Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

Ying Xingjue remained silent.

From the beginning to the end, every time he attacks people for no reason, he actively controls the sentient attack, rather than losing control as rumored.

The problem is that he can’t tell what is real now.

Forget it.” Seeing that he was silent, Wei San didn’t care. She was also told by the doctor not to have excessive mood swings. The difference was that Damocles Military Academy did not think that she would cause harm to other people. She probably thought that Xingjue has a criminal record.

The two of them walked slowly outside against the biting cold wind. Ying Xingjue looked at the mecha at the side and behind him with his peripheral vision. The stinging pain in his forehead kept reminding him that his senses were being overused.

“On Guyu Star, in the training building, the simulation cabin I used.…..” Ying Xingjue said casually, “It’s broken.”


Wei San was focused on the surrounding environment, wary of the vortex that might come out at any time. Hearing what Ying Xingjue said, it took her a long time to react and she said casually: “The equipment in the building over there is aging, and my simulation cabin burned down directly

Ying Xingjue naturally knew because he was the one who damaged her mecha cabin.

Before Damocles arrived, he had already entered the simulation cabin, but he was unexpectedly attacked.

The simulation field itself was a simulated battle, so it was normal to be attacked, but that attack was clearly a hidden real attack. After Ying Xingjue reacted, he destroyed the simulation cabin and came out.

But Ying Xingjue found that except him, everyone else was no different.

Later, when Wei San entered the training room, he used his perception to pay attention to the situation next door.

As soon as she entered the simulation cabin, Ying Xingjue immediately noticed a familiar attack and directly destroyed the simulation cabin in her training room.

He was sure that everyone who knew Wei San was Super 3S level at that time had no problem. The training room was assigned immediately, and no one could predict which room he was in. At first, Ying Xingjue guessed that someone had tampered with the main interface of the simulation cabin, so no matter which simulation cabin he used, he would be attacked. However, Wei San, who was next door, changed to a new simulation cabin the next day and was not attacked again.

The problem arises with those old simulation pods.

Ying Xingjue asked people to investigate the previous accidents at the Guyu track privately, while he continued to train and compete.

After the Guyu competition ended and the other military schools left, Ying Xingjue asked the Imperial Military Academy to leave last, citing his physical condition, while he waited for the investigation report.

The investigation report showed that there had been three accidents in the training building of Gu Yuxing’s exercise ground, involving mecha engineers, mecha soldiers and commanders. After they entered, they felt that they had been damaged when they came out and could no longer stay in the military academy.

These three people live in different eras, with the longest interval of seventy years. They have different genders, sensory attributes, and family backgrounds. The only thing they have in common is their sensory level. They are all known to be level 3S.

These three accidents did not attract the attention of any party because they were too normal. Military students also had problems in simulation cabins at other training grounds. No matter what level they are, not everyone can accept the scene of confrontation with the star beast. Individual differences are different. Some people cannot accept it at all even if they enter the simulation cabin and the pain level reaches below 70%.

Especially in the era of these three people, the probability of psychological problems among military cadets at that time was far higher than it is now.

Ying Xingjue’s performance in all aspects is higher than the 3S level, and coupled with the theoretical support that has emerged in recent years, he has become the only confirmed commander in the federation to exceed the 3S level.

After reading the investigation report, Ying Xingjue looked through the information of these three people. Without exception, they were all extremely outstanding people before entering Guyu Star.

He suspected that they might also be potential Super 3S.

Ying Xingjue guessed that there was a force that had been hiding in the Federation for more than a hundred years. This force even had the ability to detect people who were above level 3S and destroy them.

This speculation is too incredible. Super 3S is a theory that has only been proposed and emerged in recent years. The time of the accident of these three people was before this.

Ying Xingjue buried this idea in his heart and did not tell anyone.

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