Small upgrade system

Chapter 472 472 - Insane Monsters

After stabilizing himself he is now ready to follow these monsters but at the same time suddenly he feels something. Suddenly between those Monsters, he also felt some aura of warriors. Instantly that made him very interested. 

So he did not follow those Monsters and instantly went to that place. Just after reaching that place, he could see the situation of those human Warriors and those other Warriors. Alongside those human Warriors right now you can see many other species, all of them busy fighting those monsters that were attacking them continuously. 

At this time If you look at those Monsters then you will see the madness in their eyes. Right now those monsters do not fear anything and because of this even if you try to make them afraid you won't be able to do that. Right now they won't think about anything and just only attack their enemy. Those monsters did not think if their enemy was stronger or weaker. They just only wanted to kill their enemy and then suck the blood of their enemy. 

Now come back to those Warriors. Some of them were early epic-grade Warriors, while some of them were Elite grade warriors. All of them were fighting those Monsters. Mostly they did not even belong to the same group but right now in a critical situation like this, they decided to fight those Monsters alongside. Anyhow they need to get away from this situation or they will clearly die. 

Those monsters attacked those Warriors continuously and that did not even give them the chance to bring out their health potions. Because of this, you can see those injured Warriors that are unable to recover their health and energy but just needed to fight those Monsters. Nobody in the situation was unable to do anything other than fight those Monsters. 

Those Monsters just continuously attack them and even if those Warriors kill those Monsters but in the next second more Monsters attack them so because of this you can say every one of them becomes very injured and as you can see they are also very low on spiritual energy. They previously used their full power to get away from the danger zone but unfortunately, before they could do that they got attacked by those Monsters. 

You can say at least 50 Warriors are present in the place while they just continuously get attacked by those Monsters from every direction. So right now those Warriors did not get the chance to escape from that place. Even though it is only a few minutes since those Monsters begin to attack them, killing those monsters is really exhausting for everyone. 

Sam, who was looking at the situation, decided to help those Warriors. Because he could tell that if he did not help them most likely they would die by those Monsters. Instantly he uses the telekinesis technique to control the monsters that were about to attack those Warriors. Those monsters instantly stop moving and that makes everyone very confused. 

Actually not only do those monsters just stop moving, but they also instant around and attack those other Monsters. Instantly you can see the shocking expression present on the faces of the Warriors. 

'What is happening? Why are they attacking those other Monsters?'

Instantly they thought of a question like this but unfortunately, they did not know the answer. Most likely they would stay there like this if Sam did not signal them. 

"Why the hell are you idiots staying like this? Quickly try to escape from that place. I won't be able to hold them for long."

He instantly said that to everyone through their mind and most likely after hearing that everyone came back to their senses. They finally understand that all of these happened because someone helped them so they did not waste any more time and used their power to escape from that place. Fortunately, they already came close to the outside area of the danger zone so it won't take them that much time to get away from this place and reach the human Kingdom. 

But the problem was that even if they go outside of the danger zone right now they will get attacked by those Monsters. But at least people from the kingdom could help them and with that, they will be rescued by them. Only when he saw those people already went very far away from that place. He decided to deactivate the telekinesis technique and move from that place. 

Right now, he was thinking that he should at least help all the Warriors that are present in the danger zone and unable to escape before those monsters attack them. If they are unable to escape they will be in a dangerous situation where they could also lose their life. Because of this Sam decided to search around the danger zone and if he found any Warrior like this, he would help him. Also, he already had his teleportation technique so if the situation gets very dangerous, he will immediately use that and send those Warriors outside of the danger zone.

With that, he began to advance. You can still see those monsters that are most likely going toward the human Kingdom. All of those monsters now became insane and like that they are going to work the outside area of the danger zone. 

But at this time Sam did not just focus on those Monsters, he also needed to search for Warriors if they were present here, then they most likely were Fighting those Monsters. With that, he just only focused on finding those Warriors. He was already trying to sense any aura other than Those monsters. 

Right now finding the aura of warriors will be easy but hard at the same time. Easy because everyone Monsterz right now has the same kind of aura, so at this time you can easily sense the aura of any Warriors. It was hard because as you know that every one of those monsters released the same aura, so it became hard for anyone to sense the other aura. 

