Small upgrade system

Chapter 442 442 - Lightings Lizards


Lig htning lizard

Grade - Peak Special grade/ intermediate A-grade 

Health - (25000/ 25000)

Spiritual energy - (24000/24000)

Strength - 2500

Agility - 2600

Physique - 2500

Spirit - 2400


Lightning Dash, Lightning Ball, Thunderbolts, Lightning Claw. "

As you can see, he was fighting these Monsters. Even though he could easily kill them using his telekinesis, he did not do that because he also wanted to know how strong he had become because of this, without using those types of techniques fighting those Monsters. 

Suddenly two of those Monsters came in front of him, but Sam already noticed them and instantly moved away from that place, and was behind both of the monsters. 

With that, he did not waste time and swung his sword toward both of the monsters. Even though those monsters could use the lightning element and compared to any normal Monster they were very fast, but unfortunately Sam was faster than them. 


After letting out this sound both of the monsters drop dead on the ground. But on the other hand, did not relax; he once again instantly got away from the area. Because at this time you can see many of those monsters present in that place. 

Suddenly out of nowhere, a lightning ball came toward him but it wasn't in there because at this time thunderbolt also suddenly attacked him. Sam who was busy dodging those lightning balls, was unfortunately unable to do all the thunderbolts, and in the end, he got hit by the thunderbolts. 

That attack sent him flying backward but Sam quickly stabilized himself and before those thunderbolts hit him once again, he quickly dodged those attacks. Those monsters did not stay ideal using their lightning dash, they already came behind Sam and most likely wanted to attack him using their lightning claw. 

But unfortunately for those Monsters, before those lightning claws hit him, a very big energy will be created in front of these Monsters, and in the end, their attack hits that energy shield. Because of that energy shield, he was unable to hit Sam, and as you can see Sam did not receive any type of injury. 

But on the other hand, if you look at the condition of that energy shield then you can see that it already has a crack mark on it. Most likely if they attack the energy like this they will be able to break it. 

But Sam won't give them the time because he is already preparing Sunray. Instantly the energy finished from that place and those sun rays came out from his five fingers and directly attacked those monsters. 

You can say that those sun rays were like a lesser beam. They instantly pierced through their skull. With that, all those 5 monsters drop dead on the ground. But Sam did not stop there, he attacked those other lightning lizards. 

But the thing was that some of them were able to escape because of the lightning element. Those Monsters already saw how dangerous the sun ray was. So, the moment they notice that the human most likely wants to attack them with that, without wasting any more time using their lightning dash they escape from that place. 

'Really, I also wanted the lightning element. This is the most destructive element. Sigh,'

You have to say that Sam was really amazed by the speed of those Monsters. He also wanted to learn the lightning element but unfortunately, until now he did not find any technique related to the lightning element. 

The thing was that some did not want to let those monsters go. So he is already using his movement technique and his full speed begins to chase those monsters. Fortunately, he was faster than those Monsters and already able to catch up to them. At this time he also did not waste any more time and quickly attacked those Monsters which was completely unexpected for those Monsters. With that, those Monsters were unable to react on time and just died from those attacks. 


After collecting all the loot and the dead bodies Sam leaves that place. He could already since many Warriors were coming toward this place so he left that place. Right now his main target was going toward the deeper area of the forest so that he could meet those Elite-grade monsters. 

While searching for those monsters he already met many of those Monsters. But the main thing was that unfortunately, he did not meet those bloody rabbits even finding those Monsters for this long. It has been one day since he entered the danger zone but until now he did not find those bloody rabbits. 

'I really need to search for those monsters as quickly as I can so that I can finish the mission.'

He wanted to finish the mission as quickly as he could so that he could focus on those other Monsters. But the thing was that until now he did not have even the slightest clue about those bloody rabbits. 

"Lightning lizard

Grade - Early Elite grade/ early S-grade 

Health - (34000/ 34000)

Spiritual energy - (31000/31000)

Strength - 3300

Agility - 3400

Physique - 3400

Spirit - 3100


Lightning Dash, Lightning Ball, Thunderbolts, Lightning Claw. "

Sometime later he once again met those lightning lizards but this time every one of those lightning lizards was powerful. As you can see, all of those Monsters were early S-grade. 

With that this time Sam was more careful. One by one instantly many lightning balls came toward him. But not only that at this time thunderbolts also came toward him. 

Before they could hit him, an energy shield was quickly created in front of him to protect him from all those attacks. Most likely those Monsters planned to attack him from behind but at this time Sam did not want to hold back so he instantly used the telekinesis technique. 

As you know, if those Monsters were stronger than him, he could only stop their movement for a minute. But every one of those Monsters is weaker than him and with that, he instantly controls the whole body of those Monsters and none of those Monsters are able to move from their place. 

Fortunately, those Monsters came very close to him and because of this, they were in the control range of his telekinesis technique. He did not waste any more time and killed all those Monsters. After that, you once again begin to advance to search for those bloody rabbits. 

'Should I ask someone about those bloody rabbits?'

In the end, he decided that he should ask someone about the bloody rabbits. As you know that he wasn't that familiar with the danger zone and because of this, even until now he did not find those bloody rabbits. 

But the thing was that right now he needed to search for a warrior and wanted to ask him that question. But at the same time, he wasn't sure if that Warrior would tell him the truth or not. 


"Haha… I really wanted to go Deeper into the forest to fight those powerful Monsters. Captain please can we go deeper? "

" No, I did not want to risk our lives. Even if you are feeling confident, you should not risk your life."

Sometime later, Sam already found some Warriors who had most likely just finished killing those Monsters. One of them wanted to go deeper, but unfortunately, the captain wouldn't allow him to go deeper. 

'I should ask them.'

Sam decided to ask those people about the bloody rabbits. So he began to walk toward those Warriors. 

Most likely those Warriors also already sense him and because of this they already became alert the moment they notice him. But when they saw that it was a human and most likely he did not have any type of intention to attack them they relaxed a little but still there was in their guard. 

With their curious eyes, they saw that a human suddenly came in front of them and just stop moving. 

"Can you tell me where I can find those bloody rabbits?"

That person asked them that question. For a moment every one of them had a good surprise but then one of them began to laugh. 

"Haha… for a moment I thought we were facing some kind of bigshot. So it looks like we are facing a weekly we just only wanted to kill some bloody rabbits. Haha.. you weakling you should not come to this place because you will find those elite-grade monsters."

A person begins to say all of this arrogantly. Most likely just after hearing the question about those bloody rabbits that person considers Sam as a weakling. And in his eyes, he just did not care about any weak person. 

But Sam did not show any reaction after hearing that he was just looking at that Captain and just waiting for her answer. At this time the captain also did not say anything and just curiously looked at him. She also tried to sense his power but unfortunately, Sam was now using the concealmen

t technique to hide his power and because of this nobody was able to feel his true power. 

To be continued_______

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