Small upgrade system

Chapter 469 469 - Helping

After everything was over he began to search for those Halio monsters. Unfortunately in that mission, he did not see the location where he would find those Monsters and because of this, he first needed to search for those Monsters. 

But searching for those monsters isn't easy. He already searched that outer area of the forest. Unfortunately, he did not find any clue about them and because of this he finally entered the inner area of the forest or you can say Danger zone where he will meet those Elite or even Epic-grade monsters. 

So naturally he needed to be careful in that place. Also to not waste his time, he is using the concealment technique. With that, no Monster disturbing him or attacking him. But even after searching for this long, he did not find any clue about them. 

'Sigh, I should ask for the location before coming to the danger zone. I should ask Ayana or the warrior association about this so that I would not need that much time to find those Monsters. Once again I should try to approach someone and ask them for the location of the Monsters.'

With that Sam deactivated his concealment technique. Right now he needed to search for a warrior and asked him about those Halio monsters. With that Sam begins to search for a group of Warriors. Fortunately, not far away from his place, a group of Warriors fighting some Monsters. Sam decided to approach that group of Warriors. 

When he got close to that place he saw that group of warriors right now fighting a group of lightning wolves. Those Monsters have the power of lightning and they are very dangerous. They are very fast and also they can control The Lightning element. 

With that, you can see that those Monsters are very dangerous but most likely that group of Warriors had the confidence and because of this, they also approached those Monsters. Those lightning wolves are Early Elite-grade monsters same as those Warriors. 

But if you look at the battlefield right now then you will notice those Monsters have the advantage in this fight. Even though those Monsters had weak defense but because of their speed they could easily dodge the attack of those Warriors. Not only that at the same time, but they also attacked those Warriors with their lightning element. 

Clearly, those Warriors are at a disadvantage because they are even unable to react on time when those monsters attack them from behind. When one of them wanted to attack one of the lightning wolves, that monster suddenly vanished and appeared behind that Warrior while attacking him. 

Fortunately, because of the armor, the Warrior did not get that seriously injured but he could still feel the power behind that attack. Instantly that Warrior turned around to attack that Monster but that Monster already vanished once again. Not long after that, he also saw a lightning ball coming in his direction. 

Fortunately, the moment he notices those lightning balls, he jumps away from his place. With that fortunately he is able to dodge the attack from that Monster but this is not over because that Monster still did not give up on him. Once again using his full speed Monster appears behind that Warrior and once again attacks him using a lightning bolt. 

It directly hit the Armour of that Warrior and at this time that Warrior also heard a cracking sound. Instantly his expression changes and he knows that he needs to do something or in the next attack he will completely lose his armor. Now that will be a terrible thing because after that anybody or you can say any Monster could injure him easily. 

That Warrior instantly decided to escape from that place and because of this he instantly uses his movement technique with full force to get away from that place. But unfortunately, even after using his movement technique with full power, he is not that fast compared to those lightning wolves. 

With that even though he tries to escape, the Monster already reaches him and is about to attack, but fortunately, at this time, his teammate helps him. Suddenly that person created a barrier in front of his friend and that Monster was unable to attack him. 

That Monster directly hit the barrier. If you look at the barrier then you will notice this isn't your normal barrier. This is the spiritual barrier. This barrier also has special features. The amount of force you will put on this barrier will be automatically returned by that barrier. Because of this the moment that Monster hit the barrier instantly he also received damage from that barrier. The barrier attacks him with the same amount of power that the monster used when hit that barrier. 

Really that attack was very powerful because you can see the condition of that monster. Most likely he already has broken bones. That Warrior who is in front of that Monster did not waste it and instantly attacked that monster. With this finally, they are able to kill a monster but that is not over because they still need to kill those remaining 14 Monsters. 

Right now the leader of that group is using her fire techniques to attack those Monsters. Even though those Monsters did not get hit by those attacks, they are also unable to get close to that person. You can say that she already created a barrier around herself and because of that, those monsters were unable to reach her. Even if they try to reach her they will immediately get burned by the green Flame. 

This is the upgraded version of the film technique and this is really very dangerous because it can instantly burn those Monsters. Most likely those Monsters also know about these and because of this, they did not approach her. 