But Sam was doing that. Without he didn't even know how much deeper he had come. He just only focuses on finding those Warriors. He was just about to move from his current place but at this time suddenly he felt some energy fluctuation coming from his right direction. 

Without any delay, he went to that place and saw some Warriors fighting Monsters continuously. Most likely some of them are already seriously injured as he can see them completely bleeding. Not only that they already lost their armor and their whole body was injured so naturally everyone was in a very serious condition. 

Wasting no time he once again uses the telekinesis technique to control those Monsters. Once again those Monsters around them stop attacking and instantly turn around to attack those other Monsters. 

At this time those injured Warriors finally get some time to rest but you can say that all of them are very confused right now. They were unable to guess how the hell all of that happened. But suddenly they hear something in their mind. 

"Use your health potions and spiritual energy potions."

Only then did everyone guess that most likely someone was helping them and because of this, they did not waste any more time and quickly brought out their potions. Naturally because of those Monsters continuously attacking them, they are unable to bring out the potions, with that as you can see their condition becomes like this. 

At this time while those Warriors were healing, Sam controlled those Monsters to kill those other Monsters. He already killed many Monsters but as you can see those Monsters did not care about that they just wanted to attack those humans. But finally, every one of those humans recovers from their injuries and they are already full of spiritual energy. 

But the problem was that all of them just now needed to leave this place or they would get attacked by them once again. But living in this place wasn't easy for anyone because as you know right now many monsters are just present in that place and they will continuously attack them even if they try to escape from here. 

So finally Sam decided to use the teleportation technique but the thing was that he did not want to reveal himself so he still maintained his concealment technique. At the same time, he told every one of those people to come closer so that he could directly use the teleportation technique to make them leave this place. Actually using the teleportation technique not only he was only able to teleport but he could also teleport any people. 

So right now he instantly came in front of those Warriors and wasted no time using the teleportation technique. As you know the range of his teleportation technique already became 10 km so he directly used that and sent every one of those Warriors 10 km away from that place. 

Fortunately, that area wasn't that far away from the outer area so with that they could easily come out of the inner area and then directly try to get away from the danger zone. So with that Sam did not waste any more time once again to search for more Warriors. 


"Captain, what could be that person that helped us? We did not even see him or his face but just suddenly came here?"

Right now one person from that group asked her captain about this. Well after hearing that question the captain also began to think about who that person could be. Unfortunately, he did not know anyone who got you teleportation techniques so he also wasn't sure. 

All this time you can see everyone running toward the outside area. They did not want to waste any more time so they were running like this. Also fortunately in that place if you look at those monsters then he will see they weren't that strong. 

"Unfortunately I also don't know anything about that person. I am not familiar with anyone who could use teleportation techniques so I am also unable to answer this. But after everything is over, naturally I try to find out about the identity of this person. Fortunately, he was present there and decided to help us otherwise we would be dead right now."

The captain says that and at the same time those other Warriors agree with him. All of them were very grateful that they were able to escape from that place because of that person so they really wanted to thank him and show their gratitude. 

 With that, all of them already came very close to the kingdom. At this time every one of them could see that fighters of the human Kingdom were also fighting those Monsters continuously. Looking at the scene, they finally sigh in relief. Previously, they really became very scared, and for a minute they thought they would die like this. 

Actually, this wasn't uncommon and because of this, everyone was very scared previously. Every year when a red moon appears in the sky many Warriors lose their lives. Some of them lost their lives because of protecting their Kingdom from those monsters while some of them lost their lives because they were unable to escape from the danger zone. Naturally because of this everyone was very grateful to Sam.

But not long after that a group of warriors once came out of the danger zone. Those are the warrior group that also got saved by Sam and instantly got teleported to the outer area of the forest. After that, using their full power they were able to escape from the danger zone and came here. Every one of those people was at epic grade. But even with that much strength, they are unable to fight those many Monsters that also have the same strength as them 

Those people were most likely very grateful to Sam right now and really wanted to know his identity but unfortunately, that person did not show his face or did not come in front of them. Like the previous group of people, they also got called by Sam to gather around, and after that, every one of them disappeared from the danger zone. 

To be continued__________

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