Small upgrade system

Chapter 565 565 - Fight

Chapter 565 Chapter 565 - Fight

Sam instantly jumps to change the place. Previously, he once again created a very powerful mega fireball attack and wasting no time he quickly shot that towards 5 dark Titans. But as you know that even though those Monsters were Epic grade, because of their abnormal state they also get power boost and with that they most likely have the strength of Planetary grade monsters.

Not only that, Sam also did not reach the limit of the peak Epic grade or you can say peak SRR grade. So fighting those Monsters in close combat will be very difficult for him even when he uses the concealment technique. Even if those Monsters are unable to find his location but naturally like those other Monsters they will try to attack in various directions and naturally as they have mind control attacks they will try to use that in every direction.

Even though Sam was not afraid of that mind control attack , at the same time if those Monsters use their dark effect then he needs to focus on his spiritual energy so that he could absorb those dark spiritual energy. Naturally at the time you won't be able to attack them and those Monsters if somehow able to find his location then it could be dangerous.

Because of this, he decided to use the mega fireball technique but in the next second he did not stay there as he had already changed the place and also brought out his bow and arrow. Not only that instantly he began to transfer the spiritual energy into the arrow and the arrow just kept glowing. Naturally because the arrow just became more powerful and at the same time he also transferred the spiritual energy into the superior archery technique.


On the other hand, an instant explosion appeared and the whole place got covered in dust and also in the next second you can see the huge impact that most likely got created because of that explosion.

Sam already uses The Spiritual Vision to look at that place to see what was happening to those Monsters also wanted to know if he was able to kill all the monsters or not. First of all, because of those abnormal states he did not think he would be able to kill them even with that powerful attack that already destroyed the whole 5 km area.

Naturally the same thing also happens when he faces those Planetary grade warriors. But still compared to before this time he would be able to injure them and that would be enough for him to kill them. Naturally all these time he is also using the telekinesis technique to feel if any monster is alive in that place or not and also previously before those Monsters could counter attack or do anything he uses the telekinesis technique to hold them.

Naturally because those Monsters were powerful compared to him it would be difficult for him to control them for long but even for a short time that would be enough. Instantly he noticed that two of them were already laying down on the ground and most likely both of those Monsters were dead but the remaining 3 weren't present in that place as he wasn't able to feel them.

Instantly begins to increase the range of his telekinesis technique to find those Monsters alongside using the spiritual vision technique to find those Monsters. Even though he did not have an observation technique that was similar to those other Warriors, he still had the telekinesis technique that helped him to observe his surrounding area like this.

The moment he increased the range he already found those Monsters were much far away from that place and most likely those Monsters even in that condition were able to escape because Sam did not maintain that telekinesis technique for that long. But not only that, using that technique he could also feel that those Monsters were injured and they were also most likely searching for their enemy right now.


Instantly you can hear those angry roars coming out from those dark Titans and not only that in the next second you can also feel the earthquake that also appears because of those Monsters. Instantly those Monsters begin to use their dark spiritual energy to cover the holes surrounding the area, so that even if their enemy hides himself he will get affected by the dark spiritual energy.

Fortunately Sam already knew something most likely would happen after that previous explosion so he already came far away while he was preparing for the next attack. Naturally this time those Monsters already became very alert and were already searching everyone for the enemy but unfortunately they were unable to find any kind of trace or any kind of energy fluctuation.

But that does not mean those monsters will stay like this as they already begin to use their dark effect and dark control attack to affect the whole surrounding area and the range just keeps increasing and increasing. Sometime later the range already became 10 km and everything in the 10 km got affected by the dark spiritual energy. But unfortunately Sam, who was outside of the place, wasn't affected and when he tried to look at that place without using the spiritual vision he couldn't tell any kind of difference. But every time when he uses The Spiritual Vision he can already feel or you can say see the density of dark spiritual energy already increase in that place and not only that dark spiritual energy mostly trying to affect everything.

On the other hand he already located those Monsters and was already ready to use the telekinesis technique to hold them once again but before that he needed to fully channel all the required spiritual energy into the arrow and into his technique. Because he wanted to make the attack as powerful as he can he channeled excess spiritual energy but still he did not cross the limit where the arrow could break.

In the next again he already finished the attack and because of that he instantly uses the teleportation technique to get close to those Monsters and instantly uses the telekinesis technique to hold those Monsters. The moment he did that he also shot the arrow toward those Monsters.

Naturally everyone of those Monsters who destroying everything and trying to search for their enemy in the surrounding place already got startled because they suddenly feel that the unable to move but not only that in the next second they could already since and powerful energy fluctuation and that thing which releasing the energy fluctuation just coming toward them very quickly.

Naturally, all of them saw a golden light in front of them but the thing was that all of them could feel the danger that was also coming out from that golden light. Because of this, those three Monsters already increased their spiritual energy to break free from that telekinesis control and the moment they got about to heat they were already able to break free from the control. But unfortunately not everyone was able to escape as the last Monsters who were unable to react on time already got killed by that attack and the remaining Monsters were able to escape from that place.

Unfortunately even with that they were unable to escape from the danger as they could already feel two More Golden lights coming from behind and not only that both of these Golden lights also released the same dangerous feeling as the previous one.

This time because they did not feel the force that was previously holding them they tried to escape but before they could do that they instantly got shot by other arrows. Even though Arrow wasn't as dangerous as those previous arrows but still because it counts the origin of spiritual energy it is already available to damage both of the Monsters as it already pierced through their body. But in the next again those two Golden lights also hit those two Monsters.


Finally after killing them, Sam waited for the reward that naturally will appear when the dead body of those Monsters will disappear from that place. That wasn't only the case as he could already feel more Monster most likely coming toward that place. Naturally those Monsters already feel the energy fluctuation and also know something most likely happened, so they also come there.

He once again begins to prepare more arrows or you can say those spiritual arrows for those Monsters. But that wasn't it as he already began to use the observation technique, spiritual vision technique alongside with the telekinesis technique. The observation technique will give him the status of those Monsters while The Spiritual vision will give him the appearance of those Monsters and the distance of those Monsters very clearly and also if those Monsters want to attach he could easily control them if those Monsters appear in the range of his telekinesis technique.

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