Small upgrade system

Chapter 453 453 - Winning The Fight.

The leader of the human Warriors began to lose his strength and the Abyss human got the upper hand. He was ready to kill the leader of the human Warriors. Even though he was injured seriously and we will get affected by the side effect, before that, he wanted to kill the leader of the human Warriors and also wanted to kill those remaining human Warriors. 

After that even if he loses his strength you will not care about that because they will get many dead bodies of those human Warriors and could use them as a sacrifice for their god.

On the other hand, those human Warriors could also see that their leader was about to get killed by the enemy leader. But unfortunately, they are unable to do anything because if they lose their focus they could also lose their life. In this situation, everyone feels helpless and doesn't know what to do. 

If they could call for reinforcement then nothing like that would happen and they could easily win this fight over those enemies. But right now they are unable to call for reinforcement and because of this, all of them are in this critical situation where they will also lose their life. 

"Guys try to use your full strength and kill as many enemies as you can. Most likely this is our last chance,"

Suddenly one of those human Warriors said that because everyone could see that the situation was good for them and most likely they would die. Before that, they wanted to use their full strength to kill as many enemies as they could. 

Every other warrior also agrees with him and instantly they also begin to use their ultimate technique. Even if they die they wanted to kill those abyss humans and wanted to complete their mission. 

Right now those long-distance human Warriors are attacking those enemies and trying to distract them while those close-combat human Warriors are preparing their ultimate skill. One by one everyone prepares their ultimate technique and that instantly alerts all the enemies present there. 

Even the Abyss human's leader also gets alert by those ultimate techniques. Because if those humans suddenly attacked him then he would naturally die from those attacks. With that, he knows that he cannot delay any longer and instantly uses his final attack on that human leader. 

That attack was so powerful that it sent the leader of the humans backward not only that he also already lost his right hand. As you know, he already lost his arms so he tried to protect himself while bringing both of his hands in front of him and because of this he already lost his right hand. Not only that if very big wounds also appear on his body and he begins to lose blood. 

On the other hand,

The enemy leader instantly went toward those human Warriors. But unfortunately, before he could reach them those human Warriors already used their final attack, and that instantly killed many of those enemies. In front of those many final attacks, those Abyss humans did not even get the chance to react or counterattack. That almost kills 90% of those Abyss humans. 

"Ahhh!!!! I will kill you all,"

Looking at the scene right now the enemy leader begins to scream and is already ready to kill those human Warriors. On the other hand those human Warriors after using their ultimate techniques lost the capability to counterattack or fight once again. They are just waiting for their death. But on the other hand, they were also happy that they killed almost all the enemies. 

They just hope that those long-distance human Warriors and those medical teams could escape from this place. 

At this time the leader of the abyss is already ready to use his final attack once again on those human Fighters and kill them instantly. On the other hand, those human Warriors are already ready to accept their death. Right now every one of them knows that day won't be able to fight back so they are just ready to accept their death. 

But at this time something unexpected happened that nobody could guess. Suddenly the leader of the Abyss humans stops at his place not only those other enemies also stop moving. This instantly shocked all the human Warriors because nobody could tell why that was happening to those enemies. 

The leader of the Abyss humans was just 100 m away from those human Warriors but somehow he stopped moving. 

'What is happening? Why do they suddenly stop moving and become like this? '

Instantly everyone began to think about this type of question because nobody could tell why they became like this. But at this time, everyone suddenly saw a person that appeared in front of them. Suddenly in front of those human Warriors, an old man appeared. If you look at that old man he has white hair and also a long white beard. 

This instantly makes those human Warriors more confused because they are unable to recognize that person. But one thing was that they could already tell that it was the old man who was behind all of this. So most likely he is a powerhouse that decided to help them. 

On the other hand, those abyss humans just froze in their place but not only that, one by one everyone began to turn into meat paste. Just looking at the scene, all the human Warriors were shocked. But more than that the leader of the Abyss humans also becomes shocked and right now he also begins to fear that old man. 

He could already see that almost all the remaining soldiers died. Every one of them felt a lot of pressure in their body and most likely that pressure was enough to kill all of his comrades. Most likely this is his time to die. 

But before he could think more, he suddenly lost consciousness. Actually, the old man did not kill the leader of the Abyss humans. He needed to get information out of that person so he did not kill him. 

At this time you can say that those human fighters begin to worry about that old man. What if that old man suddenly attacks them?

Because of this, everyone began to worry but the moment that old man turned around every human Warrior became relaxed because they finally recognized that old man. They also try to salute that person but the old man prevents them from doing that and instantly calls the medical team to take action. 

You also directly went toward the leader of the human Fighters and used the high-grade health potion. This will save that person and also close all the wounds on his body. Also, you should not believe that he lost his hand because he could once again get back his hand but he needed to get the superior health potion. 

The medical team who was behind everyone from the start and also helping recover their injuries finally take action and instantly begin to heal those injured human Warriors. One by one every one of those human Warriors recovers from their injuries. Actually not only the human leader but many other Warriors also lose their hands or legs. It is just that even after losing their Warriors part those Warriors did not stop fighting those enemies. 

"Why didn't any of you call for reinforcement?"

" Sorry, those enemies did not give us any chance to contact. Not only that this place also has some kind of signal blocker and because of this we are unable to contact the human Kingdom."

One Warrior said that. At the same time after hearing his words, you can say that he respected that old man very much because it is natural. That old man was None other than the old king of the human Kingdom. As you know that he previously entered the danger zone to look at the human Warriors. 

But the moment enter the danger zone and came deeper into the forest he could see the critical condition of the human Warriors. Fortunately reacted on time and because of this he was able to prevent the enemy from killing all of his Warriors. 

On the other hand, the medical team already stabilizes the condition of the leader of the human fighters, not only that they also stabilize the condition of those other Warriors, and with that, every warrior is finally ready to go back to the kingdom. 

At this time before leaving that place he also told everyone to destroy all the dead bodies of those abyss humans, and only after that did they begin to advance toward the kingdom. Right now in this situation, they will need much time to reach the human Kingdom. Finally, after a long time, everyone became happy and they could relax. So right now using their relaxed mind they were going back to the human Kingdom. 

But one thing was that everyone also wanted to know what type of information they would get from the leader of those enemies. Because of this, they also wanted to go back to

the kingdom as quickly as they could. 

To be continued________

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