Just looking at her you can tell she already reached the master level of her fire control. And because of this, she can easily control the fire element that easily. 

But not all the Warriors of that group had the same condition as the team leader. Those long-distance Warriors were in bad conditions compared to any other Warriors. They are trying to attack those monsters from a long distance but unfortunately using their full speed those monsters already reach close to those Warriors and attack them. 

Because of this, you can say those Warriors are in the most disadvantageous situation. But still, in a disadvantageous situation like this, they are able to kill a total of six Monsters and only just 9 Monsters remaining. But the situation is like those Warriors did not even get the chance to bring out their potions. And also you can see many of them already in a serious situation where they already got seriously injured by those Monsters and because of this, all of them are in a very dangerous situation. 

Right now only a few of them are able to fight those monsters without getting injured. The team leader is one of them while five other Warriors also fight those monsters without getting injured by them. But the main problem is that they also needed to protect their teammates and it became very hard for them to fight those monsters while at the same time protecting their teammates. 

Everyone knows that they really underestimated those Monsters and because of this, they are in this situation. Also at this time, they are unable to see any Warrior group that will help them. So with that, they did not know what. 

Sam on the other hand watches all of these. He already saw how those monsters had the advantage over those fighters. Those Monsters already seriously injured most of the Warriors and right now it is going on like this then most likely those Warriors could also lose their life. Only 6 of them were able to fight those Monsters without getting injured but it also became very hard for them to fight those Monsters. At the same time, they also needed to protect their friends and because of this most likely, they will on be able to fight monsters like that for long. 

So looking at this Sam decided to help those people. He could kill those Monsters. Sam instantly uses the teleconasis technique and already three of those monsters have lost the ability to control their body. Three of those monsters suddenly stop and suddenly they begin to feel that they are getting crushed by something. The main thing is that they were not even able to make any sound. 

At this time those other Monsters and even those Warriors became very shocked looking at the sudden scene. Nobody realizes how the hell those monsters suddenly stop moving. But they could instantly see all of those Monsters standing in the same place but in the next second everyone fell on the ground and the ground beneath them began to crack. Blood also comes out from their body so it looks like those monsters getting pressed by something or someone. 

This instantly makes both Monster and those human Warriors very alert. Even if those monsters did not have that much intelligence, they could still feel the danger. Instantly like those human warriors they also begin to search their surroundings to search for the enemy who did all of this to their friends. 

Not only those Monsters but even those human fighters get scared because of this they also begin to look around very carefully. Actually, everyone thought that it was a new type of Monster that was attacking them and because of this, they became very alert and began to search for the enemy. 

Unfortunately, they did not find anyone but at this time you can see once again two of those Monsters lost control over their body, and this time those Monsters begin to float in the sky. Those monsters are just flying higher and higher. Even if those monsters wanted to howl, they were unable to do that and at this time they were just going higher in the sky. 

They already fly 5 km away from the ground and at this time they suddenly shop in mid-air. Without wasting any more time all those monsters begin to fall. But the thing is that even if they wanted to use their lightning technique to get away from the situation, they still did not gain control over their body and because of this they just began to fall from the sky without even being stopped. 

In under 1 minute, they hit the ground and instantly you can hear that big sound. Not only that the whole place also got damaged by that and as you can see the cracked mark present in that place. All the trees and even all the surrounding things got destroyed by that landing. 

At this time those other Monsters seem to know that they are in danger and because of this, they wanted to escape from that place but unfortunately, before they could do that every one of them lost control over their body. Only at this time everyone so that a person came out behind that victory. 

He isn't a monster. Like those other Warriors, he also is a Human Warrior. At this time If you look at him then you will see his eyes are glowing while he focuses on those Monsters. Naturally, anybody could tell he is the reason behind all of this. So right now that person once again controls all the Monsters and instantly those Monsters begin to fly in the sky and they go upward and upward. 

Once again when those Monsters reach the maximum height, Sam instantly releases the force from them but he still has control over their body and because of this none of those Monsters were able to use their power together in that situation. Because of this as you can see every one of those monsters directly hit the ground and destroy the surrounding area. 

At this time Sam did not directly approach those Warriors. He first approached the place where those Monsters fell from the sky. 

To be continued___________

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