Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 335: The Predicted Birth Of A Catastrophe And Disaster Fallen.

Chapter 335: The Predicted Birth Of A Catastrophe And Disaster Fallen.

Snow doesn't know how long he has been trying to consume the special core where all the Halfling Fallen power of nearing an S Rank Fallen was stored is, it might have been in hours, days, or even months.

After all, in the entire history, no one has been able to reach the highest rank of becoming the most powerful Fallen out there to exist and when Snow has snapped open his crimson eyes, the whole world, no, the entire Realms was able to sense the birth of the most powerful Fallen.

As the land in the entire Realms itself reverberated while the sky turned dark and stormy, the entire cloud becoming thick and ominous, completely representing what the entire Realm of Mortals who know what is going on to turn eerily pale at the disaster they were unable to stop.


Claude who has just taken out a group of Angels and Halflings who has been trying to surround him with all the power they got has instantly light up before swiftly turning around at the remaining array that has been keeping the person he loves safe and sound during the nonstop attack.

Especially when Claude has small cuts all over his body, completely having a messy appearance unlike his neat appearance from before when his partner has gone over to seclusion in order to quietly swallow the power to make him stronger and powerful.

It has been a full month of fighting and defending against the constant onslaught of assault they have been facing, thus causing him to finally received injuries.

Even the Demon Lord that has his power restricted while in the Realm of Mortals has his own injuries, after all, their enemies seemed to be in luck, as countless Angels have slipped up in the cracked of space that has been blocking the three Realms from easily traveling in each other while only a few Demons arrived once in a while.

Fortunately, the Fallen Flake that his partner has introduced before, appeared once in a while to help out, which has caused utter disbelief from their enemies.


Shortly, the last barrier that has been stopping the GS organization and Angels from preventing the disastrous existence from being born has slowly shown a crack in everyone's eyes, before a burst power of vile aura has completely broken it off and violently pushing everyone away from it.

And when everyone eyes have managed to see the entire situation, in the place where the barrier has been, a circular of black was mist swirling in a perfect small dome has appeared in their eyes.


Feeling worried, Claude has taken a few steps forward while gently wiping the blood dripping from the corner of his lip, although he can quickly heal his injury but he has decisively refused to do so for the sake of keeping all of his power for better use.

Which was to completely and absolutely defend against the constant attack of the people from trying to eliminate his partner.

"...Ah... I'm here..."

Suddenly, a calm voice has spoken so softly and gently in a mere whisper, however, the low sound has still managed to reach everyone's ears, which the person seemingly standing in their side.

"...Good! How are you feeling??? Is Everything Alright? You didn't get hurt right?"

In the entire place where everyone can feel the heavy oppressive and chilling presence of the existence of disaster being born, only the injured blonde man has reacted normally while showing sincere care and concern causing Snow that was reading a piece of information being given to him after becoming an S rank Fallen to display a small smile.

"...I'm alright thank you Brother Claude"

Although in the black mist blocking everyone's views, Snow eyes have remained eerily calm and emotionless despite the smile on his face completely different from the destructive and malicious reaction everyone has assumed him to become after turning into the most powerful Fallen in existence.

After becoming the strongest, Snow has become absolutely calm and serene, without any situation capable to cause a wave of emotion in his heart, even if he were to witness his future lover dying wouldn't work out because he was completely blank, devoid of any emotion.

He has become a complete Fallen just without the special core, which is something he still needed to get back for the sake of the special mission that was given to him by the World Will to complete.

Letting out a sigh, Snow has raised his arm before sweeping it sideways and causing the thick and powerful vile black mist to completely disappeared, and when everyone has let out a soft gasp, Snow has calmly turned his head down to silently gaze at his small and childlike hands.


"It's alright, I didn't forget you."

Snow has calmly answered the rushing figured of his future lover while focusing more on the appraisal information he got after using the skill to his own self.

Appraisal Results

Host: Snow

Present Physical: Complete Fallen Demon only in a childlike size

Fallen Rank: S Rank, the first and only Fallen to become an S Rank.

Pure Race Mission: Although the host is in a chaotic and confusing situation but the mission remained activated and needed to be completed even after becoming a complete Fallen with no special heart.

