Soul-swapping:Imperial concubine rebirth

Chapter 403

"I'm very well, thanks to you." Qin Chu said faintly that Bai Qingcheng's hostility was more serious. Her accomplishments also seemed to have risen. How human temperament is, her spiritual outlook can be fully reflected.

Now I can't see that Bai Qingcheng is an 18-year-old girl.

Bai Qingcheng sneers. In the palm of her hand, a black cloud condenses and releases at any time. What Qin Chu fears most is the witchcraft of the witch clan. Ronglan has suffered a loss. She knows very well, so she is quite alert.

Who knows Bai Qingcheng laughs, the dark cloud under his hand dissipates, the tone is quite contemptuous, "startled bird."

Qin Chu a smile, "you want to kill me, but not so easy."

"Is it? I'll see what's not easy. " Bai Qingcheng said, her figure suddenly flew up with a sword in her hand. A black silk like force rolled towards her. A white force rose from Qin and Chu to resist the invasion of this black force. The two forces fused and squeezed each other.

Qin Chu felt the accusation of ghosts, the entanglement of death, and the icy anger.

Everything is like hell.

That black power, around her, embrace, swallow.

This is the dark power of the land of witches. It looks like a demon, but it is just like a God.

Qin Chu suddenly let out a roar. Her figure turned into a dragon, rushed out of the black power, and then transformed into human beings. There was no pressure on her to change her form freely. Bai Qingcheng was a little surprised. How could she change her shape freely?


"Can you avoid my witchcraft without Griffin and matchless?" Bai Qingcheng's eyes show ferocity. There are few people who can escape her witchcraft. Nangong lvluo, who has passed the dog's luck, and Bai Lao are the people she can't control. Other people, as long as they give her a chance, will certainly be able to control them. How can Qin Chu escape her attack! Even if it is Rong LAN, there is no way to resist their own attacks, can only lose consciousness.

"Without Griffin and matchless, am I a useless man to let you fight?" Although Qin chufeng hated Bai Qingcheng, he didn't show anything on his face. His gentle smile made Bai Qingcheng more angry and resentful.

"I am a dragon, and my blood is higher than that of Terrans. All attacks of Terrans can be defended. If you want to control me with witchcraft, I advise you to give up this idea."

This year, she was not idle. After perceiving the failure of demon's enchantment and escaping from the devil's death, the beast and civet told her about the power difference between the races, and also let her know that the original race blood was also high, and the higher the defense ability, especially for the race with lower blood.

For the first time, she defended in this way, and it worked very well.

Bai Qingcheng clenched his fist, "right? Then try to see if I can kill you, and how far you can defend yourself. "

Her figure came up like lightning, and the black power also followed her. Qin Chu's figure quickly retreated and made a ring of fire. Qin Chu turned up and fell behind her. Bai Qingcheng turned around. Countless black pictures and pictures attacked her. Qin Chu couldn't resist. She could only turn into a dragon and break away from this attack. After the silver dragon broke away, she broke away With a swing of her tail, she hit Bai Qingcheng's soft abdomen and hit her for three or four meters.

Qin Chu rushed back again

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