Small upgrade system

Chapter 459 459 - Surprised

'I should try to search for that place later. Right now I need to go back to the Kingdom to submit the mission.'

With that, Sam started going back toward the kingdom. He needed to submit the mission and after that, he will get the reward for completing the mission. 

Unfortunately, he needed to submit the mission within the time limit or if he wasn't able to do that then he won't receive any type of reward from the warrior association. 


"Father, did you find any type of clue about the traitors?"

Currently, the king of the human Kingdom asked his father about this. As you know, the old King already got all the details about those people who were previously present in the meeting room while the king was discussing sending the human Warriors into the danger zone. 

After getting all the information the old King began to observe those people. Not only the old king but as you know that the king also sent his Royal guards toward those people. So with that, every one of them watched over those people and tried to find any type of clue that would reveal that they were traitors. 

Unfortunately, until now the royal guards did not find anything and because of this, the king came back to his father's house to ask that question. 

"Hmm… I already found some clues. I just need to confirm if my prediction is right or wrong. Only then will I be able to tell you if they really are traitors or not?"

The old King said that to the king. After hearing that the king became very surprised and instantly became excited to know about the clue. Not only that he also instantly wanted to know about those people that were behaving suspiciously. 

First, the old King did not want to say anything but then he decided to reveal what type of clue he found and who the suspect was. With that, the Old King began to explain everything to the king. 

You have to say that after knowing all of this the king gets very surprised. Thought that those people would be the suspects. 

'I should tell the royal guard to watch over them.'

Actually previously after not finding any clue he decided to call back those guards. But it looks like he should not do that and because of this he already plans to send back his royal guard once again. 

"I never expected you would find those people suspicious. Actually now come to think of it they really are suspicious, but it is just We previously ignored them."

The king said that. 

" Now come to think of it, do you think that we have an interesting person in our Kingdom?"

" Huh? Interesting person? Is that person also a spy or something like that?"

" No… I don't think he is a spy or something like that. It is just that person is really interesting and I just wanted to know if you have any information about him or not."

The old king said that with a smile. Well unfortunately the moment the King gave everyone permission to go to the danger zone that person already left for the danger zone and because of this, the old King did not get the chance to approach him. 

But when nobody was allowed to go to the danger zone, the old King always observed that person, and really it made me very curious why that person only meditated all the time. He wasn't able to feel any type of aura leaking out from his body. So this makes me very curious why he meditated all the time like this. 

All this time most of the Warriors most likely get those true crystals from the warrior association or they already have those types of crystals with them. So by absorbing them, they make themselves stronger but on the other hand, that person did not use any type of true crystal to make himself stronger. 

Most of the time he just meditated and this really made the old King very confused. 

On the other hand,

The king of the human Kingdom also gets surprised after hearing his father's words. Who could be that person that attracts the interest of his father? You can say that he also got quite interested in that person and because of this, he quickly asked the old king about the description of that person. 

The old King already gave him the description and all the details. He also told him that compared to any other warriors, that person has a white aura. This makes that person more mysterious and because of this, the old King also gains interest in that person. 

After hearing the details from the old king, his son also got quite confused because he did not think it was possible for someone to have a white aura. It is exactly opposite to the dark spiritual energy. 

A person would have a dark aura inside his body if he uses dark spiritual energy like those abyss humans or those demons. But he never thought a person would have white spiritual energy. 

'Did he use some kind of other spiritual energy and because of this, his aura was like that?'

This is the main question that the king was thinking about right now. Because of this he also wanted to ask that person about this but unfortunately, his father told him that he wasn't present in the kingdom. But one thing was for sure that he would look at the details of that person. 


Sam who was going toward the kingdom did not know anything about this. He already attracted the interest of the old king and even the king became interested in him. The thing was that even if we get to know about this he will just not care about that or you will just escape from the city. 

Right now Sam was looking at his system screen or you can say he was looking at the system shop to search for some unique techniques or any other thing that he could find in the system shop. He already sells those unnecessary loot in the system shop and already gained gold coins for that. Well, he was saving those gold coins because he wanted to buy a technique. 

