Small upgrade system

Chapter 430 430 - Mythical Warrior

Suddenly both of them opened their eyes and instantly turned around. They quickly began to run in that direction, which confused the king very much. Not only the king but many Warriors also got confused by this. Sam, the old king, and those army commanders, all of them got confused by their sudden behavior. 

For a moment, the king thought that those monsters wanted to attack those other Warriors but he was wrong. They just completely ignore everyone on the battlefield and run in that direction. Even those Monsters and those fighters who were fighting also got confused by the sudden behavior. 

King at this time decided to follow those Monsters and with that, he started following them. On the other hand, if you look at those monsters then you will see most likely they found something and because of this, they did not care about anything present on the battlefield. Did you even care about the king who was more powerful than them? 

As you know that the more powerful monsters you will meet the more they will become intelligent. So these planetary-level Monsters were very intelligent like a human. so they already know that they got controlled by someone and because of this, they also came to the battlefield to fight that person. 

But right now they came back to their senses and they just wanted to do one thing which was revenge. You heard it right, both of the monsters wanted revenge and because of this, they previously searched for the clue of those abyss humans who previously attacked them. 

Fortunately compared to any Warriors, every monster has beast instinct, using that they could already find the location of those Abyss humans, even though they were very far away from that place. 

You can say that the king who was following them was very alert about his surroundings because he also wanted to know why both of the monsters were running like this but sometime later he seemed to understand why both of the monsters were running like this. 

As you know that he was fully alert about his surroundings and from the start he was observing his surroundings. So sometimes he finally found the presence of those abyss humans far away from the battlefield. 

'So, they already came to the battlefield but decided to hide. Did they wait for the right time to attack us? Also, why are those monsters going in that direction? '

Right now the king was thinking all of these questions but he silently followed those to Monsters. Actually, right now not only the king but even the old King also found clues about those abyss humans. As you know, as a mythical Warrior his observation range was very high, but due to his still being present inside of the kingdom he wasn't able to cover the full area of the battlefield and because of this he was unable to find those Abyss humans previously. 

But previously he also followed those to Monsters and he also sensed the presence of those Abyss humans. He could sense probably 5000 aura signs of those abyss humans. Not only them but he could also feel many monsters beside them. But the strange thing was that those Monsters did not attack the battlefield. 

'Most likely, they are waiting for everyone to get tired or exhausted after fighting all of these Monsters and when they will let their guard down, they Abyss humans and those monsters.'

The old King already guessed what could be the plan of abyss humans. Also this time he was only able to feel 6000 monster's aura. 

On the other hand,

Those Abyss humans who were hiding got shocked by the sudden behavior of both of the Monsters. But suddenly they notice that those Monsters turn toward them and begin to run toward them. They completely ignore every fighter and monster present on the battlefield and just come in these directions. 

That legendary Warrior who previously controlled those planetary-grade Monsters when now recovering his dark spiritual energy. Not only that because both of the monsters are suddenly able to wake up from his mind control, it also has the side effect of the Abyss human. Previously he suddenly began to bleed from his nose. 

"Guys, be ready I think we already got discovered by the king, and as you can see he already got very serious when coming toward this direction. Damn, those useless Monsters that are coming in these directions. Quickly attack, everyone."

At this time the leader of those Abyss humans, or you can say that legendary Abyss human, gives everyone the signal to attack those Warriors and both of the Monsters. 

Instantly those Abyss humans and those monsters came out from their hiding place and instantly began to run in that direction. 

On the other hand,

Both of the monsters spot their enemy and that makes them very angry once again. They just let out their angry roar and decided to attack that person. 

But unfortunately, both of the monsters did not even get the chance to fight back, because both of them faced a legendary Abyss human. 

"Useless monsters."

The Abyss human said once again and he already attacked both of the monsters. In front of that sudden attack, both of the Monsters were unable to react on time and both of them got seriously injured. 

But both of the monsters once again stand up from the ground and once again let out an angry roar. They did not care about their life. They just wanted to kill that person who previously controlled them. 

But that abyss human already prepared his attack and most likely with these attacks he decided to finish both of the monsters. But before his attack could land on those Monsters, suddenly a very powerful sword slash came in his direction. 

This instantly cancels the attack of that abyss human and it sends him flying. Not only that person but every one of those Abyss humans suddenly got attacked by those sword slashes. 

Fortunately, those legendary grade abyss humans reacted quickly and tried to save those other abyss humans. Unfortunately, they were unable to protect everyone, and some of the abyss humans got killed. 

As you can guess the king already came to that place and he already decided to attack those Abyss humans. Right now if these abyss humans decided to join the battlefield then it could be very dangerous for everybody present on the battlefield. 

'It is also dangerous for me to face those 3 Legendary grade Abyss humans at the same time. But I won't be able to prevent those other abyss humans from attacking my people.'

The king at this time begins to think about what to do at this moment because most likely those 3 Legendary grade Abyss humans will attack him while those other people will try to attack those Warriors. 

It will be really risky and because of this, they are thinking about what to do. 

"Don't worry about them. I will handle every one of them. Most likely everyone present in this world will forget about me so I should reveal myself so everyone should know that I am still alive. Haha…"

At this time while the king was thinking about what to do suddenly, he heard this voice beside him. Instantly he saw that his father was present there and this instantly made the King very relaxed. 

Finally, his father joins the fight and with that, everything will be over. 

"Go, help those Warriors. We already lost some of them and some of them are seriously injured. Just go and help them. I will take care of them."

At this time the old King said that he will take care of these Abyss humans and those new monsters. On the other hand, the king, after hearing that, did not waste any more time and quickly left that place. 

Well, everything happened very quickly and the sudden appearance of that old man also surprised every abyss human. They did not have any information about that old man except those legendary grade abyss humans. They already recognize that it was the old king of this Kingdom but what was he doing here? 

They wanted to ask this question but in the next moment, all of them got the answer. The old King did not have any time to waste and because of this he already put pressure on those abyss humans. 

Just releasing his pressure he already killed those Elite and Epic grade abyss humans and those monsters. In front of the sudden dense pressure they were unable to do anything and just got killed by the pressure. 

Right now only those planetary and legendary grade abyss humans and planetary grade Monster were alive in the place. But in front of the dense pressure they are also struggling. 

Well, in front of a mythical grade Warrior, nobody was able to do anything. Even those legendary grade abyss humans are struggling. 

At this moment the old King did not waste any more time and quickly created his attack. Suddenly the sky became cloudy and the sky also began to Roar. Not long after that thunderbolts came down from those clouds and hit those abyss humans and monsters. 

To be continued__________

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