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Chapter 494 495 - Capture

None of those 20 people know that the human being already became aware of them and also he already sent warriors after them. Those people after coming inside the human Kingdom first decided to contact those other Traitors, unfortunately even after waiting for a few days they were unable to contact those people so they decided to search their investigation without those people. 

But one thing was that they already contacted the Abyss humans and told him that they cannot contact those other Traitors. Because of this those Abyss humans also told those other humans what happened to the human Kingdom. 

Naturally, none of them know what happened to the human Kingdom because when they left the human Kingdom everything was normal so they did not know anything. But at that time 5 of them decided to come back to the human Kingdom to help those dark humans to find out what happened inside the human Kingdom. Naturally, those dark humans needed the help of those humans. Because of this, those humans or you can say those Traitors decided to send 5 of them inside the human Kingdom to help the others. 

On the other hand, those dark humans have already started their investigation but none of them were aware that the old king was observing the whole human Kingdom right now. Even though they were using their concealment technique to hide from any of those observation techniques, as you know as a legendary Warrior the power of his technique will be massive and because of that even those dark humans wanted to hide they won't be able to do that. 

Previously those dark humans were able to enter the human Kingdom because at the time the old king was once again busy trying to break through but unfortunately right now he decided to wait before solving the matter only then he will start his breakthrough once again. 

Naturally breaking through will be very hard for him and this could also take him a few years. So before focusing on breaking through, he wanted to solve the problem about those abyss humans. Not only him but the old Oni king also had the same Idea and because of this he also did not focus on breaking through and also helping the Oni king to observe the whole Kingdom. 

Both of them not only observe the movement of the people but they also use their spiritual vision technique to look at the aura of those people. Naturally just observing the movement of their citizens won't help them to find out about those dark humans. Only using the spiritual vision could help them to find out about those dark humans, so right now both of the old Kings are busy in that process. 

On the other hand, the warrior teams also spread around the human Kingdom and they started searching every corner of the human Kingdom. All of them use their spiritual vision to look for suspicious people who also have a dark aura around them. Unfortunately for those people, it could be a little difficult to find those people because those people also have the same strength as those people so it naturally creates some advantage for the dark humans to hide from those other Warriors. 

But suddenly at this time some Warriors instantly got informed by the king that he noticed some suspicious movement in some places so he told them to go there and check the situation. Sam was also with those people and just after getting the report he did not waste a single second to go there. 

After reaching the place he and those other peoples were already using their spiritual vision to look around them. Unfortunately, using their spiritual vision none of them feel any type of difference about the citizens so for a second everyone thought that everything was normal and they were just about to report back to the king. But suddenly sampled them to stop and pointed his finger toward a direction. 

Those other Warriors also looked in that direction and they saw two people with some suspicious movement. Unfortunately, when they try to use the spiritual vision, they see that people also have a normal spiritual aura around them. Naturally that confused those other Warriors but at that time Sam already guessed that those people were unable to see what he was seeing right now. 

'Most likely this was because the original spiritual energy I was able to fill the difference between them but unfortunately everyone only uses the true spiritual energy and because of this none of them are able to see what I am seeing right now.'

Sam thought that and at the same time he told him what the king previously reminded them. Those dark humans most likely have some kind of concealment technique, so it could be difficult for everyone to find those dark humans but if they find any suspicious activity in the kingdom they should immediately report the king. 

After remembering that those people did not waste a single second and instantly reported the king and told everything to him. At this time, Sam told the king that he was feeling that something was different about those people so he wanted to capture them. Actually Sam directly did not tell them he could see the aura of those people. I think you should take a look at

Naturally after hearing that the king also immediately told them to capture those people. After hearing the order those Warriors did not waste a single second and quickly acted. Everyone of them silently approaches those people and waits for the opportunity to capture those people without altering anyone. 

At first after waiting for sometime they did not have the opportunity but sometime later they got the opportunity and wasting no time they quickly came behind Those to people and did not give a single second to act. They use their power to make those to people unconscious and in the next second 2 Warriors instantly take those to people and directly go toward the Royal palace. 

Actually not only those people but many other human Warriors also capture many suspicious people and they also bring them into the Royal palace. At this time the king already told everything to the old king and the old King was also waiting in the investigation room for those people to bring those suspicious humans. 

Naturally he already knew that many of those people who got captured most likely were the dark humans but he did not tell anyone about this. While observing The Kingdom using his spiritual vision he could saw many people with dark aura, but the thing was that most likely those dark humans also using some kind of technique and because of this, the moment old King look at their aura, in the next second those people immediately got reported and the quickly escape from that place. Not only that, most likely those dark humans also have good spiritual control and because of this they quickly control The Spiritual energy, so nobody finds out about the spiritual aura. 

Most likely this was some kind of defense mechanism but still it wasn't that powerful and because of that the old King once again found them, and this time he did not waste a single second and told the king about the location of those people. 

So right now he was just waiting in the investigation room for those people to bring those dark humans. He wanted to read the memory of those people and also wanted to know what kind of technique those people were using. 

On the other hand,

The search team already came to the inner area of the danger zone and searched every corner of that place. Not only that, they also use the life detection device that they got from Sam. Sam actually gave them that device so they could get help from that and if any human being or living being other than those Monsters came near them they would immediately get to know about that. 

The most interesting thing was that even though the Eden blue has this kind of device in Terraria you cannot find this kind of device. So you can say that the life detection device was a very interesting thing for everyone in Terraria and those people after getting the device also became very excited to use it. Because using the device they could easily find any people who got near them so that will be very helpful in searching for those Traitors of the human Kingdom. 

Not only that, the human King also got very interested in that life detection device and because of that he also wanted a life detection device to observe and also wanted to make that kind of device inside the human Kingdom. 

For Sam this was really an interesting matter that people inside the Terraria did not have this kind of device while the Eden Blue had this kind of device. Naturally, he also gave that kind of device to the king so that he could examine and make something like that. If you are thinking he should not give that device to them then even if he did not give them the device those people could easily make them because compared to the Eden blue the technology of the Terraria was much more advanced and because of this, they could easily create that kind of device. 

To be continued_____

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