her soup and asked her to pad her stomach. Let LAN smile, know that Qin Chu is not used to being served on the spot, waving to let them all go down, he sat beside Qin Chu.

"Don't you go into the palace today?" Qin Chu asked.

Rong LAN shook his head and whispered, "tomorrow, the Empress Dowager will be better. I don't need to go to see her every day. She is a little more comfortable. Otherwise, if she sees me, she will see other people, but she won't be clean."

Qin Chu also slightly understood, Rong LAN asked, "do you want to go to the library later"

" No more. " Qin Chu said, "almost."

"What did you see so fascinated yesterday?"

"It's nothing. I've always been fascinated by reading and I've forgotten the hour." Qin Chu said vaguely, "I found that there are many books in the library, which are more than those in Baidi City, and there are all kinds of books. If you have nothing to do, you can sit there for a day? When I came back, there were people in the library who were more fascinated than I was

Rong Lan said, "when I was a child, I also liked to read books in the library."

"Is it? I don't think you like reading books. You mostly read a skill? "

Rong LAN nodded, "a lot of martial arts are seen from the library. Novice swordsmen like to go to the library. If you read too many books, you can also have your own experience. Although not all the experiences summarized by predecessors are suitable for us, there is no mistake in looking at them."

"That's it Qin Chu a smile, bowed his head to cover up his ideas, the library, she does not want to go again, if the man again how to do? He has never appeared before. Why has he appeared so frequently recently?

She thought that the mysterious man had malice towards her?

Now it seems that she was wrong.

The man had nothing to do with her, but was very tolerant to her.

Qin Chu felt more miserable in her heart. The more tolerant she was, the more she felt It's hard.

When those ghosts wanted to attack her, he had been telling them roughly not to act rashly. Maybe in his eyes, she was Qianqiu princess. Next time if he came to see her again, she must make it clear to him that she was Qin Chu, not Qianqiu princess.

She has long forgotten the memory of the past life. If she had done something to hurt him, if she had failed him, she was very sorry. In this life, she was Qin Chu. She was willing to pay back, but she was not willing to be the princess of Qianqiu.

She tidied up her mood, see Rong LAN thoughtfully look at her, Qin Chu tiny one Zheng, "how?"

"What are you thinking?" he said

Qin Chu is aware that he has some displeasure. Rong LAN is very smart and sensitive. If she deceives him, the consequences will be unimaginable. She has something to hide from him. If he confesses to the mysterious man again, he is afraid that he will be wrong.

He's not a good tempered man.

"I was thinking about the books I read last night. I went to some books about the demons." Qin Chu said, Rong Lan was stunned, "what do you look for the information of the demon clan to do?"

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