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Chapter 488 489 - Inside The Danger Zone

So like this you can say the celebration came to an end and one by one every person finally went back to their house. But you have to say that most of the people of the human Kingdom trust their Warriors, so when the king said that to trust their Warriors and they didn't need to worry about that, really those people did that and they became relaxed once again. 

On the other hand the old King also sent those people who weren't Traitors. All this time those people just stay unconscious, so none of them are able to know what happened to them. On the other hand, the real Traitors have already been sent to prison, and they will be staying there for the rest of their life. 

Next day,

Right now many people once again came to the Royal palace but not everyone came to the Royal palace because the king did not call them. Those Warriors who came to the Royal palace got summoned by the king because the King wanted to create the search team and you will put those Warriors in that search team. So most likely everyone of the Warriors also understands that and they are just waiting for the king to give them the order. With that they will immediately leave the human Kingdom and go to the danger zone. 

"I know that most of you already understand that I called you because you will be part of the search team. Most of you are very good at concealment techniques and not only that some of you already got this type of mission previously so I am really hoping that all of you could make a good search team. I am expecting that you will be able to find those people or you can say those Traitors who were in the danger zone. 

As you know that most likely those people went outside of the human Kingdom to meet those abyss humans. Because they are somehow able to know that we already discover those teleportation arrays and also destroy them. Because of this once again those abyss humans most likely plan something and they called those Traitors. 

Really it is a shame for me that in my kingdom that many Traitors are present. But after everything will be over I will make sure that nothing like that once again happens to our Kingdom."

After saying all of these the king finishes his speech and instantly gives those Warriors the order to go to the danger zone and search for those people. Those people who previously got captured did not know the real location of their enemy, so they needed it to search for those other people who were present inside the danger zone. Because only they know the real location of their enemy and after getting the real location the King all plans to attack those enemies before they could attack them. 

The Crown Prince and even the princess also wanted to go with those Warriors but the king stopped them. Because the Crown Prince or The Princess were not good at concealment techniques and they could also create problems for those other Warriors. Because of this he did not give them permission. But on the other hand as you can see Sam wasn't present in the Royal palace, because he had already left the Royal palace and already went inside the danger zone before those Warriors left the Royal palace. 

Well he already informed the king that he also wanted to go to the danger zone because he also needed to finish his previous mission and at the same time you will also try to find those Traitors of the human Kingdom. Naturally the human being also did not stop him because he already got to know from the Oni King that Sam was very good at Concealment technique and most likely nobody will be able to find him until he did not reveal himself. 

Already Sam is present inside the danger zone and once again searching for those Monsters that he previously was unable to kill. Really searching for those plant type monsters is quite hard. But you can say that he already knows the location of those Monsters so he just right now is going toward that direction. At this time when he went inside the danger zone he could see that most of the people did not come to the danger zone today. Most likely after hearing the king's order they decided to stop coming to the danger zone for a few days. I think you should take a look at

Those people did not know but this will really help the search team to find the real traitors very easily because if most of the human warriors stay inside the human kingdom then it won't take them that much time to find the aura of those other Traitors. Sam on the other hand just after coming inside the danger zone begins to observe the surroundings very carefully. You can say that he was fully alert. Not only that he also uses the life detection device. Now with that device this really helps him to observe a 5 to 6 km area without any problem. Because in that area if any people present other than those monsters then he will immediately get to know that and he could immediately check if that person was the traitor or the search team. 

So like that sometime later he already found those monsters and already began to attack them. Before anything he needed to kill those Monsters to finish the mission so wasting no time he began to continuously attack those Monsters using his fire control technique. Really it was very long since he began to use the fire control technique. Well as you know after coming into the Terraria he most of the time uses the light control techniques so it was a very long time since he began to use the fire control technique like that.

For those plant Monsters you can say the fire was the deadly thing and this really affected very much. Even though Monster tried to fight back but unfortunately was unable to do that. Because from the start Sam did not give them the chance to fight back and from the study he just kept attacking them with big fireballs and mega fireballs. As you know the destruction that will be created by those fireballs is really because of that you can also see the surrounding area got easily destroyed by those attacks and those Monsters also died because of that. Actually not only those Monsters but many other Monsters also died.

It had been a very long time since he began to use the fire control technique but he could already see the color of his fire had already become purple and that means it became more deadly. On the other hand he really did not expect the power of the mega fireball would increase so much that it would easily destroy the surrounding area like that. Fortunately other than those Monsters not many people were present inside the danger zone and because of that he also did not have to worry about those other Warriors becoming injured. 

Just needed to search for one more Monster and with that he could finish his mission. But most likely searching for that Monster was very hard because even though he was searching for that Monster for a long time he was unable to see any clue about those types of monster in the surrounding area. Most likely they already hid themselves inside the underground because they did not want to get noticed by him.

'Sigh, most likely those Monsters already saw the previous distraction that was created by the mega fire balls and because of that they quickly hid themselves and did not want to come out of their hiding place. But it is really unfortunate for them that I had the life detection device and with that I could easily find every Monster that was around me.'

Sam thought that and began to look at the life detection device to see the monster that was present near his location. Well unfortunately the life detection device did not show him if the monster was present inside the underground or not but at least he was able to know the location and he could go to that place to check if those monsters were present inside the underground or not. 

While searching for those Monsters he did not find them but he still did not give up on searching and still decided to look at everyone of those Monsters locations that showed in the life detection device. But at this time he suddenly stopped searching for the monster because in the life detection device he could finally see 5 km away from that place he could see some life sign that didn't belong to the monsters. 

So wasting no time he quickly stopped searching for those Monsters and went in the direction to check if that person belonged to the search team or not or they were the Traitors. 

To be continued_________

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