"Short teleportation,"

This is the name of the technique that he was looking at right now in the system shop. Some time ago while looking at the system shop he suddenly found this technique but the thing was that to buy the technique he needed to have 50 m gold coins. 

This is the reason that he still wasn't able to buy that technique. Even after saving all the gold coins he only has 1 m gold coins. With that, he doesn't know how long it will take him to gather those gold coins. 

'Sigh, it looks like I need to increase my hunting time in the Dungeon to gather more gold coins after killing those Monsters.'

With that Sam already decided that after going back to the kingdom he will try to search for more missions. Actually, even if he did not find a mission that satisfied him he would naturally come back to the danger zone. From now on his main motivation will be to collect gold coins to buy that technique. 

Fortunately, even if it took him one month or more than one month to gather that much gold coin, he could still use the technique so he did not have to worry about it. 

Now coming back to the main matter while going toward the kingdom he could also see many Warriors that were also going back toward the kingdom. Most likely like him those people also completed their mission or they also came to the danger zone without accepting any Mission. 

Not all the time everybody selects a mission from the warrior association. Because not every time you will find a good mission that will be able to satisfy you and will also give you good loot. This is the reason that not every time you should limit yourself while hunting those Monsters. You will never expect when you will get good loot while you will hunt various Monsters. 

While thinking all of this Sam finally came back to the kingdom and directly went to the warrior association. After giving the mission to the receptionist he already got the reward for that mission. At this time he decided to look at the mission board. So without wasting any more time, look at the mission board. 

'I could select that mission.'

Sam thought that because right now he could see the mission where he needed to kill those bloody rabbits once again and this time the amount of those bloody rabbits already increased. He needed to kill 5000 bloody rabbits, not only that he also got two weal time limits to complete that mission. 

'Really, but still, why would that person need that many bloody rabbits? Is that person doing some kind of experiment with the dead bodies of those Monsters?'

Really that mission makes him very surprised but naturally, he already accepts the mission. After accepting the mission he already left the warrior association and began to walk toward the restaurant. He is already feeling hungry so he needs to eat something in the restaurant. 

But while he was going toward the restaurant suddenly his phone began to ring. He quickly looked at his phone and saw that it was Livia that was calling him. He became quite surprised because all this time she did not contact him. 

"Hello, Livia, how are you?" 

"Hello. I am fine, how are you? When will you come back to our Kingdom?"

" Haha… I just begin my adventure so naturally it will take me more time and only after that will I be able to finish my adventure and go back to the kingdom."

"Sigh, I also wanted to travel with you but father did not allow me."

" It is natural. As you know right now those Abyss humans already became active once again and they are attacking those Royal blood. I don't think you know that but the human Kingdom also gets attacked by them. Not only that, but they also try to attack the Royal blood. Their main goal is to sacrifice their royal blood to satisfy their god."

Sam explains all of this to her and naturally, she also understands how dangerous it would be if she decided to travel with him. Most likely she will also put him in much danger, and because of this, she just only sighed. 

" Well, forget about that. Can you guess why I am calling you right?"

" No,"

Hearing her word Sam could naturally tell that she has something to say to him. 

" Haha… well, me, brother, and sister Emma going toward the human Kingdom."

She happily said that to him. Hearing that Sam also gets quite confused because why would she come to the human Kingdom right now? 

"Actually, the human King was invited to visit his Kingdom and because of this, Father told us to go to the kingdom. You will also come to the kingdom but it will take him some time to come here while we already begin to approach the human Kingdom. 

Even though I don't know the main motive of the human king, he told us that he wanted to celebrate that they were able to survive and because of this, they also wanted to arrange a party. But to tell you the truth I also think that the king of the human Kingdom and my father wanted to talk about something and because of this, they also invited us." 

Livia said that. Hearing that Sam also begins to think about this matter. Why would suddenly the king of the human Kingdom, called the Oni king? Naturally, both of them wanted to discuss something and because of this, the human king will arrange a party like this. 

To be continued_______

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