Small upgrade system

Chapter 545 545 - Advantage

Chapter 545 Chapter 545 - Advantage

Sometime later when the layer of smoke faded away everyone of those Warriors finally was able to see the face of those people who suddenly came in front of them and those people instantly created that powerful barrier that protected all those Warriors.

Naturally compared to anyone Sam became quite confused because he really did not know about those Warriors but on the other hand when he looked at the face of those other Warriors he became quite surprised because everyone of them had a happy expression on their face. Just a few seconds ago all of them had a helpless expression but suddenly that instantly turned into a happy expression and that really makes Sam very confused right now.

But naturally he did not ask anything and just began to observe those suddenly arriving people. First of all he was unable to see the face of those Warriors because everyone had a mask on their face but naturally he could tell that all of them came there to help Sam and the others. While Sam was observing those people at this time you can say the medical team of those Warriors who suddenly arrived on that place also began to heal everyone of those remaining Warriors and Sam at this time.

The condition of all of them was very serious and most likely if they really got hit by that attack then all of them would already die right now. Actually previously those attacks from the Monsters and also attacks from those Abyss humans instantly combined into one attack and naturally that attack was very powerful and even at the time Sam and the others using their full power wanted to create a barrier, still they would not be able to protect themselves from that attack.

On the other hand right now the expression of those dark humans and those Abyss humans were also very serious after notice in those Sudden Arrival people. Naturally they will also help those previous Warriors and not only that everyone of those Warriors who arrived on that place also releases a powerful aura. There are also Planetary grade Warriors also present and naturally right now everyone of those Warriors without wasting a single second already begins to attack those Monsters.

The thing you will notice in those Warriors is that most likely every one of those Warriors were around Epic grade and naturally everyone of those Warriors right now targets those remaining Monsters except those Planetary grade Monsters. Because those Monsters directly got targeted by those Planetary grade warriors.

On the other hand the medical team was already able to stabilize the condition of every one of those Warriors so they instantly moved from that place and came towards other Warriors who were right now fighting those Monsters. Naturally they already begin to use their spell on thos3 Warriors. Not only that but at the same time you can say they are also helping those Warriors by using their light element technique.

On the other hand, Sam and the others without doing anything stay there like this for a few minutes and only then they come back to their senses and already realize that they cannot stay there like this and need to help those warriors here to fight those Monsters. Fortunately at this time most likely every one of them already recovered they are healthy and because their own medical team did not get attacked by the Monsters previously so this still have the power to heal their Warriors and right now with their help most of them already recover.

So wasting no time every one of those Warriors already get away from their place and instantly begin to run toward those Monsters. Well you can say that only in a few seconds the situation already changed and right now everyone of those Warriors had The upper hand and naturally they also had The upper hand because their number was greater compared to those Monsters.

Those newly arrived Warriors also realize that previously those other Warriors almost killed most of those Monsters and right now only those powerful Monsters remain in that place. Well that was actually a very good thing for everyone of those Warriors because with that they will not get distracted by those other Monsters.

Naturally on the other hand every one of those dark humans and those Abyss humans also after seeing all of this already realize the seriousness of this matter so finally everyone of them also decided to participate in the battlefield. Before as you know they wanted to save their power and only wanted to use their full power when they participated in the main battlefield. But right now the situation was completely different and if those people did not participate in that fight then naturally everyone of those enemies will kill all those Monsters and not only that after that they will naturally target them.

With that everyone of those dark humans and those Abyss humans begin to attack those Warriors and also already come near that place. The thing was that compared to before or you can say compared to any of those other battles where those Abyss humans had a great number of people who participated in the flight, right now the situation was completely opposite and only a few people came there to participate in the battle.

But everyone of them were around peak Epic grade or intermediate epic grade, not only that 5 planetary grade Abyss humans also present in that place. Also, it looks like a legendary grade Abyss human also present there. But naturally at this time when everyone get quite scared after realizing that and try to feel the aura, they can tell that that person who most likely was a legendary grade already low on spiritual energy and not only that by sensing the aura of that person you can say he did not break through normally and most likely break through forcefully because of the unstabilize dark spiritual energy around that person.

But still after realizing that you can say the expression of some of those Warriors already became serious. Because that legendary grade person would be very dangerous in a battlefield like this where they could kill many of them easily even though they did not break through normally.

But on the other hand if you see the expression of those newly arrived Warriors then you will see that every one of them had a calm expression after realizing all of this and most likely because of them those other Warriors also got the confidence so that they did not care about that legendary grade enemy. With that they are just focusing on those enemies and those Monsters right now.

At this time If you are wondering about Sam then he is also participating in the battle but right now he is unable to use the concealment technique and his fire control technique. Because of this he is right now only using the light control technique and the sword technique. First of all you can say right now if he wanted to use the fire control or concealment technique you would feel the headache increase and he would be unable to tolerate that so he decided to not to use that.

Even though Sam got fully healed, he still had a mental headache and naturally it wouldn't go away until he did not rest. Well if it was before then he would not get affected by that. But because this time he focused on attacking those Monsters and those enemies continuously using powerful techniques and at the same time trying to maintain the stealth mode really made him exhausted and over used those techniques and because of this right now he won't be able to use them.



Instantly many powerful impacts got created after the clashes between The attacks from those Monsters and the attack from those Planetary grade Warriors. Naturally the surrounding area also got destroyed and at that time those Warriors who were near them also already escaped from that place. Naturally every time when those Planetary grade Warriors and monsters or you can say those enemies fight with each other then naturally like this explosion will appear and the impact created by them will also be very powerful.

Some of those Warriors were unable to stabilize their condition and with that they also got sent flying but fortunately those medical teams already healed everyone of them once again and with that those Warriors once again joined the battlefield. The good thing was that because other than those planetary grade Monsters most of them already got injured by the previous attack from Sam and the others so killing them right now did not taking that much time and with that they already killed half of those remaining Monsters and also because of this you can say those fighters get the time to fight with those dark humans and those abyss humans.

With that, those dark humans and those Abyss humans even after joining the fight did not get the upper hand and naturally that was a good thing for everyone.

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