Well there was no need for Snow to try figuring out the reason why the Pure Race Mission is entirely complicated and different from what he learned in the client's memory since he was one of a kind existence after turning into a Half Fallen.

So, Snow has just taken a step forward to meet the blonde man running in his direction who has an anxious and joyful expression on his beautiful face, although Snow can feel the way his long silver hair that has already reach past his feet being dragged in the ground as he walked ahead.

For now, Snow has gently raised his arms toward his future lover that has quickly bent over to gently swept him in a protective embrace, in which Snow has softly hooked his arms around the blonde man slender neck.

"Baby I don't mind even if you have forgotten me again, all I want is for you to be safe."

"... I'll definitely kill you if I don't know you"

"It's alright, Baby. I won't ever hate you if someday, you have really taken my life. Besides, I don't mind dying in your hand."

Snow felt a gentle kiss upon his forehead before being followed with a gentle pat on his back, unfortunately, unlike from before, he couldn't feel anything anymore even the deliciousness he can smell has become nothing in his eyes, which the man seemed to have quickly noticed after seeing no reaction from him.

"Baby, what do you want to do next?"

While Snow has gently lean his head in the shoulder of the blonde man, he couldn't help but raise his hands to gently touch the cut skin in his future lover cheeks, and despite the fact that he is devoid of emotion, his common sense and reason still remain intact.

"... first heal yourself"

Claude sky blue eyes blinked before letting out a happy and joyful laugh after hearing what his partner request, even though something has changed with the usual active and intimate actions his partner usually do, Claude was quite content to know that he was still being treated special by him.

"As you wish"

Soon, Claude has completely relaxed before starting to heal the injuries he has accumulated while protecting and defending the person he treasured the most in his entire life, although his embrace has remained strong and gentle while he was busy healing.

After sensing the blonde man healing his injury which was slower than usual, Snow eyes flickered to the sudden appearance of his Father standing a few distances away before being followed by a group of Demons and Halfling that is allied to his future lover.

Of course, there are always abnormal people who tend to worship and revere a powerful existence, even if it was deemed evil and dangerous, so some part of the GS organization become his ally with their own belief and motives.

Before his calm crimson eyes have swept over to the alerted and wary group that has been quietly setting up a formation once a confrontation will suddenly occur, while secretly taking note of Samuel and Anette partnering up and having a closer relationship than the last time he saw them.

And without any warning, various chains have suddenly emerged underneath the group of people and ruthlessly piercing some of the people and quickly killing them up while at the same time quietly disappearing just like that, leaving the other safe people alive.

Nonetheless, when everyone has fearfully gazed at the people that died, somehow, their eyes have widened in surprise after figuring out that the rest of the dead people has been the one that injured the blonde man the most.

"... that's for hurting my Brother Claude at the same time, my only warning to all of you Listen, as long as you don't get in my way, I wont hurt and eliminate any of you. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, just silently watch in the sideline."

Snow opens his mouth to speak a threat in a calm and steady voice while his crimson eyes have remained completely serene and emotionless to the other group of people who isn't on his side.

"One last advice although I have become the most powerful Fallen in existence, it doesn't mean I can control every single one of them. Before long, other Fallen will start appearing in the Realm of Mortal to cause havoc because the balance is now gone. And I won't mind if you guys prepare defensive measures against it."

"Baby, how about just kill all of them? They will continue to trouble you."

Snow has turned his attention away before snuggling closer into the firm chest of his future lover who has just finished healing his injuries before raising his hands to gently care on the pale cheeks of the blonde man after hearing what he has spoken for his own sake.

"Although an S Rank Fallen has been predicted as the entire Realm Disaster and Catastrophe of causing chaos and destruction but it's completely different from what everyone has assumed such existence will do."

Besides, he isn't doing this for their sake but rather than killing them, they are far more useful alive than dead.

Because after becoming the most powerful Fallen, Snow has finally figured out what the S rank Fallen is used for and what kind of trouble having no Fallen reaching S rank for a long time has caused the World Will great trouble, which has been restrained by the law the world has set up before it was born.

"Next, let's go to the place where one of my broken pieces of heart is"

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